Spiritual teachers often talk of 3D, 4D, and 5D to describe a person’s spiritual evolution. In these different states of existence, people see and interpret reality very differently.
There are, indeed, different perceptions of reality…different ways of seeing and knowing…depending upon our state of spiritual awareness. There are also different frequencies, so that it is difficult for a person in one dimension to truly connect and resonate with a person in a different dimension. There’s no shared understanding or connection. Let’s look at these dimensions.
The Third Dimension:
This is the material world of the ego. Here, we are concerned with what others think about us. We want to be successful. We want material rewards, status, and other treasures that the ego promises will make us happy.
In the Third Dimension, we believe that the voice in the head is who we are. What matters is in the external world. We seek situations and circumstances that will make us happy, and we fear situations and circumstances that would bring suffering or failure.
We see events as random, as just happening to us. We blame others for our problems. Lost in the material world completely, we are unaware of our identity as spirit. With no awareness of the now, the mind is either on the past or the future. Only in the now can we find happiness.
A person living in the Third Dimension typically craves sex, drugs, or other stimuli because this is the only way to turn off the mind, to experience the bliss of the now. Sex, in particular, is an obsessive compulsion because it delivers everything the ego wants—conquering, attention, proof of your worth, drama, and a blissful escape from the mind’s suffering.
What is called love in the Third Dimension is not love. 3D love is understood as an attempt to get something from another. It depends upon a foundation of specific conditions being met by the other person. It is measured in terms of the other person’s loyalty, obedience, good behavior, thoughtfulness, and so on. Because so much importance is placed on oftentimes unrealistic conditions, people living in 3D are not satisfied for the long term in their relationships.
In the Third Dimension, true love is experienced only by accident—when two people experience the bliss of the now together and feel that deeper spiritual connection. This is only possible before the conditions come—at the very early stage of a relationship.
Because there is no spiritual awareness in 3D, it is believed that either God does not exist or that God is external, up there in the sky. Either way, there is a great deal of fear about death, just as there is this fear about life in the background.
Those living in 3D believe that the world is as authority says it is. They are afraid to question norms and to express an original thought that doesn’t conform to what society says is normal. This causes a great deal of suffering because people exploit these individuals to make a lot of money. The 3D person is the loyal subject, the good consumer, the foundation of what we call Capitalism or any other system of centralized power. 3D consciousness makes us willing to buy and consume whatever seems cool, do whatever we are told and whatever everyone else does, and all without giving it much thought.
Then one day, you find yourself sick, badly out of shape, broke, confused, and depressed. Still, afraid to leave the familiar dimension, they seek quick fixes in the consumer world. Anyone who challenges the reality they believe is normal is attacked and walls are put up. Unless…
The Fourth Dimension:
There comes a moment in anyone’s life when you can no longer believe the implausible stories of the Third Dimension. You begin asking questions. Am I happy? Is the standard diet and lifestyle causing weight gain and sickness? Are politicians and news anchors lying? Are pharmaceuticals good for me? Do I believe the official story of 9/11? Isn’t COVID just another name for the flu and don’t a lot of people die every year from pneumonia? Are lockdowns and so-called vaccines really about our health? Any real question leads a person to start 4D thinking.
Now you break through to the formerly forbidden realm of free thinking. Now begins an honest questioning of everything. You start to see how humans are indoctrinated, conditioned, programed. You start researching to find out how it is this way. Who’s really in charge? What is the truth in any situation?
You become excited to learn, though in the beginning it can be very traumatic and even lead to depression. There is a hopelessness at first. A void inside. But there’s no going back, so you try to fight for truth and justice. You speak up, trying to persuade others.
At some point, you realize that you can’t change the world. Others don’t want to see the truth. You still function in 3D—you must still earn a living and keep things together. You still understand 3D thought and, in many areas of life, you easily slip right back into it. In the 4th and 5th Dimension, yes, you can still function in 3D for practical reasons. You play it like a game because, in the current world, you simply must.
For others, the 4D experience is different. What I described so far is probably the lower orders of 4D, where you are looking only at the material world, but now with a desire to find out the truth and change it. Others experience 4D in a more spiritual sense. They practice strange rituals and become superstitious. They go on retreats, do yoga, talk a lot about energy and vibration, collect crystals, go to fortune-tellers, they may try to maintain a smile and exude spiritual wisdom.
They may get involved in more outlandish ideas beyond the observable world—talking about reptilians, Atlantis, time travel, and an endless variety of things that make those in 3D roll their eyes, tune out, or worse.
In 4D consciousness, fear is still very real and what matters externally in the world is still very important. This is currently the dimension in which the global war is being waged between the black hats and the white hats. The white hats want to awaken the population from 3D so that we can end the sickness and corruption of the world.
There is a great moral calling to end the human trafficking, stop the destruction cause by drug trafficking, end the wars and large-scale theft perpetrated upon a sleeping and unaware 3D population. For the sake of our state of being, for our children and future generations, this is a great and important war.
We are truly in the process of changing the world, entering an entirely new era, simply because enough of us have moved from 3D to 4D—and because there is a very well-planned operation in place at the highest level which is moving everything forward in the right way.
The Fifth Dimension:
This is salvation / true spiritual awakening / escape from ego / unconditional love / present moment awareness / forgiveness—and so many other words which all mean the same thing. Oneness. The end of suffering and pain. Perfect knowledge through the recognition that nothing in the lower dimensions is ultimately real.
I’ve heard that roughly 13% of the English-speaking world exists in 5D, and the numbers are growing. 5D is accessible at any time and instantly with almost no effort. You can go straight from 3D to 5D even never having entered 4D. All that is required is a total humbling of your ego-self and a willingness to understand the right teachings.
There are at least a few portals into instant 5D: 1) aligning with perfect, unconditional love as a continuous state, 2) a noticing of and acceptance of the present moment—the now—as a continuous state, 3) a decision to always tell the truth and want the truth, no matter what. If you can do any of these, the others will come naturally. Though you do need a spiritual practice—reading or listening to the right teachings, meditating, taking care of yourself, etc.
Those who exist in 5D tend not to obsess over the matters of the 3D or 4D world. There is a tendency not to watch TV, not to know what’s going on in the world, because there is this awareness that it doesn’t ultimately matter.
Yet, there is still the need to function in the 3D world because you need to earn money, you need to follow the laws, you need to take care of loved ones. But you try to do so in a way that is loving. You find that the Third Dimension is very easy to navigate now. You are successful and happy, just as others are generally pleased with you.
You also continue to engage in 4D thinking because that is part of telling and wanting the truth. The difference now is that it isn’t an obsession or compulsive need. If it becomes compulsive, now you have left 5D and are back in 4D as your primary state.
In 5D, you no longer fear death because you have found your identity as spirit—which is eternal. You fear nothing of the world because, ultimately, you know it doesn’t matter. It’s all just physical form, which is always changing and impermanent. Whenever a bit of fear does creep back in, you dispel it by focusing on the thought system of perfect, unconditional love (or, alternatively, awareness of the now). Love casts out fear just as light casts out darkness. Both cannot exist at once. Presence casts out fear because here, in this moment, nothing is wrong.
Those living in 5D accept all of reality. If it is happening, it is supposed to be happening. There is a reason. We forgive by looking past error, by seeing its unreality. We experience a calm state of joy, where there is no drama, just a good energy. Negative emotions pass through very quickly because we have learned to let go.
In 5D, we no longer seek out sex compulsively, though it is very much enjoyed with another person who is on the same wavelength. There is a guiltless, easy sharing of joy without all the jealousy and negative emotions that surround sex in the lower dimensions. While we may still have a drink and engage in life’s pleasures, we do so not with the compulsion or addiction like before.
The First Dimension is entirely internal. It is found in the empty space rather than in form. Love. Feeling good. Inspiration. Safety. Knowledge. Understanding. Everything we most care about is found only in 5D.
This is obviously intended as a high-level overview. There is so much more than can be covered about these three dimensions. I believe it is helpful, in observing my own thoughts and behaviors, to at least recognize which dimension I am operating in—trying not to lose contact with 5D even when the world pulls some of my attention to 3D and 4D.
One day, when most of us are familiar with 5D, the world’s problems and largescale suffering will end. We will find solutions in love and truth. We will no longer use attack in any form. We will no longer see your differences and will connect through our oneness. We will understand the source of abundance and happiness. We will love in a way that is eternal. We will exist in a state of heaven on earth. This is what is coming as we continue to ascend.