What's true is always true and always was true

The financial crash, the RV, XRP Ripple, Stellar XLM, and how you will weather the financial storm!

With Basel IV in place, the central banks are no longer allowed to create money out of thin air. Now money must be backed by assets. The BRICS+ countries are already close to rolling out asset-backed digital currency; whereby the Ruble, the Real, Yuan, etc. is backed by a specific amount of gold. This is where we are all heading, eventually.

But in the short term, the corrupted Western power structure in Europe and North American are desperately trying to fight back. Terrified of a fair, level financial playing field, they are rapidly working to roll out their own Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). These are not backed by assets; rather, backed by nothing (just like the Dollar, Euro, and other central bank currencies are today).

They are going to try to eliminate cash as an attempt to completely control every aspect of our lives and turn us into slaves (which is always their goal).

What are we supposed to do if we live in the US or a European country when this happens? When this happens, you will have a choice. Do you want to use a gold-backed currency or a fiat, ponzi-scheme currency...or put your money elsewhere?

Another critical piece of info: the cryptocurrencies XRP and XLM are the backbone to the asset-backed Quantum Financial System being rolled out by the BRICS+ countries. Combined with a bunch of other decentralized technologies, this asset-backed financial system will be uncorruptible and fully transparent.

The perfect storm. One financial system backed by real assets. The other, fully illusory. Which one do you think will have value? Where would you put your money?

Because it is the backbone of the new financial system, the value of XRP and XLM are going to skyrocket. Get your LOBSTR wallet set up to buy Stellar Lumens (XLM). Or buy some XRP. Buy these digital assets now, to extent you can afford it. As the value of Dollars and Euros go into free-fall, the price of XRP and XLM will soar. You will be very rich.

At some point, basically every country will switch to the QFS. What happens between now and then is the re-evaluation (RV). Don't take my word for it. You can learn from Charlie Ward, Quantum Stellar Initiative, WhipLash347 and many others who know. Do your own research. Just don't cling to the past, believing the lies, are you will get left behind.
