The past takes nothing away from the present moment, and the future will add nothing to it.
"Still" by Abscondo

The world you see must be denied

“You do not really want the world you see, for it has disappointed you since time began.” You cannot see the world and at the same time see the spiritual reality. There is a choice: one must be made real and the other denied. One contains everything you want, the other everything you do not want.

When you allow pollution to come into your awareness—whether it be the fear-mongering of the government, the corporate media, the deception of advertising, or negative ideas and conversations—you are pulled away from joy, which is your natural state of being. What you give your attention to must not pull you away from joy, from an underlying sense of ease, from the state where there is calm and peace within. When it does pull you away, you can stop, change course, do a meditation, take a nap, you can do something that makes you feel good and then start again. This is how real problems are solved and progress is made.

Anything done, said, or created when you don’t feel good is a miscreation. All the ugliness of this world was miscreated by people who were detached from the natural state of joy within. All that ugliness cannot be fought from a place of ugliness, but it can be ignored in bliss and left to die.

I do not give any attention or reality to error. I do not debate. I do not get outraged. I am not afraid—for this would make error seem real, to give it power it does not have, and to pull me away from joy. Spiritual vision looks within to recognize and embrace reality, and my reality is identical to yours if you will do the same. It is our choice for love.

Our lives are shaped by where we put our attention. Find the source of love within, where you remember perfectly well that you are innocent and complete. Feel your positive energy growing. Stay connected to this place in all your thinking and doing, ignoring all else. The reality of love, the only reality, is the only power, the energy of life itself, which contains everything you want within it.

