How to escape the system and become free
I believe that almost every adult now knows, on some level, that something is wrong with the world. Are we meant to spend our lives worrying, feeling guilty, desperately trying to find meaning and happiness within the endless routine of wake, work, eat, sleep?
For our entire lives, we have coped with a system that works against us on every level. We believed what we were told and did what we were supposed to. We worked as hard as we could and tried our best. We waited for our dreams to come true. Looking back, the promises of our parents, teachers, media, and all of society have not materialized.
A growing number of us now see that we have been enslaved by this system that squeezes us with the concepts of money, taxes, laws, and rules. The more we sacrifice and comply, the more they throw at us. Despite what we are told, this isn’t how life has to be.
We have been controlled by the thought system of ego—the world’s thought system. When we believe it is real, and see no other reality beyond ego, we have no chance to escape or end this dark system of control. It doesn’t matter whether you obey it or fight it, if you stay within the thought system of ego, you will lose.
To escape ego, we need to first look at it. The underpinning of ego is fear, which takes many forms (worry, jealousy, anger, guilt, and all other negative emotions). To make any of this real without seeing the higher truth is to remain in the prison of ego. There is another way.
Ego is also the belief in time. We limit ourselves by our faith in lessons and identities of the past. We also place hope and faith in the future, but a different future cannot arrive as we hold onto the past. Only in the present moment can anything happen or change. The embrace of the present moment is something the ego cannot do. For most people, now barely matters—and this sad state of existence goes on until death. Return to now this moment and know that it is all that is real.
Ego is also all the normal behaviors: interfering, judging, attacking, getting offended, acting superior, competing, and so on. Everything considered normal in this world is ego. When we try to conform, when we worry about the opinions of others, we make ego real and decide against freedom.
Ego is our prison, not our natural state. It has been artificially created and maintained by our rulers over thousands of years. We try to find freedom, happiness, success—everything our soul desires—within the system. But it is not possible to become free by staying in prison.
The good news is that the system is falling apart. While it looks more powerful than ever, the truth is that what we are seeing is the final act of desperation by those trying to maintain their position of control. They are desperate because so many of us are awakening to reality beyond the system, beyond ego. They have lost control.
We now see the insanity of ego and are becoming aware of ourselves as consciousness, love, freedom, truth. From this perspective, we are not afraid. We have withdrawn our attention from much of what goes on within the control system. We do not comply whenever possible. Most importantly, we speak the truth no matter what.
This is what I have been talking about and writing about for all these years—the path toward freedom, ongoing joy, truth, perfect love. You will never change anything about your life or about the world from within the thought system of ego. But begin to understand the higher truth, the true reality beyond the limitations of the mind, and everything changes for you.
In the coming days, weeks, and months, we will all watch the controlled demolition of the entire system of ego control. It will be an unimaginably fearful time for those who do not know what is really happening. Those who know the truth—we will have a big job ahead.
Starting now, we will begin to live as limitless beings in a world where anything is possible as long as it doesn’t infringe upon the freedom of others. A world where our best selves will emerge, where we will create, help others, never worry about money or anything else, never bow down to jealousy, and never submit to ruthless leaders and their systems. The old system cannot continue, and a new, incorruptible system will be put into place. Too many of us have awakened. Their time is up, and their game no longer works. The meek have inherited the earth.
We go forward in total humility. We go beyond ego. We align our minds to the truth and wisdom of consciousness; thus becoming sane. Reality is now a state of ongoing joy, in this life and beyond. All we need to do is embrace perfect love, freedom, and the truth.