For what it's worth...
When happens when you combine perfect love with perfect truth?

There is a light this world cannot give, but you can give it. (A Course in Miracles)

Why do we want so badly to change the world? Because we long for paradise, or even just a temporary retreat from the madness. We want the darkness of this world to end so that peace, love, justice, and kindness might reign.

But can we really ask more of the world than what it is? I don’t think so. From my perspective, the world is not dark. It is filled with so much beauty and perfection that it cannot be fully experienced in 1,000 lifetimes. There is so much light, so much color, so much warmth, mostly balance, the right amount of excitement, and pervasive beauty available to all the senses. It is all here, surrounding us right now. Even human beings, if looked upon in this light, are the most magnificent creation of all.

Where anything is wrong, it is that we have retreated from the natural state of beauty into the darkness of our own minds. We have assumed our own fictitious stories and identities, and have withdrawn into our own darkness. Yes, we have been conditioned unjustly and led astray; but this tragic outcome is nothing more than an individual choice for each of us.

Why do we claim to want light when we have sought only darkness and have cared only about the darkness? The end of this tragic error starts now.

What I call the light is life, which is experienced as the energy of love. Its energy pervades the world and it is what we are. We are innocent, the doors of this so-called prison are wide open, and we need only take a single step toward the light. See only the light within and without—be only that, ignoring all else because nothing else has any reality.