Posts categorized "Relationships"

How to not care what people think of you

Some people say that they don't care what people think. I truly mean it.

To care what anyone else thinks is to give them control over your life. It also adds layers of confusion into your thinking. One person might react this way, another that way.

How can you be sure what to do or say? How can you even know what anyone is thinking or if they are even thinking of you at all?

Better to care what you think and believe about yourself.

  • Am I being loving?
  • Generous?
  • Forgiving?
  • Honest?
  • Am I willing to tell a necessary truth?
  • Am I fighting for a better future for my children and grandchildren?
  • Am I creating value at work and doing the job I am paid to do?
  • Am I fair to everyone, even my enemies?
  • Do I see myself as an equal to all brothers and sisters?
  • Do I generally want to make people feel good and set them free?
  • Do I feel good and am I happy?
  • Am I in a state of internal peace?

When I can answer those questions to my satisfaction, I don't care how anyone else reacts to me.

Your thoughts and reactions are about you, while I am free. I am good. I welcome anyone and everyone with open arms if there is respect going both ways.

But if you are the kind of person who cares what people's what I do think of you: if you seek these types of positive ideals, you have my admiration! To the extent that you fall short in terms of basic human values, I hope and pray for a change of heart. What are you doing with your life? You aren't shining your truth. You can do so much better, and your life could be wonderful. As it is, I don't think you are happy. You are suffering.

Now stop caring what I think and fix that. You are capable of healing yourself and fixing your world in love, truth, and freedom. The real truth about you is that you were born perfect and remain so. 

What is real is eternal

“How simple is salvation! All it says is what was never true is not true now, and never will be. The impossible has not occurred, and can have no effects. And that is all.”

-A Course in Miracles

Fear is the belief that something real can be lost. The compulsive urge to hold onto situations, things, or people is confusion about reality.

That which can be changed, lost, or threatened was never real to begin with. Similarly, that which is true cannot be made untrue.

The peace of God is this deeper recognition of reality. The idea of losing our status, losing a job, losing our physical health—even losing a loved one—is what keeps us up at night. That urge to hold on—it is what drives us to push through a waking life devoid of joy, pleasure, and beauty.

The problem is that everything in physical form, in the realm of our senses, in the field of matter—it all changes. Maybe slowly, maybe suddenly, but the truth is it will leave us eventually.

Salvation is the ability to accept what is real.

Your creativity is the source of value. This is what generates abundance in every situation (not one particular job). Love and connection between souls is the ultimate truth (not one particular relationship). Stay aware of what is real.

Reality is consciousness, awareness itself. It is the energy of life, the unchanging laws of nature. Love is the whole truth. This all means the same thing.

Fear, frustration, boredom, anger—all negative emotions are caused by confusion over reality. To shift focus on reality and to always forgive non-reality is to find that state of ongoing joy and perfect love, absent of fear.

We are powerless against truth / reality. All power is found in the embrace of it and the rejection of all that is false.

This is spiritual awakening, the death of the ego. Herein lies everything we truly want and truly are. What is real is eternal.

What is real is eternal.

The Egoless.Love video course; everything you need to be happy in your romantic relationship

If you are not happy in your relationship or marriage, I have something really exciting for you. I am currently putting together a video course called Egoless.Love. It is an in-depth video series that teaches everything you need to build a loving, joyful, fun relationship that cannot break. 

Maybe you aren't being treated fairly in your relationship. You feel controlled and manipulated, or your partner isn't trying hard enough. Maybe there's resentment, not enough sex, too much arguing and fighting, not enough honest communication or fun. It really doesn't have to be this way. Don't give up on your relationship just yet.

It isn't that you don't love your partner. The problem is that the world has been teaching us the wrong way to love. There is a better way to do relationships so that the love never dies, you are both happy, there's nothing to argue about, and everything is always good. 7 years ago, my wife and I discovered this radically different and better way to do relationships. Now we're teaching all the lessons and leave nothing out. 

In the course, you will learn about the destructive force of ego in your relationship. You will have a chance to look at how we are taught to use guilt and attack to change people (and it this never works). You will enjoy a workshop to learn the skill of non-violent communication. You will find out how to be honest and want honesty and openness in your relationship. You will even be freed from the grip of sexual jealousy. You will learn to love yourself and find lasting inner peace. 

The course also includes in-depth teaching on topics of identity and spirituality. You will overcome the fear-based, destructive ego-identity by shifting to the true thought system of perfect love. I will also teach present moment awareness, how to observe the voice in the head, and how to gain control over negative emotions.

The most exciting part is that Egoless.Love is fail-proof. If you apply the lessons, the outcome will be perfect love and joy in your relationships. The course is coming very soon.

On setting rules & boundaries

Setting a rule or making anything taboo is asking another person to lie to you. Do you value knowing or not knowing? If you value knowing, then don't make knowing impossible by setting limits on truth.

In all areas of life, it is the lack of both honesty and unconditional acceptance that causes suffering. You cannot claim to want the truth and not choose unconditional acceptance--which is simply a decision for truth everywhere.

Lies will suffocate any relationship; causing mistrust, resentment, distance and loneliness. Being limited by someone else's demands—because you are afraid of what might happen, or because you want to protect someone else's feelings—also feels lousy and is completely unnecessary. 

There is nothing wrong with you and, therefore, there is nothing wrong with telling your truth and living it. Same goes for your loved ones. If you love them, let them be who they are.

When there is perfect honesty combined with love, all issues can be dealt with and worked through. As you truly communicate, that blissful, energetic feeling of love will be kept alive. You will be blessed with an open heart and mind. Youthful energy will flow through you at any age. If this is what you want, unconditional love is the only way.

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