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December 2024

Learning to breathe

After my 50 years in this world, yesterday I finally learned how to breathe. 

For some time now, I have been struggling with low energy. My eyes were almost always tired, my vision blurry, and I constantly wanted to close my eyes. By the end of the day, I felt lousy and oftentimes drank too much just to feel good in the evening (which, of course, compounds the problem at the start of the next day).

I tried everything to improve this, but nothing seemed to work. Then yesterday, I watched a few videos by Dr. Ekberg, who offers a new perspective on health.

Another health issue I've had my entire life is high blood pressure. At least the doctors would tell me it's a problem, but I would never take their prescriptions because I simply don't believe pharma is the path to healing. Thankfully, Dr. Ekberg has found an approach that works. Learning to breathe properly. 

In this video, he explains proper breathing as the way to heal from high blood pressure and a improve overall health. I had been taking short, shallow breaths. I was not inhaling properly or exhaling properly. As a result, I was not getting enough oxygen (the inhale) and was not regulating blood pressure (the exhale).

He suggests, in the video, that you try this method for 5-10 minutes per day for 6 months. This is enough time to make proper breathing an unconscious habit. In my case, I started yesterday and have yet to go back to my old breathing pattern.

I feel like a new man. My eyes are great. I feel relaxed. I feel more energy, throughout the day, then I can remember feeling. Proper breathing is a cornerstone to good health. It blows my mind that I have never been taught how to breathe. Thank you, Dr. Ekberg, for everything you are teaching. All of it is true.