Posts categorized "Ethereum"

What is the Consciousness Revolution?

I searched Instagram for the following Tags and found 38,314,627 posts: #spiritual #spirituality #consciousness #awakening #meditation #enlightenment.

Something is happening here. More people than ever in human history are living in a state of spiritual awakening. This is a new phenomenon and the world is about to change in a profound way.

While consciousness is an inner state available to anyone who wants it in an instant, the Consciousness Revolution is a massive transformation of society. Today, we’re mostly just reading, talking, and starting to get to know each other—but the revolution happens when we form loving, harmonious relationships with the intention of doing things together. We will naturally create the tools, technologies, systems and infrastructure to facilitate and support this state of freedom and abundance we have discovered.

Humans, today, are not the final product. The Consciousness Revolution is the next stage of human evolution. Today, we obey a world ruled by the ego. While we have learned to live in an awakened state even in this world, our lives will be much more fulfilling and enjoyable after consciousness goes mainstream and social structures begin to reflect our awakened state. As of now, the world is still ruled by centralized systems and institutions. Humans continue to be conditioned, manipulated, and systematically exploited through the centralized power of the state and its legal system, corporations, schools, the media, churches. But a crack in this miserable world order has opened and the light is about to shine through.

The Consciousness Revolution involves the creation of decentralized systems connecting people—ending separation and setting us free to live in freedom and abundance on our own terms. These decentralized technologies are already being developed and used. The wide scale usage of blockchain technologies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies have shown that decentralization is possible. Many related startups, open source projects, and other collaborations are showing promise. One such example is the work of this author: a mobile app called “I am” by Infobeing ( which integrates all the infrastructure and tools needed to live in a decentralized state of freedom and abundance. The “I am” mobile app will be launched later this year. Who knows, it might even overtake Facebook.

Let’s enjoy this flowering of consciousness. Browsing these millions of inspired posts, connecting with beautiful people who are aligned in oneness—already perfect and complete. We know that it doesn’t really matter what happens in the world because the world isn’t real. Consciousness is what matters, not a revolution. We are not actually trying to change the world—or trying to do anything in particular. It’s just that, through us, heaven on Earth is about to emerge. We can just be ourselves, which is loving and creative. We are awake, we are fully-alive, and there is nothing to fear. We continue tomorrow and the day after that.

Paper Art by Zuzana Jurekova

No more waiting in line

Back when I grew up, Americans were taught the perils of Soviet Communism. We were outraged that people were forced to stand in line for hours due to shortages. Long lines are, indeed, an excellent symbol of a failing, centralized system. These days, the queues seem to be getting longer.

Centralization is the organization of society so that people must interact primarily with large organizations for survival. Today, we depend almost entirely upon institutions to earn a living, to buy what we need and want, for education, for entertainment, essentially for everything. When we do connect with other people, we do so through platforms controlled by large corporations who spy on us just as they advertise to us. At its best, centralization is a single point of failure, a bottleneck, a cause of scarcity, or a source of frustration. At its worst, centralization becomes an inhuman force to be feared.

The Blockchain Revolution, starting with Bitcoin and taken further with Ethereum and other decentralized technologies, is the breakthrough idea that centralization is no longer the only way to organize society. By removing a centralized server than can be breached or shut down, Blockchain technology is beyond the reach of centralized institutions. This changes everything.

We now have an opportunity to shift away from the centralization of power toward a model of decentralization—the organization of society so that people are at the center. How might a decentralized future look? Consider the idea behind a blockchain startup called “I am” by Infobeing, an Ethereum-based Decentralized Social App (DApp) for the mass-market. 

A true shift toward decentralization requires an efficient, systematic way of connecting people directly. This will be done on “I am” by describing who you are, what you want, and what you are doing in the form of structured sentences called “I am” Statements. Statements are stored in a decentralized database as follows:

I am [Verb] [Description] [Location] [Price].

Compatible Statements are matched. Users effortlessly meet the right people, form new relationships and business connections, they can even buy and sell stuff using cryptocurrency. “I am” reduces the need for people to rely so much on institutions. No matter what you want or what you are trying to do, you can do it by connecting directly with other people.

Decentralized platforms like “I am” have the potential to unlock human potential by creating a reality in which people are at the center. Institutions that survive will have to adapt to serving us (and not the other way around). If all goes well, this might mean the end of standing in line.

On November 23rd, 2017, the IAM Token will be introduced as the first cryptocurrency deriving its value directly from the unleashing of human potential. Find out more at
