Posts categorized "Political"

When life comes to a point that a relationship or situation isn’t working—when it has become so toxic that it becomes impossible to go on—crisis ensues, and dramatic change is required. The challenge, in such a situation, is that our survival instinct tells us to continue holding on to the old situation. We tell ourselves to “try to make it work for just a little while longer. Maybe it will get better. It’s not the bad.”

Yet, by refusing to look squarely at the truth of a toxic situation, by resisting the necessary change, things only get worse. Suffering continues to escalate. Fear. Stress. It is like trying to hold back a dam that is breaking. Eventually it becomes impossible, and we are swept away in the flood of reality.

We are all in a terrible situation; a toxic relationship with the systems that govern our societies and with the people behind them who have been committing atrocities. We have been muzzled, threatened, and made to constantly fear, for two years, over a common cold. We are robbed through taxes that are used only to enrich the very same people in charge. We are censored. We are always worrying about money while those in charge print as much as they want for themselves.

They offer us only crap entertainment and miseducation, combined with medicine and food that make us sick—all while the system they put into place is slowly destroying the beautiful natural world we enjoy and depend upon. We know that drastic change is required. What we didn’t know is that it is coming.

The days ahead will shock anyone who hasn’t already awakened to what’s going on behind the scenes. The whole system is coming down. In it’s place, a new world is being offered to those of us who accept it. So many credible sources (the ones who have gotten every other “conspiracy” right again and again) have confirmed that it is a world with debt forgiveness, no income tax, prosperity for all, freedom and honesty, as well as an incorruptible financial system. It is a world of free energy, health care that heals—a great unleashing of all the technologies that those who have abused us have been holding back.

Prepare to encounter the unimaginable. Just when you think it is all over, it all begins. Facing the truth about things isn’t easy for any of us, but now there is no other choice. My awakening started after 9/11, and I have lived the past 20 years in a world that I have seen for what it is. All the while, I have known how completely wrong, sick, dishonest and evil the whole system is. I never dreamed of seeing the day when it all changes.

I don’t believe the new world will be perfect. Of course not, that’s not what this life is. Life is always going to be filled with enormous challenges, worries, ups and downs, but that’s what we are here for. But in the new world, we will be free to grow, to explore, to experience life as free people (rather than as slaves).

While I know this is a difficult time, which will only become unimaginably more so in an instant, I also know that this was a war that had to be waged. There was no path forward in the direction we were headed. We can be eternally grateful for the good guys who have just about completed the process of flipping the world, saving our lives from one of slavery, despair, or worse.

When the big events start happening, try to embrace it. Accept it rather than resisting. Let everything go that wasn’t really working before. Trust. Want truth. Want freedom. Know that love always prevails and, no matter what, live in and enjoy the present moment—where you are eternally safe and joyful no matter what happens in the world.

How to escape the system and become free

I believe that almost every adult now knows, on some level, that something is wrong with the world. Are we meant to spend our lives worrying, feeling guilty, desperately trying to find meaning and happiness within the endless routine of wake, work, eat, sleep?

For our entire lives, we have coped with a system that works against us on every level. We believed what we were told and did what we were supposed to. We worked as hard as we could and tried our best. We waited for our dreams to come true. Looking back, the promises of our parents, teachers, media, and all of society have not materialized.

A growing number of us now see that we have been enslaved by this system that squeezes us with the concepts of money, taxes, laws, and rules. The more we sacrifice and comply, the more they throw at us. Despite what we are told, this isn’t how life has to be.

We have been controlled by the thought system of ego—the world’s thought system. When we believe it is real, and see no other reality beyond ego, we have no chance to escape or end this dark system of control. It doesn’t matter whether you obey it or fight it, if you stay within the thought system of ego, you will lose.

To escape ego, we need to first look at it. The underpinning of ego is fear, which takes many forms (worry, jealousy, anger, guilt, and all other negative emotions). To make any of this real without seeing the higher truth is to remain in the prison of ego. There is another way.

Ego is also the belief in time. We limit ourselves by our faith in lessons and identities of the past. We also place hope and faith in the future, but a different future cannot arrive as we hold onto the past. Only in the present moment can anything happen or change. The embrace of the present moment is something the ego cannot do. For most people, now barely matters—and this sad state of existence goes on until death. Return to now this moment and know that it is all that is real.

Ego is also all the normal behaviors: interfering, judging, attacking, getting offended, acting superior, competing, and so on. Everything considered normal in this world is ego. When we try to conform, when we worry about the opinions of others, we make ego real and decide against freedom.

Ego is our prison, not our natural state. It has been artificially created and maintained by our rulers over thousands of years. We try to find freedom, happiness, success—everything our soul desires—within the system. But it is not possible to become free by staying in prison.

The good news is that the system is falling apart. While it looks more powerful than ever, the truth is that what we are seeing is the final act of desperation by those trying to maintain their position of control. They are desperate because so many of us are awakening to reality beyond the system, beyond ego. They have lost control.

We now see the insanity of ego and are becoming aware of ourselves as consciousness, love, freedom, truth. From this perspective, we are not afraid. We have withdrawn our attention from much of what goes on within the control system. We do not comply whenever possible. Most importantly, we speak the truth no matter what.

This is what I have been talking about and writing about for all these years—the path toward freedom, ongoing joy, truth, perfect love. You will never change anything about your life or about the world from within the thought system of ego. But begin to understand the higher truth, the true reality beyond the limitations of the mind, and everything changes for you.

In the coming days, weeks, and months, we will all watch the controlled demolition of the entire system of ego control. It will be an unimaginably fearful time for those who do not know what is really happening. Those who know the truth—we will have a big job ahead.

Starting now, we will begin to live as limitless beings in a world where anything is possible as long as it doesn’t infringe upon the freedom of others. A world where our best selves will emerge, where we will create, help others, never worry about money or anything else, never bow down to jealousy, and never submit to ruthless leaders and their systems. The old system cannot continue, and a new, incorruptible system will be put into place. Too many of us have awakened. Their time is up, and their game no longer works. The meek have inherited the earth.

We go forward in total humility. We go beyond ego. We align our minds to the truth and wisdom of consciousness; thus becoming sane. Reality is now a state of ongoing joy, in this life and beyond. All we need to do is embrace perfect love, freedom, and the truth.

This is the end of ego—the final moments of a world run by fear, attack, dishonesty, and sacrifice

Now is not the time for cheating, lying, stealing, or for any form of corruption. This is a global sting operation. All crimes are already known, and justice is being served to anyone who fails to correct wrongs immediately.

The world’s rich and powerful—most of whom assumed that status through criminal wrongdoing—are falling like dominos. Corrupted corporate executives are resigning. Ill-gotten and corrupting wealth is being seized. Those involved in human trafficking, child pornography, drug trafficking and other illicit activities are being busted by the dozens each day.

Behind the scenes, the dark institutions of human misery and slavery—including the Catholic Church, the Crown, The Chinese Communist Party, the Central Banks, the Corporations behind Washington D.C and the City of London—have already been secretly dealt with. All part of the sting operation that is being executed. This panicked state of the world is the desperate last gasp of those who are in serious trouble, but their fate is certain.

Quantum technology is tracking the movement of money, even cash. Communication is being monitored everywhere. We are awakening to a future where nobody gets away with anything that harms or robs another sacred human being. The systems are in place, behind the desperate corporate media vail of lies…a media that is about to come crashing down along with pharma and the whole rotten system.

We awaken to a world where our freedoms are no longer being violated. Our income will no longer be stolen by a criminal government through income tax. Institutions will no longer ruin lives for the sake of amassing obscene profits. Criminal mafias will no longer prey on the helpless. Central bankers will no longer create money out of thin air while diluting whatever small amount of hard-earned wealth we manage to scrape together.

This is the end of ego—the final moments of a world run by fear, attack, dishonesty, and sacrifice. Now the good guys begin to win. The meek inherit the earth. It is a law of nature that all lies are eventually revealed, and now is that moment. Our last chance to align with love, honesty, and freedom. Come out of the dark. Correct any errors. Choose the path of honesty. Honor one another and serve by creating value and beauty. Know that, as justice finally triumphs, we will live in safety and joy.   

All authority is within

When the government tries to help some, unhealthy dependencies are created. When it ignores others, victim identity takes hold. No external authority can do what we must do for ourselves.

The real authorities are not representatives of any government or institution. These so-called authorities are merely creators of challenges, perpetuators of misery, and obstacles to happiness and freedom. We must—upon our own authority—overcome these obstacles.

We are the authorities. We are divine beings connected through the one consciousness. Herein lies all truth, beauty and power. No matter the threats and limitations are thrusted upon us by systems of violence, nothing can take away our ability to think freely, to speak the truth, and to do as we choose so long as it is loving.

Love trumps false authority. Love sets us free. Perfect honesty trumps propaganda. Deep human connections are beyond external interference. Self-love is unstoppable. No authority lies in the external world. This is the dimension of problems and challenges; not power. All power is wholly alive within.

This message is literal, not theoretical. You want something to change in your life? Make it happen. Prosperity comes from serving and creating value for others. Safety comes from extending only love and never violence or attack. Happiness comes from disidentification from ego. Health comes from eliminating fear and stress. A true spiritual practice of purification and healing is required for any of this to become your reality.

No institution of external authority is going to do a damn thing to help you with anything. All authority to change anything lies within—but only by successfully transcending ego to identify as consciousness.

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Our tendency to trust authority is the crux of the problem

There is no “our side” which is good and another which is bad. It isn’t about my beliefs, my country, or my political party vs. yours because this way of thinking has gotten us into such a horrible mess.

As soon as we come to believe that “our side” is good, we put our faith in the inherently false identity of the group, movement, or institution while our real identity is elsewhere. When trust is misplaced, central authority invariably abuses our faith and harms everyone for their perceived benefit.


When one movement becomes so abusive that we can no longer deny it, we flock to another. In time, that movement also becomes abusive, so we move to yet another. As time goes on, the cycle of abuse and corruption only worsens.

I do not believe in any ideology, science, religion, source of information, politician, country, movement, or institution. Everything in this world is a mess of confusion which only seems to take on the meaning that we give it.

Yet still, apart from all the sickness and confusion, there is a way of seeing that heals everything. When we go beyond mere faith to total alignment with perfect love, honesty, and freedom, we instantly transcend all the problems of the world. If something is loving, honest, and supports freedom, then it is right and good. If not, I will not give it any attention and will not comply. No exceptions.

In a world that is thusly healed, all power is withdrawn from external authority and is shifted within. Each person alive is a divine expression of the force of life, itself, and no external force of darkness will ever diminish our power—our identity as love, truth, and freedom.

It's all theater


Fake election. Fake President. Fake news. Fake pandemic. Fake laws. Fake money. Fake medicine. Fake history. Fake education. Fake religion. Fake authority. Fake friendships. Fake celebrities. Fake status. Fake love. Fake truth. We see it. We know it.

The Great Awakening is the mass recognition of the illusions, lies, deceit everywhere it exists—and the simultaneous full embrace of truth. We are witnessing the death of ego and the dawn of a new world where dishonesty is inconceivable, freedom is complete, and perfect love is our only thought system.

Our oppressors have lost control. We have awakened to the divine reality—which is and always has been love, freedom, honesty, beauty, perfect health, inspiration, compassion, fairness, acceptance, consciousness, God (all words pointing to the one reality that has been obscured by fakeness and unrecognized in confusion).

The moment you know this message to be true is the moment that all the fakeness fades away for you and your real life begins. Many of us have been living in this state already for a long time. I never thought I would live to see this death of ego, end times, this awakening to reality, this mass recognition that there is no reason to continue playing the fake game, which is almost over.

I do not hate the people who are abusing us. I know that they are sick, unwell, and need healing.

The ones orchestrating this massive fraud on the world are so sick and confused that they believe people like you and me are no better than animals to be used, exploited, and thrown away without any consideration. They believe that enslaving us is what will make them happy.

Everything about their confused thought system is impossible. Human beings are not a crop to be exploited; rather, we are sacred, divine beings in perfect alignment with love, beauty, truth, and freedom. How frustrating it must be for them when the look at all the awakened, sane, loving, creative, beautiful people and realize that their entire belief system is incorrect.

And how miserable they must be in their isolated luxury. So unfree and controlled by it. It must feel so burdensome just to keep this all going. They need so many distractions and sources of stimulation just to bear the weight of it all. Nothing about their lives is real. What a truly sad state of existence it must be.

Then consider the countless sad, confused people following their orders—believing that something could be gained through blind obedience to the world’s insanity. Their belief in the whole corrupted system of exploitation is so unquestioned that—just to stay in school, to maintain a lousy job, to hold onto a bit of fame, to maintain status or even hope—they choose not to think freely, not to express their originality, not to do as they please, not to learn about everything, not to try new things. How tragic and sad.

The truth is, everything that the unwell are holding onto is what must be let go of for their happiness to become possible. The truly happy, joyful, blessed are the ones who know that freedom is what we are, truth is as essential as the air we breathe, and that everything we want is found only in love.

So, no, I do not hate those who self-identify as and act as my enemy. Since they have no power over me, they are not my enemy at all. I see that they are sick and confused. They are lost. I do not want revenge or even punishment. What I do want is healing. A recognition of reality. A letting go of these thought systems of sickness and all that it has made.

Right now  you are not guilty of anything at all. (1)

The whole system is about to come crashing down

When it does, it will feel like everything we are clinging to is being painfully ripped away. All our plans, goals—all that we are striving for in our lives gone in an instant.

It must go because it was all a lie. Illusion is always temporary, or it wouldn’t be illusion. This society was an illusion. Money was only debt to enslave us. The government’s job was to oppress. The food was designed to make us fat, sick, and miserable. The medicines were designed to make us even sicker. The media intended to cause mental illness, destroy our relationships, and confuse us.

As it all comes crashing down, we will finally see the indescribably evil people who have been intentionally doing this to us for generations. Contrary to how we have been explaining it to ourselves, we will understand that this was never just about profit. If it were, why was the product so bad? Why the censorship? Why the shutting down of everything? The past year and a half prove that it was never just about profit.

Why did they do it? Because there is a small group of very sick people who see the rest of us as animals to be used up and exploited. I am not trying to convince you of anything, but this is what will be known. Knowledge is never something you can be convinced of anyway. Knowledge is either complete or it is not knowledge. Anything short of knowledge is confusion and uncertainty. Doing and experiencing is the only way to know.

As we experience this crash, we can find comfort in knowing that only what is unreal is crashing. Only what is false can ever be lost. All lies are always eventually exposed. This is an eternal law of reality. The moment of truth is always only a question of time, and time eventually wears us down until truth becomes the only option.

This time, we will not allow them to offer us more false cures—which have always resulted in less for us and obscene luxuries for them. No more false promises. No more lies. No more money printing. No more distractions. This time, we know. We see.

Thankfully, the destruction of the system of sickness and destruction is a controlled demolition. Pain will be minimized, but crisis is always painful and nothing short of crisis can end this. When this storm passes and this dark era fades, politicians will begin to do their best to serve us. Criminals will be arrested. Money will be based on real value. Content creators and artists will inspire joy. Education will lead to knowledge. Love and truth will prevail and will ultimately endure for eternity. This is reality, and reality is always beyond threat.

We should not expect ourselves to enjoy this ride. Crisis is not Christmas. But living in truth, honesty, and reality is the only way to live. In the end, everything is going to be wonderful.

Biden, Johnson, and Morrison announce Aukus: what's really going on?

The Deep State Cabal is falling. Yesterday's joint session between the US President and the Prime Ministers of the UK and Australia must have come as a shock to all the corrupted players who have dealt with these world leaders over the past few years.

This is a worldwide sting operation on a massive scale. The people playing these three heads of state are undercover actors / agents working with the good guys to expose the depths of corruption within their respective countries. How do I know?

Everyone paying attention knows that the United States and Australia have been thoroughly compromised through Chinese (CCP) money and influence. They were hired to sell out their respective countries to the Globalists / Communists / China. They are doing the opposite. This is the end of a long military operation to uncover the full truth, identify the swamp, and drain it. 

We regular people don't realize it yet, but as of yesterday the whole rotten swamp knows that they have been exposed. A surprise military alliance between three countries that were supposed to have sold out to Communism? The bad guys know they have been played and are in serious trouble.

Their time is up. Only days remain as they run their tanks out of gas and find that they have nowhere to turn.