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August 2024

Accepting loss

Every lie must go. Everything must now change.

Out with the systems and institutions which have enslaved us financially, which have captured our minds through fear, and which were designed to slowly kill us.

While the end result will be your freedom, prosperity, and healing, you will not reach this state without letting go of all that which needs to first go. Dramatic change can feel terrifying, but do not be afraid.

To survive in the now fading old world, the one constructed to domesticate and enslave each of us, it was necessary to play along with very sick games if only to survive. We desperately sought money for a little safety or a shred of enjoyment. But because of tax and other forms of systematic theft (money printing), there was never quite enough money to build any sort of life. 

We also had to fit in just to get a job or maintain any relationships. So, we accepted satanic entertainment, news consisting of 100% lies, a healthcare system intentionally murdering us, food to make us sick and obese, and schools to indoctrinate us to play along and question nothing.

Now the sick world is dying. Markets are crashing. Truth is being exposed. Wars are ripping away any sense of safety. 

The impulse is to try to hold on, but the right thing to do now is to let go. Nothing real can be lost. If it can be threatened or taken away, it wasn't real to begin with. What is real? Nature. Life itself. The eternal present moment. The way you feel. Your state of being. Love. Truth. Focus on that.

If you, instead, focus on holding onto everything false that is being taken away, you will never be in the proper state to embrace and enjoy everything wonderful that is yours now and eternally. Let all illusions fall. Keep reality close to your heart and learn to love it. If you can do this, you will weather any storm and come out the other side in a perfect position.

Find love within. Extend it to those in your life. Forgive and let go of evil and wrongs. Embrace reality and be grateful for this present moment, where right now there are no problems. This is the switch from a life of mind-based, ego-based fiction to a life rooted in reality, truth, and love (which all means the same thing). Worldly disasters offer the best opportunities to eliminate sickness, lies, and suffering from your life. Let's do our best and our best will certainly be good enough. What is real cannot be threatened.