What is 3D, 4D, and 5D and what are the differences?

The world cannot change until we awaken

We can hope and wait for justice, for the truth to be revealed—for a better world of abundance, beauty, fairness, and health. We want it now. Yet we continue to wait because most people are not ready.

Even if all the wonderful promises of NESARA / GESARA were instantly made real now, little would change unless we change. Humanity must awaken or we will continue to be fooled again and again.

The world can't change if there is no awakening.

If we do not first understand health, we will continue to poison our bodies with sugar and processed foods. We will continue taking the poisons we are told are medicine. We will continue listening to doctors while ignoring how we feel.

If we do not first understand Hollywood, the media, and the music industry, we will continue consuming content designed to confuse us, dumb us down, and program our thought patterns against our own wellbeing.

If we do not first know our values and what we stand for, we will one day again be fooled by tyrants who scare us and then promise safety.

If we do not first understand love, we will continue doing relationships in a way that causes suffering, breaks families, and robs us of joy.

This awakening is the undoing of ego—a simple, 3-letter word describing all the ways we have been programmed and conditioned to think and behave; a state of being that pulls us further from everything we most deeply want.

Ego is the belief that your identity is found in your gender identification, your race, your social status, your wealth, your looks, the neighborhood you live in, or any other external idol. The ego has you obey external (so-called) authority while drowning out the inner voice of intuition and truth. The ego causes such a deep hole inside that you endlessly attempt to fill it with junk food, junk entertainment, shopping, arguments and drama, drugs, or sex. The ego tells you that who you are is who you were yesterday, but that your happiness is out there in the future if situation x, y, or z happen.

The ego is paralysis and death. Sickness and exhaustion. It is a roller-coaster of fear and hope. Ups and downs. Promises that never come true. Pursuits that never lead to lasting happiness.

Connect the dots. See the truth in the world. Deeply know the reality within. Feel the energy of life, which is love, which is what you are. In this state of being, perfect joy and peace exist now. Fear is absent. Health is the normal state. Healing is what your body does on its own. Your love extends from within to those around you.

This is awakening. When most of us finally awaken, the old corrupt and destructive world collapses. Something very beautiful arises, to be enjoyed by beautiful people who will never be fooled again. There is support at the highest levels, but they are waiting on us because there can be no other way.

Nothing can stop what is coming, but it also cannot be rushed. Without a Great Awakening, no fundamental change is possible. Any revolution not based on love—I mean perfect love, God’s love—is no revolution at all. Only drama.

The white hats know that this all must come together at one beautiful moment—not in time but in eternity. We have support and it will happen, but the timing is up to us. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.  
