For what it's worth...
I think I've reached a point, for what it's worth...
No longer fueled by wild dreams
Forbidden passions
Nothing more to want or to imagine different from this
Right here
Right now
It's not that I'm resolved, self-limited, or have given up
It's just, I think I've reached a point
For what it's worth...
That I've lived all those dreams
Felt all those passions
Tried to change the world
Lived around it
Fought hopeless battles
Done everything that every ego does
Then found self-love
For what it's worth...
Now I have no wild dreams
No forbidden passions
No guilt or shame
But greet everything that happens
Without any judgement of good or bad
As reality unfolding
To light it up with perfect love
Always honest
Without fear
No desire for the present moment
To be any different
From how it is
To have lost myself
To find who I really am
I think I've reached that point
For what it's worth...
That I can barely remember
All the reasons why
In this world
I do not fit
The dimension of calm joy
Is where I now live