Now the conspiracy theories are good news
So-called “conspiracy theorists” have been very unpopular—primarily because who have been doing our own thinking and research have brought fearful, terrifying news. Yes, up until now, the truth about our world has been ugly, terrifying, unimaginable.
What most people don’t know is that, at this moment, there are some very happy conspiracy theories which are about to come true. At the risk of sounding insane, I want to share this because, when it comes to pass, it will be easier for you to understand, accept, and believe.
After the imminent financial crash, after the horrifying truth about the so-called pandemic and injections are known to all, after the scare event, after the Internet shut-down, the arrests, after it seems like everything has fallen apart and our world has descended into chaos and hopelessness—that’s when the new life begins. It’s all part of the plan that is being carried out.
These next few weeks and months will be, for most, the most difficult time of our lives. Others have been waiting for this because we know what comes next:
The gold-backed (Basel 3) Quantum Financial System:
Built on Stellar and a mix of other blockchain technologies, today’s fiat currencies are merged into asset-backed, digital dollars, Euros, etc. Most will be afraid of this change, thinking this is a Central Bank Digital Currency designed to strip us of our freedoms. In truth, because it is decentralized, it undoes central banks, ends money-laundering and other criminal schemes, and provides a channel to re-allocate all the confiscated wealth of the captured Vatical, the Crown, and the USA Corporation and criminal gangs. In short, this is an era of fairness and abundance for we the people.
Med beds:
Technologies exist which have been withheld from us. True cures. Hang on, because whatever is ailing you (even damage caused by the vaccine) will be healed.
Free energy and Internet:
Why do you think they have been launching all those Starlink satellites? Free, quantum Internet. Have you heard of Nikola Tesla and how he created free energy. I know it is real. I saw it work in a now defunct museum in Colorado Springs in 1995. Cars can also be powered by water (look it up). Free (or very cheap) energy is available and there will no longer be a need to pollute with oil and coal.
No income tax:
The bill in the U.S. House of Representatives is designed to introduce this idea. It’s coming.
These are just a few examples of the radical, positive changes coming. This, and much more, is in store for us—but first we must go through the Great Awakening. We need to understand ugly, horrific truths about our world. We need the people who have been causing us so much suffering to be removed from their positions. It is a slow process, because it is so difficult for the people in charge of this transformation to complete the job in a way that is successful and wakes people up.
If you look any of this up on Google, if you read the news, they will tell you that all of this is fact checked. Of course they will. The powers that be are still trying to maintain power. In truth, they have already lost the war.
Up until now, we have been through so much oppression and pain. Now it is their turn to feel the pain so that we, the people, can live in abundance, health, freedom, and truth. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought this day would come. Yet, just as I knew the other so-called conspiracies would come to pass, I know this good news conspiracy is also true.
I hope this gives you some comfort and helps you make sense of what is about to come. Hang on.