Posts categorized "Absconding"

Accepting loss

Every lie must go. Everything must now change.

Out with the systems and institutions which have enslaved us financially, which have captured our minds through fear, and which were designed to slowly kill us.

While the end result will be your freedom, prosperity, and healing, you will not reach this state without letting go of all that which needs to first go. Dramatic change can feel terrifying, but do not be afraid.

To survive in the now fading old world, the one constructed to domesticate and enslave each of us, it was necessary to play along with very sick games if only to survive. We desperately sought money for a little safety or a shred of enjoyment. But because of tax and other forms of systematic theft (money printing), there was never quite enough money to build any sort of life. 

We also had to fit in just to get a job or maintain any relationships. So, we accepted satanic entertainment, news consisting of 100% lies, a healthcare system intentionally murdering us, food to make us sick and obese, and schools to indoctrinate us to play along and question nothing.

Now the sick world is dying. Markets are crashing. Truth is being exposed. Wars are ripping away any sense of safety. 

The impulse is to try to hold on, but the right thing to do now is to let go. Nothing real can be lost. If it can be threatened or taken away, it wasn't real to begin with. What is real? Nature. Life itself. The eternal present moment. The way you feel. Your state of being. Love. Truth. Focus on that.

If you, instead, focus on holding onto everything false that is being taken away, you will never be in the proper state to embrace and enjoy everything wonderful that is yours now and eternally. Let all illusions fall. Keep reality close to your heart and learn to love it. If you can do this, you will weather any storm and come out the other side in a perfect position.

Find love within. Extend it to those in your life. Forgive and let go of evil and wrongs. Embrace reality and be grateful for this present moment, where right now there are no problems. This is the switch from a life of mind-based, ego-based fiction to a life rooted in reality, truth, and love (which all means the same thing). Worldly disasters offer the best opportunities to eliminate sickness, lies, and suffering from your life. Let's do our best and our best will certainly be good enough. What is real cannot be threatened.

Letting go of all that is false (a story about moving in with the in-laws)

Even years after I thought that I had let go of all that is unreal in my life, the truth is that I continued to honor and carry so many beliefs, assumptions, and obligations. We are all conditioned to take on layers of false beliefs. When we do, we carry it around that the weight can become so heavy.

The weight of my false load translated into financial stress. The need to make high child support payments, to rent an office, and to rent a nice apartment in a beautiful part of a city. This meant that, as soon as I got paid every month, most of the money left my account. I had only enough left for groceries and camping. Yet, even when traveling with my family in the camper, I felt the weight of what I was paying for back in the city and not using. If there were any unexpected expenses, I would exhaust my savings (and there weren't much in the way of savings to begin with). 

As a father and loving partner, financial stress and uncertainty is the most difficult part of life. I knew that, if I lost my job for example, I would no longer be able to support that situation. Everything would fall apart.

Fear remained real for me in the form of financial worries. When fear is made real, love cannot exist. In the state of salvation, spiritual awakening, presence, being, fear cannot exist. But were my fears baseless? Imagined? 

The truth is that, where there is fear (or any type of negative emotion), reality is telling you that there is a problem that needs to be solved. In my case, I earn far more than enough income to live comfortably, yet because of the false expectations, I was spending too much. I wasn't saving. At age 48, I also had no plan for where I would live a decade or two from now. Nothing was right and something drastic had to be done.

For as long as I had been with my wife, Zuzana, her father always told me that we can live upstairs in their village house. He said it hundreds of times, but I was too proud to listen. The place is only 15 minutes outside the city of Kosice (where I had lived for 18 years). While the house is old and the upstairs needed a lot of work to make it livable, the truth is that her parents do have enough space. There is even a new preschool and elementary school just down the street. We both work at home anyway, so no issue there. Plus, we already park the camper at the house (traveling will be easier). Was what I had always thought of as our worst-case scenario actually the right move and best option?

After deep soul-searching and conversations, on November 1st we announced that we would be letting the apartment go, as well as the office space, and we would be withdrawing our son from his private preschool to enroll him in the free preschool in the village. Over the next few weeks, we spent the equivalent of 1 month's rent to buy new doors, paint the place, and carpet the entire space as we slepped outside in the camper.

Now, for the past month, we've been living upstairs in the village house. Our son is enjoying the new school. My daughter visited for Christmas. To her pleasant surprise, I even made the rec room into a full-blown jam room where we played music together for hours (not something we could do in the previous apartment).

Now we're saving thousands per month. No driving around town every day. We have more time, money for skiing, waterparks, and travel when there is a need. There is a nice hiking / biking trail here to escape to nature. Everything is fine. All that was false in our life has been released. My wife even has a parcel of land in the village and we plan to slowly build a house here with the money that we are saving.

Life is never easy. There are always challenges, especially as it relates to our relationships with other imperfect people. In our case, we share a kitchen with my wife's parents. Of course there are the sort of games that any ego plays, but we see it for what it is. We forgive any errors, we do our best, and the love in our family remains as strong as ever. 

Now I look forward to the dramatic world events that are about to come to light, the new financial system and advanced technologies that have been kept from us. I look forward to the financial abundance so many of us will enjoy with the confiscated wealth. I don't know what the future brings or exactly when these changes will come, but our present moment is aligned. We are living in truth, in full acceptance of the situation, sleeping well, having fun, feeling good. 

Let's stop being afraid to truly let go of anything we are carrying which is unreal or unnecessary. Reality will adjust and the fear will be gone. Everything will be fine. Make changes. Go forward in faith.

The truth about life in 2023

To recognize that governments and institutions have been intentionally trying to harm us is a bitter pill to swallow. Much easier to pretend that what they offer up is good for us. In cases when we find out otherwise, it’s easier to tell ourselves that they meant well and made a mistake—that the system isn’t perfect, but overall, everything is fine.

It seems so much easier to function in the world if we look only on the surface-level. Just believe that mainstream news is credible. School is education. The healthcare system is concerned with our well-being. The military is concerned with our protection, and so on.

This way, you can more easily function in the world. You fit in at work, school, or in any social setting. But at what cost? The cost is that you are enslaved, physically and mentally harmed, and even killed by a system that, in truth, has been intentionally designed to do just that.

So, we all have this choice. Do we fit in for the purpose of convenience? Or do we decide to look at the truth, even if we are shunned by normal people, mocked, and oftentimes punished? This would seem to be a difficult decision.

Yet, when you begin to see that the system is designed to make you sick, fat, depressed and dead, the decision becomes rather easy. The choice for yourself and your wellbeing is rather obvious. Do you want to feel good? Do you want to live? Do you want freedom? Do you want abundance? Do you want deep human connection and love? Do you want lasting joy? You do. We all do.

Even after all we’ve been through, all that’s already been revealed, many continue to see only the surface level of things. Others know that something major is going on behind the scenes but have no idea what it is. Others become obsessed, studying each theory, following every development, placing so much time and attention on trying to figure it all out—in hopes that the day will come when the world will not be designed to enslave, harm, and destroy us (an obvious fact I have understood for more than 20 years).

They enslave us through a rigged monetary system where some people get to print money and others beg for it. Then they tax us to take away whatever we manage to earn.

Doctors and health experts have been recommending a diet designed to make us fat and sick since before any of us were born.

Pharma companies pump us with chemicals—every one of them with serious side-affects.

The media lies about everything all the time.

In the past few years, all institutions have joined together to lock us down, spread senseless fear, restrict free speech, withhold life-saving treatments, and they have poisoned us to weaken our immune systems, cause blood clots, miscarriages, and kill us.

This is the greatest crime against humanity in history. We are only now beginning to look at the aftermath. None of our leaders or institutions are off the hook. Even Trump told us that the vaccine is good and beautiful, just as the DoD and his Operation Warp Speed was running the whole thing.

The rabbit hole goes so deep. I do believe that there are “white hats” behind the scenes fighting an all-out world war with this cabal of people who have dominated us for centuries. I also wouldn’t be surprised if it were these very same so-called white hats who put us through the so-called pandemic to some degree—who may have been the ones involved in this crime against humanity using the logic that the ends justify the means. Art of War, right?

I know that the Cabal is real. Obviously, who designs and runs these destructive systems of the world? I also know there is also another side fighting. Evidence? The mandates and lockdowns have ended, truth is surfacing everywhere, the powers that be are in panic mode.

We simply don’t know the full truth until everything is revealed and explained. The truth must be spoken, or we can never trust any of our institutions again. There will be punishments. There will also be a need for each of us to forgive. We will need to look at ugliness we cannot imagine, and do so without letting it destroy us.

Yet now and all the while, those who are awake are perfectly fine. Even seeing what we see, knowing what we know, those who have escaped the world’s ego, who have found our true identity as love / life / consciousness / truth / beauty / God (all words meaning the same thing)—for us there is nothing lacking, nothing more needed to make us complete, nothing imperfect about all of reality.

See, we know what reality is. Nothing in this impermanent dimension of life on Earth is ultimately real. It is all a dream. Sometimes a nightmare, sometimes a happy dream—but this life is a dream.

Salvation—awakening to the ultimate reality—is possible at any moment. When you decide for it—by aligning with unconditional love, living fully in the present moment, letting go of fear, and wanting the truth—all your problems begin to dissolve.

Now, we do not consume what is sold to us. We do not take terrible poisons. We do not lie or accept lies being told.

We forgive. We love unconditionally. We are free. We create abundance. We speak the truth. We laugh. We rest. We create. We work. We cause no harm. We let go of all fear and worries.

I hope, for the sake of all of us, that the world changes entirely. That we may soon rely on systems that are fair and truthful. That the thousands of years of abuse humanity has endured comes to an end.

I firmly believe that this is coming. I have seen more than enough evidence and I find it so exciting. Still, I am not waiting for this to occur before I can live in joy. Now is all there is. No matter how lost and confused you have been, choose truth and you are healed.

Don't take it personally

One of Don Miguel Ruiz’ 4 Agreements for life is this: don’t take anything personally. After applying this principal to my life, I found out that other people’s thoughts or opinions have nothing to do with me and, therefore, no longer touch me in any real way.

Even if there is an opinion or judgment directed straight at me, I only consider it valid if I agree that it is true. If it is true, then what is there to get upset about? I can be honest and deal with it. If it is untrue, then there is also nothing to get upset about because I cannot be diminished by a perception that isn’t true.

Furthermore, I don’t need anyone’s blessing to state my truth, to experience my life the way that I do, to choose my own  preferences, tastes, or anything else. I do not require anyone to understand what it feels like to carry the burdens of a middle-aged white man, nor do I need them to agree with my politics, choice of profession, spirituality or anything else.

Nobody holds me back from being me, and the same is true for each of us. The Tao Te Ching says, “Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner.” (verse 9)

If something that someone else says or does bothers you, then perhaps the real problem is that it bothers you. The solution is not found in the fight to change everyone else; rather, to go within, discover the true self, learn self-love, and embody all truth and freedom without asking anyone’s permission.


Stop living for the future

It is a type of mental illness so common it seems normal. It is a thought system that tells you to do everything you do not want to do now, so that someday you will be able to live the way you want.

While your thoughts might tell you otherwise, the way you live now is the way that you live. How you are now is how you are. Your relationships now? Your skills and talents? How you feel? Who and how you love now? This is all that is real about your life, and it is all here now.

Then there are those thoughts of sacrifice telling you to ignore how you feel. Pay no attention to your intuition. Your inner world—the real you—it isn’t real, right? What matters is what the world can offer if you meet its demands. Who planted these thoughts in you? What was the intention if not to control? Are those promises even true?

What about those fearful thoughts to never trust anyone? To fight for what is yours or you will have nothing. Be careful. Be normal. Don’t try anything new or crazy. Is fear not paralysis, and does paralysis not hold you back from a more abundant, better reality now?

So many people are stuck in these thought patterns—waiting for and expecting a better future that doesn’t come. But here—in the present moment—there is so little enjoyment, little adventure, shallow connections, no real or happy learning, poor health, poor understanding of reality, no real values. Tragically, dreams of future abundance and the associated thought patterns cause a lack of abundance now.

Do not sacrifice being alive to achieve a perfect future. Love who you love now, even if you don’t know about your future with the person. Have kids when you feel the desire, even if you don’t have the perfect house or financial situation. Start your dream company now, even if you don’t feel ready. Go on that trip now, even if it makes you nervous. Say how you feel now, even if you don’t know how people will respond. Follow your intuition and pay attention to how you feel—the external world will adjust.

When you stop living for the future, you begin to realize that you don’t have to sacrifice the present moment to be successful, to earn a living, or to be a great partner or parent. In the present moment, you enjoy engaging in your responsibilities—responsibilities that you choose to take on for reasons you understand—and you are better at everything. You are focused, open, creative, friendly, and unafraid to take the healthy risks others shy away from.

The irony is this: when you learn to stop living for the future, your life becomes even better than whatever future you imagined. Everything becomes clear. Everything about your life seems designed perfectly for you—the real you. But this is only accessible for those willing to humble the mind and spiritually awaken. There are many books and guides who can show you the way and it is all real.


How to escape the system and become free

I believe that almost every adult now knows, on some level, that something is wrong with the world. Are we meant to spend our lives worrying, feeling guilty, desperately trying to find meaning and happiness within the endless routine of wake, work, eat, sleep?

For our entire lives, we have coped with a system that works against us on every level. We believed what we were told and did what we were supposed to. We worked as hard as we could and tried our best. We waited for our dreams to come true. Looking back, the promises of our parents, teachers, media, and all of society have not materialized.

A growing number of us now see that we have been enslaved by this system that squeezes us with the concepts of money, taxes, laws, and rules. The more we sacrifice and comply, the more they throw at us. Despite what we are told, this isn’t how life has to be.

We have been controlled by the thought system of ego—the world’s thought system. When we believe it is real, and see no other reality beyond ego, we have no chance to escape or end this dark system of control. It doesn’t matter whether you obey it or fight it, if you stay within the thought system of ego, you will lose.

To escape ego, we need to first look at it. The underpinning of ego is fear, which takes many forms (worry, jealousy, anger, guilt, and all other negative emotions). To make any of this real without seeing the higher truth is to remain in the prison of ego. There is another way.

Ego is also the belief in time. We limit ourselves by our faith in lessons and identities of the past. We also place hope and faith in the future, but a different future cannot arrive as we hold onto the past. Only in the present moment can anything happen or change. The embrace of the present moment is something the ego cannot do. For most people, now barely matters—and this sad state of existence goes on until death. Return to now this moment and know that it is all that is real.

Ego is also all the normal behaviors: interfering, judging, attacking, getting offended, acting superior, competing, and so on. Everything considered normal in this world is ego. When we try to conform, when we worry about the opinions of others, we make ego real and decide against freedom.

Ego is our prison, not our natural state. It has been artificially created and maintained by our rulers over thousands of years. We try to find freedom, happiness, success—everything our soul desires—within the system. But it is not possible to become free by staying in prison.

The good news is that the system is falling apart. While it looks more powerful than ever, the truth is that what we are seeing is the final act of desperation by those trying to maintain their position of control. They are desperate because so many of us are awakening to reality beyond the system, beyond ego. They have lost control.

We now see the insanity of ego and are becoming aware of ourselves as consciousness, love, freedom, truth. From this perspective, we are not afraid. We have withdrawn our attention from much of what goes on within the control system. We do not comply whenever possible. Most importantly, we speak the truth no matter what.

This is what I have been talking about and writing about for all these years—the path toward freedom, ongoing joy, truth, perfect love. You will never change anything about your life or about the world from within the thought system of ego. But begin to understand the higher truth, the true reality beyond the limitations of the mind, and everything changes for you.

In the coming days, weeks, and months, we will all watch the controlled demolition of the entire system of ego control. It will be an unimaginably fearful time for those who do not know what is really happening. Those who know the truth—we will have a big job ahead.

Starting now, we will begin to live as limitless beings in a world where anything is possible as long as it doesn’t infringe upon the freedom of others. A world where our best selves will emerge, where we will create, help others, never worry about money or anything else, never bow down to jealousy, and never submit to ruthless leaders and their systems. The old system cannot continue, and a new, incorruptible system will be put into place. Too many of us have awakened. Their time is up, and their game no longer works. The meek have inherited the earth.

We go forward in total humility. We go beyond ego. We align our minds to the truth and wisdom of consciousness; thus becoming sane. Reality is now a state of ongoing joy, in this life and beyond. All we need to do is embrace perfect love, freedom, and the truth.

What if you looked within, and found that there is nothing wrong with you?

What if, within you, was the cure to all the problems of the world you think you see?
What if the truth about you is that you are pure love and perfectly lovable?
What if your intuition, your inner voice was the truth and the lessons of the world lies?
What if you looked within, and found the real source of love?
What if you found that you only mean well and are only good?
What if you looked within and found that you have the power to solve every problem?
What if you found that the real you is sinless?
What if you looked within and found nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of?
What if you realized that you are not to blame for the attacks, disappointment, and shaming others have projected upon you?
What if, by looking within, you found that the problem all along was the fear to truly look within?
What if you only looked within, in search of your pure love, your perfect honesty, your need for freedom?
What if, when you find it, you decide for this to become your only reality?
What if you then looked within your brother, your sister, everyone you see in the same way?



Once there was post-punk, post-modern, and so on. These days, I'm feeling post-everything. 

Yes, the world is completely insane...filled with darkness and lies. Yes, there is a great deal of hope that things will get better. But I can no longer get emotional about any of it. I no longer feel like talking about it. Maybe this isn't such a bad thing.

I am past the celebrity lies. I no longer care about them. Politicians? Please. "News" reporters? I could care less. Doctors, lawyers, other professionals in charge of keeping this broken system going? I no longer care at all what they think, believe, or say. There is zero trust, and this is a good thing.

To be post-everything is to recognize the meaninglessness in everything. All that concerns the awakened being is in the dimension of non-matter: love, freedom, truth, energy, creativity, life, feeling, being. Here knowledge is complete. I don't need any official or guru to lead me anywhere, though there is a time in life that such teachings are essential to anyone's growth. 

So these days, yes, I'm post-everything. I spend my time loving the people around me, doing my work, and creating new music. In the past month, I recorded 5 new songs. I feel like this creative outlet is a priority for me...even beyond the posts and other teachings. The most unique, perhaps the most valuable way, in which I express myself is in my songs.

It will be a very beautiful collection of new songs...with a totally different sounds, non-conventional lyrics, and in a new genre: post-everything. Probably very few people will ever hear these songs, but that's just another thing I stopped caring about.

If this were the real world, God would be cruel. (A Course in Miracles)

When people speak of "the real world", they are talking about a world in which guilt is real, where attack is justified, and where love can be first given and then withdrawn. They are talking about a world in which politics are corrupt, governments exploit, the media lies, the church calls us sinners, and school makes us ill with its endless lessons of sacrifice and confusion. 

We have learned the world's lessons so well that we believe suffering is good and enjoyment is for the foolish or weak. What a strange thought system we have adopted and what a cruel world we have made.

Certain species of animals are domesticated: dogs, cats, cows, chickens and humans. For the past several thousand years, humans have been domesticated by other humans. We were promised safety, stability and comfort and we submitted. Now, largely detached from nature, we no longer know how to survive independently.

Spiritual awakening, salvation, means remembering what is real about us; even before our domestication. Who we are is not of this artificial world we have been conditioned to see. All of society is what human minds did and what other human minds agreed to. It is what we have made and what we have accepted, but is not actually real. 

God did not make this world of suffering; we did. God made the perfect nature within us and in the perfect balance of this world. Our confused minds, ignorant of reality, are the cancer here.

To heal is to look upon God's creations as real, not our own makings. By turning reality upside down in this way, our minds may once again serve truth and we shall once again do no harm.