We start movements, join causes, and we try to change the world. Yet even on those rare occasions when a battle is won, nothing ever seems to change.
Throughout history, there have been countless revolutions. At first, the cause seems noble and promising. In time, the new leaders and their new systems end up just as oppressive and corrupt as the previous ones. Is real change even possible? Can there be a real revolution that fundamentally changes the world by solving the core problem?
The core problem that needs to be solved goes by a name: ego. Any revolution that stops short of transcending ego is no revolution at all.
The ego is violent. Egoic institutions are violent and the people in the grip of the ego are also violent. Within the ego, there is no possibility of real love, no compassion, no understanding, no acceptance, and no trust. Everyone is treated as a criminal and our thought system is based on fear, suspicion, and belief in force and punishment as a way of dealing with challenges and organizing society.
In the grip of ego, people are badly suffering. The conditioned voice in the head is torturing us. The system is telling us to be afraid and then exploiting our fear. This creates so much stress that illness is normal and suffering profitable. Consumption is falsely offered as the remedy. So, we thoughtlessly sacrifice our own lives and the planet in pursuit of a happiness that never comes. Yet without ego, joy is our normal state.
For thousands of years, civilization has attempted to solve our existential crisis on the level of the external. We cling to false identities—fighting for our special causes, defending our ideas, and claiming that we are right and that others are wrong. Here there is no love—only more ego and endless war and conflict.
Any movement that arises from ego—religion included—fails to solve the core problem and only creates different manifestations of the problem. We continue to reinforce our belief in the material world and continue trying to solve existential issues on the level of form. This cannot work because the material realm is temporary and unstable. Here there can be no lasting truth. The history of civilization may be interesting, but so far it is only the predictable history of ego failure.
What would a true revolution look like? First—on the personal, inner level—this consciousness revolution is a massive shift away from fear and toward the thought system of perfect love. In love, we accept everyone unconditionally. All solutions to all problems are loving and never violent.
In love, we effortlessly give. We serve our brothers and sisters because that’s what love naturally does. We are honest and open with our neighbors because we know we are accepted. We create true value and abundance by working and creating consciously (lovingly). We instantly forgive and offer compassion. We solve problems rather than perpetuating them. We do whatever excites us (as long as it is loving) and it is okay.
If someone goes off course, we see it as a cry for love and we respond accordingly. We believe in one another because, on the level of spirit or consciousness, we are all the same and we are one.
Now let’s look at this new society on the level of form. This, the only real revolution, would be decentralized. If there is no ego, then there can be no centralized authority that has any right to threaten or use violence against anyone. Legal rights, property rights, and the way we organize the functioning of our society would be fully democratized through decentralized systems.
If there is law enforcement and courts, it is by consent of all parties. They are setup not to punish but to offer the help needed to correct the problems lovingly. No entity has authority over anyone else and prisons are replaced with retreats to help us overcome any challenges related to ego. All problems arise from ego and all solutions are found in love. There is no sin, only error. Perfect love is the only correction to error.
Recent movements like the blockchain revolution have shown great potential to promote the shift toward decentralization—but most people are not yet ready for decentralization on a spiritual level. Freedom is decentralization. However, before people are ready for freedom, they will need to escape the violent thought system of ego.
Many Christians talk of the end of times—a Satan or devil that rules the world until Jesus returns. This devil is just a metaphor for ego (which, of course, does rule the world) and the “second coming” is not a battle—just a massive awakening from this nightmare. The “end of times” is, quite simply, awakening to the now (where time isn’t perceived as real). Unfortunately, the people waiting for the second coming are waiting for the man in the sky to appear. They are missing the metaphor.
It is not possible to serve two masters. Attempt to make some ego real and we continue to serve ego. Fortunately, more and more of us are choosing true purification—undoing all fear, all negative emotion, all greed, violence, and selfishness…not through willpower but through awakening from ego.
The only real revolution is a spiritual awakening. There are many different words, concepts, and paths toward awakening—but they all point to the same truth. When most people have aligned with the thought system of perfect love, then the real and only revolution will have already happened without a fight. The ego, and its systems, will have no power over us and we are free. Until then, let’s not hope for any real change. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.