What is 3D, 4D, and 5D and what are the differences?

What is, just is

When we set out to change other people or do something about a situation, we fail. Worse yet, our interference starts a trail of unintended consequences and makes the situation worse.

So we should just do nothing, asks the mind? One might answer to the mind, you should do nothing if there are any negative emotions in you and if there is any unease or suffering. Loveless, ego-based doing is powerless, and it is far better to do nothing. Let things be as they are.

True power is in being, rather than doing. If you can be love, then love will effortlessly correct any error and cause no harm. Love is unconditional, meaning that the reality of a person or situation must first be accepted and embraced for love to exist.

Love without forgiveness and understanding is not love. Wanting to change someone or something is not love; rather, it is an act of resistance or withdrawal, which insanely attempts to go against truth, reality, or the free will of another.

State your loving truths, however and whenever you feel inspired, but make no consideration of the consequence because the true meaning or importance is not found in the realm of situations or consequences.

Unconditional love, joy, freedom, honesty, and openness—all words describing the same truth—this is the core of our being and the cornerstone of all true faith. Nothing outside of this has any importance and can be ignored for healing to occur. After all, healing is nothing other than coming to fully embrace the one truth that these words all point to. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.

