Posts categorized "Current Affairs"

When life comes to a point that a relationship or situation isn’t working—when it has become so toxic that it becomes impossible to go on—crisis ensues, and dramatic change is required. The challenge, in such a situation, is that our survival instinct tells us to continue holding on to the old situation. We tell ourselves to “try to make it work for just a little while longer. Maybe it will get better. It’s not the bad.”

Yet, by refusing to look squarely at the truth of a toxic situation, by resisting the necessary change, things only get worse. Suffering continues to escalate. Fear. Stress. It is like trying to hold back a dam that is breaking. Eventually it becomes impossible, and we are swept away in the flood of reality.

We are all in a terrible situation; a toxic relationship with the systems that govern our societies and with the people behind them who have been committing atrocities. We have been muzzled, threatened, and made to constantly fear, for two years, over a common cold. We are robbed through taxes that are used only to enrich the very same people in charge. We are censored. We are always worrying about money while those in charge print as much as they want for themselves.

They offer us only crap entertainment and miseducation, combined with medicine and food that make us sick—all while the system they put into place is slowly destroying the beautiful natural world we enjoy and depend upon. We know that drastic change is required. What we didn’t know is that it is coming.

The days ahead will shock anyone who hasn’t already awakened to what’s going on behind the scenes. The whole system is coming down. In it’s place, a new world is being offered to those of us who accept it. So many credible sources (the ones who have gotten every other “conspiracy” right again and again) have confirmed that it is a world with debt forgiveness, no income tax, prosperity for all, freedom and honesty, as well as an incorruptible financial system. It is a world of free energy, health care that heals—a great unleashing of all the technologies that those who have abused us have been holding back.

Prepare to encounter the unimaginable. Just when you think it is all over, it all begins. Facing the truth about things isn’t easy for any of us, but now there is no other choice. My awakening started after 9/11, and I have lived the past 20 years in a world that I have seen for what it is. All the while, I have known how completely wrong, sick, dishonest and evil the whole system is. I never dreamed of seeing the day when it all changes.

I don’t believe the new world will be perfect. Of course not, that’s not what this life is. Life is always going to be filled with enormous challenges, worries, ups and downs, but that’s what we are here for. But in the new world, we will be free to grow, to explore, to experience life as free people (rather than as slaves).

While I know this is a difficult time, which will only become unimaginably more so in an instant, I also know that this was a war that had to be waged. There was no path forward in the direction we were headed. We can be eternally grateful for the good guys who have just about completed the process of flipping the world, saving our lives from one of slavery, despair, or worse.

When the big events start happening, try to embrace it. Accept it rather than resisting. Let everything go that wasn’t really working before. Trust. Want truth. Want freedom. Know that love always prevails and, no matter what, live in and enjoy the present moment—where you are eternally safe and joyful no matter what happens in the world.

Now feels so quiet, like everything is stuck

The march of time now stands still. The busyness of the world is losing itself in the stillness. Behind a seemingly familiar facade of smugness, the arguments and debates have actually ended. The carrots and sticks no longer command much of a reaction. Now it feels so quiet, like everything is stuck.

Now has come the end of the world as we knew it. A world that has already been gone for some time, despite our best attempts to make it real or to revive it. Now the old, insane logic is not understood. Frustrated and confused, most people now are very quiet and in hiding.

The ones still talking and living are the ones who have learned the mandatory lesson of letting it go. One by one, the others will follow; for they have nowhere else left to go. If not before, then after that single moment when the next world is born.

And as it emerges, we lose our faith in lies. We have money that is real and fair. We find time in our days for fun and beauty. No more wars. Toxicity everywhere is removed. The lessons of healing are provided. The technologies are introduced.

With the emergence of perfect love, total honesty, and respect for liberty and freedom; ego fades. Along with it that feeling of suffering, anxiety, and fear is forgotten.

More of us will open our hearts and minds. We will try things, experience life, and create. We will help and serve one another. We will trust. And as beautiful as the new world will be, we will know not to cling to it but to let it go when our time comes. For we will know that we have always been eternal consciousness, beyond threat, lacking nothing in any dimension.

Now feels so

This is the end of ego—the final moments of a world run by fear, attack, dishonesty, and sacrifice

Now is not the time for cheating, lying, stealing, or for any form of corruption. This is a global sting operation. All crimes are already known, and justice is being served to anyone who fails to correct wrongs immediately.

The world’s rich and powerful—most of whom assumed that status through criminal wrongdoing—are falling like dominos. Corrupted corporate executives are resigning. Ill-gotten and corrupting wealth is being seized. Those involved in human trafficking, child pornography, drug trafficking and other illicit activities are being busted by the dozens each day.

Behind the scenes, the dark institutions of human misery and slavery—including the Catholic Church, the Crown, The Chinese Communist Party, the Central Banks, the Corporations behind Washington D.C and the City of London—have already been secretly dealt with. All part of the sting operation that is being executed. This panicked state of the world is the desperate last gasp of those who are in serious trouble, but their fate is certain.

Quantum technology is tracking the movement of money, even cash. Communication is being monitored everywhere. We are awakening to a future where nobody gets away with anything that harms or robs another sacred human being. The systems are in place, behind the desperate corporate media vail of lies…a media that is about to come crashing down along with pharma and the whole rotten system.

We awaken to a world where our freedoms are no longer being violated. Our income will no longer be stolen by a criminal government through income tax. Institutions will no longer ruin lives for the sake of amassing obscene profits. Criminal mafias will no longer prey on the helpless. Central bankers will no longer create money out of thin air while diluting whatever small amount of hard-earned wealth we manage to scrape together.

This is the end of ego—the final moments of a world run by fear, attack, dishonesty, and sacrifice. Now the good guys begin to win. The meek inherit the earth. It is a law of nature that all lies are eventually revealed, and now is that moment. Our last chance to align with love, honesty, and freedom. Come out of the dark. Correct any errors. Choose the path of honesty. Honor one another and serve by creating value and beauty. Know that, as justice finally triumphs, we will live in safety and joy.   

Have we reached the end of political ideology?

Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Progressivism, Capitalism; none of these political ideologies contain a real solution. These are all ideas which, in practice, have always led to abuse by centralized authorities imposing tyranny on the people.

Each political ideology has its own story about the bad guy. On the left, the thinking goes that we are exploited by greedy corporations. Their solution, however, is to use an iron fist to control business, stifle the economy, and unfairly tax those who have benefited by creating value. The left generates so much bureaucracy and friction that people are unable to work and do business in freedom.

On the right, the thinking goes that the problem is big government and immorality. In truth, corporations and religious institutions have historically corrupted government and, together, they have imposed an only slightly different form of tyranny on the population.

No matter the political ideology, the problem is that we, the people, have always been forced into compliance—and we have never consented to any of it. Centralized institutions have abused the population for far too long; distracting us by making us think it is about ideology when, in fact, it has always been the same few bloodlines behind the scenes controlling the whole system of oppression and exploitation.

Tyranny is the darkness that occurs when we allow institutions to ignore the liberty inherent in every human life. Through reward and punishment, their agenda is brutally imposed upon the people without our consent.

Yet we, has divine beings, were born free as life, itself. We are the property of no nation or institution. It is self-evident that we are our own authority, so long as we respect the personal liberty of our brothers and sisters.

If there are those who have become rich and powerful through wrongdoing, let a legitimate government seize their wealth (not tax it) and distribute it to the population. Let the financial system be fair, technology be used for good. Let all the world unite under an anti-authoritarian value system. Let abundance flourish. Let sanity be restored. Let freedom reign.

The revolution happens, in each of our lives, the moment we take back our own divine liberty and claim our own authority over all external forms of tyranny. This is the Great Awakening and it is here.


The birth of new life (by Daniëlle Stotijn)

Difficult moments and periods in your life are an opportunity to give space to the expansion and development of who you are.
A process that you go through at different moments in your life.
And that we are going through together in the Great Awakening right now.

Like a coat that has become too small.
Like an eggshell bursting to make room for growth.
Like a birth, through a channel that restricts, the deep primal force drives and stimulates new life.
On the movement of contraction, the divine life force pushes the soul towards the next cycle.
To a new life and a new phase.

Thus this force of energy pushes against the lid of the matrix that held back the consciousness of man.
The primal force of our consciousness is now too strong.
Pure creation power can be felt in the energy right now.
The light finds its way.
The dark loses its power.
The lid shifts and the contraction sets in.
The birth is about to begin.

The lid that kept humans trapped in a Mind structure of false illusions, thoughts and beliefs about themselves and the truth around them and a Physical structure of stressful work hours, contracts, debts and obligations and toxic habits.
That lid held in between a reservoir of accumulated negative, heavy emotions from generations of pain and fear.
Not only will the pain surface from your own life, but from family lines of unhealed junk that has been deliberately suppressed here and kept in the collective subconscious of the human magnetic field.
Fear and pain weaken humans and leave you living in a permanent state of survival and stress.
A norm that is socially accepted and causes confusion, dependence and illness.

Generations of emotionally traumatized people projected the same inability and thus the same pain and habits of neglect, suppression and rejection of one's emotions and thus of one's own soul.
Conditioned to carry and hide fear, guilt and shame.
For fear of not being accepted but cursed and banned to end up alone somewhere, they walked chained in step as prisoner citizens.
If you don't learn to listen to yourself.
If you don't learn to be.
Who are you then?
Who do you listen to then?
Who then tells you what is good and where to go?

Lost and directionless, man followed the leaders of the world in religion, politics and royal government.
Disconnected from the connection with the soul, connection and lifeline with Spirit, the life force of love; God.
The connection with the great Self, the true self through the spiritual and physical umbilical cord.
When both are cut, man is at the mercy of an existence from only his little ego self.
A vulnerable and insecure linear creature that is missing half of its human design:
Its emotional and spiritual core.

The birth of strong old souls with a connection to Spirit that was so strong that no outside influence could break its connection now causes the lid to shift.

Consciousness is so strong and so widely supported now that the collective collectively provides the counterforce that breaks the power.

Reality tilts
The evolution starts:
From dark to light.
From unconscious to conscious.
From ego to Spirit.
From me alone to us together.
From unconscious and incompetent human beings to being conscious and competent human beings and souls.
From dependent to autonomous
From weak and sick to strong and healthy
From directionless to evolution and meaning
From matrix to heaven
From prison to freedom.

The birth has started.
The contractions begin.

A period of unrest in your life that you have to go through alone, but which we go through together and which connects us in our humanity and as an old soul in our consciousness.
All the time
You are not alone and at the same time you experience only that which presents itself in your reality and consciousness.
You are a sum of your family DNA from the mental and physical patterns you inherited through your mother's umbilical cord and your spiritual DNA from the soul patterns you inherited through Spirit's umbilical cord.
You are complete.

And through those two lines you experience the life force, the God as it only flows through you and can be experienced by you.
Surrender to it.

Support yourself in the difficult labor to come by understanding the in-breath and out-breath of soul work.

On the inhale you experience whatever arises; give it space, feel it fully, notice emotions, judgments and resistance and let them all go.
Relax on the exhale, release and remember your greater vision, the light at the end of the tunnel.
The light of new life, a new phase, a new existence.

In this process, look for a form of expression that soothes you in feeling, experiencing, processing and letting go of everything that presents itself.
Clean yourself inside and out.
Make way for new life.
Surrender to the contraction.
Feel how the energy supports, awakens and forces you to occupy yourself with just this.
A birth does not take time or agenda into account.
Life happens.
God is.
You are.

So when the waves of frustration, sadness and powerlessness wash through you, surrender yourself completely; let the wave run its course, become a loving container for it; trust it will pass.

While you empty yourself by feeling, crying, writing, maybe drawing, painting, dancing or singing, it slowly becomes quiet inside and peace, gratitude and connection return by itself.

This simple practice of being here now, fully embracing what it means to be human and soul, sometimes costs all we have.
However, the reward is satisfying.
Lighter, higher, more consciously, your person and soul will continue to grow to where you are taken.

That's evolution
A new beginning

by Daniëlle Stotijn

Our tendency to trust authority is the crux of the problem

There is no “our side” which is good and another which is bad. It isn’t about my beliefs, my country, or my political party vs. yours because this way of thinking has gotten us into such a horrible mess.

As soon as we come to believe that “our side” is good, we put our faith in the inherently false identity of the group, movement, or institution while our real identity is elsewhere. When trust is misplaced, central authority invariably abuses our faith and harms everyone for their perceived benefit.


When one movement becomes so abusive that we can no longer deny it, we flock to another. In time, that movement also becomes abusive, so we move to yet another. As time goes on, the cycle of abuse and corruption only worsens.

I do not believe in any ideology, science, religion, source of information, politician, country, movement, or institution. Everything in this world is a mess of confusion which only seems to take on the meaning that we give it.

Yet still, apart from all the sickness and confusion, there is a way of seeing that heals everything. When we go beyond mere faith to total alignment with perfect love, honesty, and freedom, we instantly transcend all the problems of the world. If something is loving, honest, and supports freedom, then it is right and good. If not, I will not give it any attention and will not comply. No exceptions.

In a world that is thusly healed, all power is withdrawn from external authority and is shifted within. Each person alive is a divine expression of the force of life, itself, and no external force of darkness will ever diminish our power—our identity as love, truth, and freedom.

It's all theater


Fake election. Fake President. Fake news. Fake pandemic. Fake laws. Fake money. Fake medicine. Fake history. Fake education. Fake religion. Fake authority. Fake friendships. Fake celebrities. Fake status. Fake love. Fake truth. We see it. We know it.

The Great Awakening is the mass recognition of the illusions, lies, deceit everywhere it exists—and the simultaneous full embrace of truth. We are witnessing the death of ego and the dawn of a new world where dishonesty is inconceivable, freedom is complete, and perfect love is our only thought system.

Our oppressors have lost control. We have awakened to the divine reality—which is and always has been love, freedom, honesty, beauty, perfect health, inspiration, compassion, fairness, acceptance, consciousness, God (all words pointing to the one reality that has been obscured by fakeness and unrecognized in confusion).

The moment you know this message to be true is the moment that all the fakeness fades away for you and your real life begins. Many of us have been living in this state already for a long time. I never thought I would live to see this death of ego, end times, this awakening to reality, this mass recognition that there is no reason to continue playing the fake game, which is almost over.

I do not hate the people who are abusing us. I know that they are sick, unwell, and need healing.

The ones orchestrating this massive fraud on the world are so sick and confused that they believe people like you and me are no better than animals to be used, exploited, and thrown away without any consideration. They believe that enslaving us is what will make them happy.

Everything about their confused thought system is impossible. Human beings are not a crop to be exploited; rather, we are sacred, divine beings in perfect alignment with love, beauty, truth, and freedom. How frustrating it must be for them when the look at all the awakened, sane, loving, creative, beautiful people and realize that their entire belief system is incorrect.

And how miserable they must be in their isolated luxury. So unfree and controlled by it. It must feel so burdensome just to keep this all going. They need so many distractions and sources of stimulation just to bear the weight of it all. Nothing about their lives is real. What a truly sad state of existence it must be.

Then consider the countless sad, confused people following their orders—believing that something could be gained through blind obedience to the world’s insanity. Their belief in the whole corrupted system of exploitation is so unquestioned that—just to stay in school, to maintain a lousy job, to hold onto a bit of fame, to maintain status or even hope—they choose not to think freely, not to express their originality, not to do as they please, not to learn about everything, not to try new things. How tragic and sad.

The truth is, everything that the unwell are holding onto is what must be let go of for their happiness to become possible. The truly happy, joyful, blessed are the ones who know that freedom is what we are, truth is as essential as the air we breathe, and that everything we want is found only in love.

So, no, I do not hate those who self-identify as and act as my enemy. Since they have no power over me, they are not my enemy at all. I see that they are sick and confused. They are lost. I do not want revenge or even punishment. What I do want is healing. A recognition of reality. A letting go of these thought systems of sickness and all that it has made.

Right now  you are not guilty of anything at all. (1)