Posts categorized "Current Affairs"
The financial crash, the RV, XRP Ripple, Stellar XLM, and how you will weather the financial storm!
With Basel IV in place, the central banks are no longer allowed to create money out of thin air. Now money must be backed by assets. The BRICS+ countries are already close to rolling out asset-backed digital currency; whereby the Ruble, the Real, Yuan, etc. is backed by a specific amount of gold. This is where we are all heading, eventually.
But in the short term, the corrupted Western power structure in Europe and North American are desperately trying to fight back. Terrified of a fair, level financial playing field, they are rapidly working to roll out their own Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). These are not backed by assets; rather, backed by nothing (just like the Dollar, Euro, and other central bank currencies are today).
They are going to try to eliminate cash as an attempt to completely control every aspect of our lives and turn us into slaves (which is always their goal).
What are we supposed to do if we live in the US or a European country when this happens? When this happens, you will have a choice. Do you want to use a gold-backed currency or a fiat, ponzi-scheme currency...or put your money elsewhere?
Another critical piece of info: the cryptocurrencies XRP and XLM are the backbone to the asset-backed Quantum Financial System being rolled out by the BRICS+ countries. Combined with a bunch of other decentralized technologies, this asset-backed financial system will be uncorruptible and fully transparent.
The perfect storm. One financial system backed by real assets. The other, fully illusory. Which one do you think will have value? Where would you put your money?
Because it is the backbone of the new financial system, the value of XRP and XLM are going to skyrocket. Get your LOBSTR wallet set up to buy Stellar Lumens (XLM). Or buy some XRP. Buy these digital assets now, to extent you can afford it. As the value of Dollars and Euros go into free-fall, the price of XRP and XLM will soar. You will be very rich.
At some point, basically every country will switch to the QFS. What happens between now and then is the re-evaluation (RV). Don't take my word for it. You can learn from Charlie Ward, Quantum Stellar Initiative, WhipLash347 and many others who know. Do your own research. Just don't cling to the past, believing the lies, are you will get left behind.
The world cannot change until we awaken
We can hope and wait for justice, for the truth to be revealed—for a better world of abundance, beauty, fairness, and health. We want it now. Yet we continue to wait because most people are not ready.
Even if all the wonderful promises of NESARA / GESARA were instantly made real now, little would change unless we change. Humanity must awaken or we will continue to be fooled again and again.
If we do not first understand health, we will continue to poison our bodies with sugar and processed foods. We will continue taking the poisons we are told are medicine. We will continue listening to doctors while ignoring how we feel.
If we do not first understand Hollywood, the media, and the music industry, we will continue consuming content designed to confuse us, dumb us down, and program our thought patterns against our own wellbeing.
If we do not first know our values and what we stand for, we will one day again be fooled by tyrants who scare us and then promise safety.
If we do not first understand love, we will continue doing relationships in a way that causes suffering, breaks families, and robs us of joy.
This awakening is the undoing of ego—a simple, 3-letter word describing all the ways we have been programmed and conditioned to think and behave; a state of being that pulls us further from everything we most deeply want.
Ego is the belief that your identity is found in your gender identification, your race, your social status, your wealth, your looks, the neighborhood you live in, or any other external idol. The ego has you obey external (so-called) authority while drowning out the inner voice of intuition and truth. The ego causes such a deep hole inside that you endlessly attempt to fill it with junk food, junk entertainment, shopping, arguments and drama, drugs, or sex. The ego tells you that who you are is who you were yesterday, but that your happiness is out there in the future if situation x, y, or z happen.
The ego is paralysis and death. Sickness and exhaustion. It is a roller-coaster of fear and hope. Ups and downs. Promises that never come true. Pursuits that never lead to lasting happiness.
Connect the dots. See the truth in the world. Deeply know the reality within. Feel the energy of life, which is love, which is what you are. In this state of being, perfect joy and peace exist now. Fear is absent. Health is the normal state. Healing is what your body does on its own. Your love extends from within to those around you.
This is awakening. When most of us finally awaken, the old corrupt and destructive world collapses. Something very beautiful arises, to be enjoyed by beautiful people who will never be fooled again. There is support at the highest levels, but they are waiting on us because there can be no other way.
Nothing can stop what is coming, but it also cannot be rushed. Without a Great Awakening, no fundamental change is possible. Any revolution not based on love—I mean perfect love, God’s love—is no revolution at all. Only drama.
The white hats know that this all must come together at one beautiful moment—not in time but in eternity. We have support and it will happen, but the timing is up to us. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.
Now the conspiracy theories are good news
So-called “conspiracy theorists” have been very unpopular—primarily because who have been doing our own thinking and research have brought fearful, terrifying news. Yes, up until now, the truth about our world has been ugly, terrifying, unimaginable.
What most people don’t know is that, at this moment, there are some very happy conspiracy theories which are about to come true. At the risk of sounding insane, I want to share this because, when it comes to pass, it will be easier for you to understand, accept, and believe.
After the imminent financial crash, after the horrifying truth about the so-called pandemic and injections are known to all, after the scare event, after the Internet shut-down, the arrests, after it seems like everything has fallen apart and our world has descended into chaos and hopelessness—that’s when the new life begins. It’s all part of the plan that is being carried out.
These next few weeks and months will be, for most, the most difficult time of our lives. Others have been waiting for this because we know what comes next:
The gold-backed (Basel 3) Quantum Financial System:
Built on Stellar and a mix of other blockchain technologies, today’s fiat currencies are merged into asset-backed, digital dollars, Euros, etc. Most will be afraid of this change, thinking this is a Central Bank Digital Currency designed to strip us of our freedoms. In truth, because it is decentralized, it undoes central banks, ends money-laundering and other criminal schemes, and provides a channel to re-allocate all the confiscated wealth of the captured Vatical, the Crown, and the USA Corporation and criminal gangs. In short, this is an era of fairness and abundance for we the people.
Med beds:
Technologies exist which have been withheld from us. True cures. Hang on, because whatever is ailing you (even damage caused by the vaccine) will be healed.
Free energy and Internet:
Why do you think they have been launching all those Starlink satellites? Free, quantum Internet. Have you heard of Nikola Tesla and how he created free energy. I know it is real. I saw it work in a now defunct museum in Colorado Springs in 1995. Cars can also be powered by water (look it up). Free (or very cheap) energy is available and there will no longer be a need to pollute with oil and coal.
No income tax:
The bill in the U.S. House of Representatives is designed to introduce this idea. It’s coming.
These are just a few examples of the radical, positive changes coming. This, and much more, is in store for us—but first we must go through the Great Awakening. We need to understand ugly, horrific truths about our world. We need the people who have been causing us so much suffering to be removed from their positions. It is a slow process, because it is so difficult for the people in charge of this transformation to complete the job in a way that is successful and wakes people up.
If you look any of this up on Google, if you read the news, they will tell you that all of this is fact checked. Of course they will. The powers that be are still trying to maintain power. In truth, they have already lost the war.
Up until now, we have been through so much oppression and pain. Now it is their turn to feel the pain so that we, the people, can live in abundance, health, freedom, and truth. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought this day would come. Yet, just as I knew the other so-called conspiracies would come to pass, I know this good news conspiracy is also true.
I hope this gives you some comfort and helps you make sense of what is about to come. Hang on.
The truth about life in 2023
To recognize that governments and institutions have been intentionally trying to harm us is a bitter pill to swallow. Much easier to pretend that what they offer up is good for us. In cases when we find out otherwise, it’s easier to tell ourselves that they meant well and made a mistake—that the system isn’t perfect, but overall, everything is fine.
It seems so much easier to function in the world if we look only on the surface-level. Just believe that mainstream news is credible. School is education. The healthcare system is concerned with our well-being. The military is concerned with our protection, and so on.
This way, you can more easily function in the world. You fit in at work, school, or in any social setting. But at what cost? The cost is that you are enslaved, physically and mentally harmed, and even killed by a system that, in truth, has been intentionally designed to do just that.
So, we all have this choice. Do we fit in for the purpose of convenience? Or do we decide to look at the truth, even if we are shunned by normal people, mocked, and oftentimes punished? This would seem to be a difficult decision.
Yet, when you begin to see that the system is designed to make you sick, fat, depressed and dead, the decision becomes rather easy. The choice for yourself and your wellbeing is rather obvious. Do you want to feel good? Do you want to live? Do you want freedom? Do you want abundance? Do you want deep human connection and love? Do you want lasting joy? You do. We all do.
Even after all we’ve been through, all that’s already been revealed, many continue to see only the surface level of things. Others know that something major is going on behind the scenes but have no idea what it is. Others become obsessed, studying each theory, following every development, placing so much time and attention on trying to figure it all out—in hopes that the day will come when the world will not be designed to enslave, harm, and destroy us (an obvious fact I have understood for more than 20 years).
They enslave us through a rigged monetary system where some people get to print money and others beg for it. Then they tax us to take away whatever we manage to earn.
Doctors and health experts have been recommending a diet designed to make us fat and sick since before any of us were born.
Pharma companies pump us with chemicals—every one of them with serious side-affects.
The media lies about everything all the time.
In the past few years, all institutions have joined together to lock us down, spread senseless fear, restrict free speech, withhold life-saving treatments, and they have poisoned us to weaken our immune systems, cause blood clots, miscarriages, and kill us.
This is the greatest crime against humanity in history. We are only now beginning to look at the aftermath. None of our leaders or institutions are off the hook. Even Trump told us that the vaccine is good and beautiful, just as the DoD and his Operation Warp Speed was running the whole thing.
The rabbit hole goes so deep. I do believe that there are “white hats” behind the scenes fighting an all-out world war with this cabal of people who have dominated us for centuries. I also wouldn’t be surprised if it were these very same so-called white hats who put us through the so-called pandemic to some degree—who may have been the ones involved in this crime against humanity using the logic that the ends justify the means. Art of War, right?
I know that the Cabal is real. Obviously, who designs and runs these destructive systems of the world? I also know there is also another side fighting. Evidence? The mandates and lockdowns have ended, truth is surfacing everywhere, the powers that be are in panic mode.
We simply don’t know the full truth until everything is revealed and explained. The truth must be spoken, or we can never trust any of our institutions again. There will be punishments. There will also be a need for each of us to forgive. We will need to look at ugliness we cannot imagine, and do so without letting it destroy us.
Yet now and all the while, those who are awake are perfectly fine. Even seeing what we see, knowing what we know, those who have escaped the world’s ego, who have found our true identity as love / life / consciousness / truth / beauty / God (all words meaning the same thing)—for us there is nothing lacking, nothing more needed to make us complete, nothing imperfect about all of reality.
See, we know what reality is. Nothing in this impermanent dimension of life on Earth is ultimately real. It is all a dream. Sometimes a nightmare, sometimes a happy dream—but this life is a dream.
Salvation—awakening to the ultimate reality—is possible at any moment. When you decide for it—by aligning with unconditional love, living fully in the present moment, letting go of fear, and wanting the truth—all your problems begin to dissolve.
Now, we do not consume what is sold to us. We do not take terrible poisons. We do not lie or accept lies being told.
We forgive. We love unconditionally. We are free. We create abundance. We speak the truth. We laugh. We rest. We create. We work. We cause no harm. We let go of all fear and worries.
I hope, for the sake of all of us, that the world changes entirely. That we may soon rely on systems that are fair and truthful. That the thousands of years of abuse humanity has endured comes to an end.
I firmly believe that this is coming. I have seen more than enough evidence and I find it so exciting. Still, I am not waiting for this to occur before I can live in joy. Now is all there is. No matter how lost and confused you have been, choose truth and you are healed.
Twitter & Elon Musk demonstrate the nature of truth and reality
Eventually, the truth always comes out. Most people still don’t believe or understand this.
Your sharp, clever mind tells you that you can invent reality according your liking. Perception is everything. It is all relative. There is no black and white. Nothing is absolute. No matter your education status, the size of your vocabulary, or your external achievements—if you believe this, you are lost in confusion.
Lies are eventually exposed. Every one of them. Look no further than to what is happening on Twitter. Hunter Biden’s laptop. Hillary’s email server. Fraudulent elections. COVID lies. The true danger of the vaccine. The lies and censorship that was used to push all of it. On Telegram, Twitter, and in our human interactions, every detail has been out in the open for a very long time.
Or we can go back further, to the story of 9-11. The Iraq War. Think of all the corruption, the greed, the senseless violence, the exploitation. All of it is revealed to anyone willing to look. It’s right there. We know.
Then there are the lies in our relationships. The flirting with someone new. The cheating. The secretly spending money. The secret forms of substance abuse. The opinions we don’t tell our partners because of fear. The things we believe are inappropriate for our children to know or hear. The things we never told our parents or friends. The thoughts, beliefs, and experiences we’ve never shared for fear of being found out.
But every single lie—every form of dishonesty—is always revealed in time. It’s the nature of reality and there’s no avoiding it. When that happens, we panic and call it a crisis. When the truth is revealed, everything we were trying to achieve or prop up through dishonesty immediately crumbles. None of it was ever real. All this time, it was only an illusion.
At that point, the believer in dishonesty may continue to turn to dishonesty, to deny, to lie again, to explain it away…and the cycle never ends. Everyone sees it. This way of living, clinging to the illusion, believing you can get away with it, is hell. It is the road to ongoing suffering and frequent crisis.
Better to accept the nature of truth—which really only means reality. Speak the truth. Want the truth. Look upon everything true with forgiveness and love. We have all been conditioned to believe that dishonesty has power. In fact, belief in dishonesty is our greatest weakness.
To live in truth is to live in joy. There is no guilt or shame in truth. To align with truth is always noble. It is the restoration, the only way to earn trust, to move forward, to thrive.
As we look to the example of Twitter right now, Elon is shining a light on the truth and he is doing so within the thought system of love.
Many refuse to go along. They want to believe that we don’t know the truth—about what has been going on, about the very things they’ve done. We know. Anyone capable of looking upon reality with love sees it all, without any confusion.
This is the way—the only way forward for any of us, even Elton John.
We are finally at the precipice
We are finally at the precipice. Those who don’t know are taking their last few familiar steps while the path before them disappears. Those who do know have left the path long ago. We have been watching in disbelief as so many of our brothers and sisters missed what we see.
Each one of us have been brought up into a system that is not what it appears to be. The life we were promised back in school is not the life we experience when we are adults. Our education has been the lesson of confusion. Our news has been fully inaccurate. Our ways of love haven’t been loving. Our healthcare has been designed to sicken and kill us. Our freedom has been slavery.
For our entire lives, and long before that, the world has been controlled—our lives have been controlled—by a group of sick, miserable people who hate us. They see us as nothing more than disgusting slaves. They believe themselves supreme, and those who do not belong to their club are worthless. This is who runs our media, our banks, our corporations, our schools, our countries. The cabal. Rome, London, Washington D.C. and all the secret networks of self-entitled elites whose life work it has been to exploit us, confuse us, and make us miserable so that they may profit. This has been our society.
Even to those who saw it long ago, the current world order felt inevitable. Those few extraordinarily brave individuals who tried to expose the truth, tried to fight it, were so easily defeated by a network of criminals controlling not only the media but the elections and court systems. It seemed as though nothing could be done, and the best we could do is attempt to live our awakened truth, to love those around us, to live in a way that aligns with God / love / truth / reality (all words meaning exactly the same thing). We lived according to the law, followed the rules of the system, but knew each moment that society was only a bad dream. Knowing the truth was enough because truth is all there is.
Then, to the great surprise of so many, came Q and the military alliance. We found out that there was a global plan to drain the swamp, to defeat the cabal. We remembered that truth can defeat lies. Every lie will be exposed in the end, for such is the nature of reality. We realized that, not only was this possible, it was happening before our eyes.
We watched the cabal in panic—bringing forth one of the greatest crimes against humanity ever committed in the COVID lie. Through the manipulative power of their media, they convinced the world that a common cold is something deadly. They blamed normal pneumonia deaths on COVID. They killed our loved ones with poison and ventilators in hospitals. They poisoned the believers with as many death jabs as they could manage to roll out. They shut down our lives. They stole elections. They censored and punished anyone who disagreed. These were such desperate measures to maintain their control over us.
Yet we, the ones who have known all along, watched the story unfold. We kept faith. Through love, truth, knowledge, wisdom—we overcame fear. We learned to enjoy nature and our love / family relationships like never before. We spent time with our children. We created beautiful art and new businesses. We turned off the media. We read spiritually alive books. We let go of all the fiction of the world and we went within.
Now, November 8th, 2022, as the ending to this story is about to unfold, we stand exactly where we have always been—with open arms—here to help our brothers and sisters through this Great Awakening. Nothing is as you thought it was. It is so much better.
The drama we are about to encounter is to awaken you. The only way out of a life of lies and illusion is through the experience of crisis. Through crisis, we let falseness go. We shed it all until we finally get to the truth of who we are. Not everyone will make it, but I hope you do.
In the end, we will live in a world that is still far from perfect—but so much better. A fair financial system backed by gold. A fair justice system. Honest education. True freedom. Debt forgiveness. Low tax. Peace. The end of poverty. New technologies that heal and create abundance without destroying nature.
More importantly, we will live forever in truth and reality. The eternal, unchanging dimension that is with us forever in this Holy Instant. Align with love. Know that your spirit, your consciousness, is eternally safe. Open your heart and mind. Love. Love. Love. While the slow-moving external journey toward freedom still might take a while, the inner path to freedom is now.
Recommended Telegram channels
Most people still don't see it. The patterns. The proof. The impossible coincidences. I've been following along for a very long time and current events are unfolding rather clearly.
We are at the precipice of a new world where the Cabal has fallen. The Crown. The Vatican. The City of London and the District of Columbia (USA Corporation). The corrupt, fiat financial system. The oppressive, deep-state-controlled governments. The fossil fuel dependency. The food industry that makes us sick. The healthcare system designed to kill us. An educational system that force-indoctrinates us with lies. Taxes. Debt. Enslavement.
Timber. Now comes the end of all of it.
Next comes a new Quantum, 5D world systemically based on truth, knowledge, freedom, fairness, spiritual wisdom, health, advanced technology and limitless opportunity. But first comes the pain. We are still in the pain stage.
How do you replace sick and corrupt systems? Controlled demolition. It's a big job which has been going on for many years. It is all planned and entirely necessary. The outcome is already certain. In the end, the good guys win. The meek shall inherit the earth. Nothing can stop what is coming.
Not that it ultimately matters. Those who have decided for unconditional love and perfect honesty already live in a state of "always good". But imagine a world in which this would be easier to accomplish.
Until declass goes far and wide, it's never too late to follow along with what is really going on in the world. Download Telegram and consider following some of these channels:
One of the lessons of the world is to look at conflict in terms of there being a winner and a loser. In any conflict, we are taught to identify with and fight for one of two opposing sides—fearing all the while that the other side will win.
Reality, however, is such that only illusion can be in conflict. Truth—the reality of the situation, the equilibrium, the path of no resistance—is absent of conflict. When two opposing parties both see and accept the truth, conflict disappears. Everybody wins. Absent of this, there can be no real victory.
It may appear that arguments and wars can be won by force. All throughout history, that’s how our foolish leaders have approached it. In the old winner / loser mindset, one side dominates, the other forfeits, and the victor dishonestly defines reality until the cycle repeats. This is precisely the model that, after thousands of years, has made an entire world that is based on fiction, illusion, unreality.
Then, one day about two years ago, COVID-19 was unleashed. Enter the Great Awakening—the Great War to End Illusion. The pandemic was unleashed because, prior to this, the Deep State / Cabal / Ruling Elite were attacked. What the media has not told us is that many of them were taken out at the highest level in a series of covert operations. COVID was the establishment’s response—their attempt to maintain control through the typical use of force, propaganda, lies, threats, fearmongering, corruption, etc.
The other side, you can call them the white hats or good guys, understood that the goal wasn’t to prevail through force; rather, to allow the effortless power of truth. What has been slowly revealed is the ugly truth of our healthcare system, big pharma, the propaganda in the media, the corruption in our governments, the sick experiments taking place in labs around the world—and how all these institutions were working together against human rights in lockstep.
The people we once trusted showed us their true colors. Even the sports leagues, the big brands, school, all of culture was exposed as corruptible and not exactly real. It was all turned off in an instant, and our lives shifted toward that which is real: loved ones, nature, spirituality, health, traditions, creativity, etc. So much pain and suffering society has thrown on us, but now we know what is real about life.
Russia’s operation in Ukraine isn’t really intended to conquer a land and a people; rather, to further expose the truth about the Deep State corruption, the global mafia that has been in charge there for so long. Far more important, this operation exposed the truth about how the SWIFT system has been used to threaten and control countries, how large corporations are bullying people and governments to achieve their agendas. Now we understand how the whole damn system has been working for our entire lives.
This is, indeed, the Great Awakening—an ongoing crisis to expose truth. Wherever any ugly truth is exposed, crisis always ensues for a time. After that, reality emerges. There are still a few more chapters in the Great Awakening. There is more light to be shone where there was once darkness and deceit. The goal is not world domination. To the contrary, the goal is that when all the sick and twisted illusion is exposed, we are left with a world based upon reality, truth, honesty, love, joy, fairness, and freedom. Nothing can stop what is coming.