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November 2021

Can you love people and lead them without imposing your will? (Tao Te Ching)

Love does not force anything upon anyone and does not restrict. It does not command, insist, or expect.

To properly and effectively lead others is only to love them. Love nurtures by providing a feeling of safety, comfort and support. Love frees a person to become the best version of him or herself. Love undoes fear, gives permission, and accepts everything about the person and the journey.

What reason can there be to impose your will upon others? It is not the struggle of your will; rather, the effortlessness of your love that provides everything wanted and needed in any situation. To value anything other than love is to misunderstand what love is.


You cannot communicate by not communicating

Because of pride, sometimes we choose not to say what we really mean or feel. Instead, we may try to use body language, passive-aggressive silence, or even attack to communicate what we mean to say without saying it—and then we expect the message to be received and somehow understood.

In truth, nothing can be understood unless it is well-communicated. If you love someone, say it. If someone says or does something that hurts you, tell the person how you feel. If you are afraid to lose someone, be honest. If you feel lonely even while in a relationship, find a way to gently say it. If there is something you really want to do with another person, simply express the need.

Any level of understanding in human relationships is difficult enough to achieve even when we are being completely open, honest and accepting. But withhold honesty, keep things inside, or let another person’s behavior silently eat away at you and the relationship begins to feel unbearable. Resentment begins and now everything is a problem. Then, from this place of frustration and suffering, what ends up happening is that your behavior starts to appear crazy to the other person because they have no idea what’s going on.

Trying to communicate by not communicating doesn’t work. It is only pride, which is a pillar of the ego, that would have you attempt such insanity. True communication requires vulnerability. If there is a problem in any relationship, simply be honest about your inner world. Say what you mean. Encourage the other person to do the same. Now you are communicating, and any problem is easily overcome.


I am nothing

People use the word “I” referring to a particular body and mind with a particular life story and situation associated with it. “I” or “my” is concerned only with the dimension of stuff / material / matter—the shifting forms of the material realm.

While I recognize that there is a particular body, mind, life story, and situation associated with this temporary physical form, it is not who I am. “I am” refers to consciousness / life / spirit—which is not in the observable, material realm; rather, is of what the mind dismisses as “nothing”.

The paradoxical truth is that something is actually nothing, while nothing is really everything.

We are talking about identity, and there is a fundamental need for a permanent identity. The problem is that we attempt to build one up through everything we are doing in the physical dimension / external world. Here everything is always changing, and all life forms grow old and die.

For to be meaningful, it must be permanent. That which is not permanent / eternal is only a meaningless situation.

A person driven by ego does not fundamentally understand this. Until we escape from the ego trap, we exhaust ourselves in a vain attempt to build up an identity that is recognizable in the external world. We attempt to derive lasting happiness through particular life situations or outcomes, but reality is such that it does not obey our mind’s desires. Anyway, the mind cannot know anything about what you really need until it knows who “you” are.

To spiritually awaken is to humble oneself to the point of saying “I am nothing”, or “I am” without adding anything to it. This is the recognition of identity / truth / reality—which is unchangeable, or it wouldn’t be truth and reality.

Now you can observe the external world and take part in it—but in a way that you no longer want or need anything from it. You are free. You can express and handle truth. Only loving thoughts and expressions are real, and everything else is forgiven.


A relationship that can break is a relationship that never even was

If there is something real between two people, then it is eternal and beyond threat. If it can be broken at all, then it was never real.

That which is true is, by definition, unchanging and eternal. Real human relationships, because they are based on love (the invisible energy of soul or spirit), are eternal. Love is unconditional and does not change. A relationship is a bond that is based on love.

Sometimes the mind can make us believe we are in an unbreakable relationship when it isn’t so. When we feel the need to hold onto a person—perhaps through argument, manipulation and debate—we are not in a real relationship. This type of connection is very brittle because it is based upon external factors and conditions, which are unstable and always changing.

Broken relationships are a tragedy not because they end; rather, because they never began and never even existed.


When you are content to be simply yourself, and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you. (Tao Te Ching)

Ironically, you don’t earn the respect or approval of others by pretending to be the person you imagine others want you to be. How could they respect someone who demonstrates so little confidence and self-worth?

When you encounter someone, don’t you want to know the real person? Wouldn’t you rather interact in truth? Wouldn’t role-playing insult both you and the actor by attempting to put you both into a box?

Be yourself. Don’t compare don’t compete. Not only will you effortlessly earn respect, you will give others permission to do the same. You will also form the most solid, deepest relationships.

What’s great about you is not how well you fit in; rather, how you don’t.


If this were the real world, God would be cruel. (A Course in Miracles)

When people speak of "the real world", they are talking about a world in which guilt is real, where attack is justified, and where love can be first given and then withdrawn. They are talking about a world in which politics are corrupt, governments exploit, the media lies, the church calls us sinners, and school makes us ill with its endless lessons of sacrifice and confusion. 

We have learned the world's lessons so well that we believe suffering is good and enjoyment is for the foolish or weak. What a strange thought system we have adopted and what a cruel world we have made.

Certain species of animals are domesticated: dogs, cats, cows, chickens and humans. For the past several thousand years, humans have been domesticated by other humans. We were promised safety, stability and comfort and we submitted. Now, largely detached from nature, we no longer know how to survive independently.

Spiritual awakening, salvation, means remembering what is real about us; even before our domestication. Who we are is not of this artificial world we have been conditioned to see. All of society is what human minds did and what other human minds agreed to. It is what we have made and what we have accepted, but is not actually real. 

God did not make this world of suffering; we did. God made the perfect nature within us and in the perfect balance of this world. Our confused minds, ignorant of reality, are the cancer here.

To heal is to look upon God's creations as real, not our own makings. By turning reality upside down in this way, our minds may once again serve truth and we shall once again do no harm.


True mastery can be gained by letting things go their own way. It can’t be gained by interfering. (Tao Te Ching)

Interference is the mind’s attempt to assert supremacy and control where it has none. The unobserved mind over-estimates its own power and fails to recognize the greater wisdom beyond it.

When a situation calls for a response, then we can let intuition lead the way. But if something is beyond our ability to change, then it is enough to speak the truth about it and then let it be. This allows freedom for others to experience their own life journeys. This allows challenges to teach lessons that need to be taught. Absent of interference, we can effortlessly allow the collective, one consciousness to learn through any situation or event.

It is entirely possible to stand in your truth just as you let every situation unfold. It is possible to accept everything as it is—grateful for the knowledge that it must happen for the simple reason that it is happening. This is true mastery, which is your strongest position for success and the only way to experience the peace of God.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” -The Serenity Prayer


Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? (Rumi)

Search for freedom externally and find only closed doors. It is true that there are endless obstacles to freedom in this world, and that's exactly the point. The doorway to freedom cannot be found externally because it is within.

What is freedom but the right to openly and honestly be yourself, to express yourself, to live your dreams and fantasies? Your soul wants to be set free. You want to feel unrestricted, unblocked, unshackled. Why? Because you want to be happy, to have fun, to love and be loved, to learn and to grow and to play. 

The door to all of this is only found within. To open it, open your mind and your heart to perfect love. To the mind, unconditional love is a thought system. To the heart, it is an energy and a state of being that is felt.  You do want freedom, but real and lasting freedom is only accessible when all your faith is in love. All that is not love can be let go of.

This is the only door to freedom: learn what perfect love is, learn to love yourself fully, then extend it freely and align your thoughts with only loving thoughts. Without first doing this, there is no person, situation, or circumstance in the world that could possibly offer you any sort of real or lasting freedom. You may have already been offered freedom, but failed to experience it because you haven't walked through the door within.

Only if aligned with love are you free. You are free to tell the truth, free to connect with other free people in love, free to explore, and if you embody only love you will render ineffective all the world's attempts to restrict your freedom. You are consciousness, which is another word for perfect love. You are eternal. You are beautiful. You are the light. You are free.


All authority is within

When the government tries to help some, unhealthy dependencies are created. When it ignores others, victim identity takes hold. No external authority can do what we must do for ourselves.

The real authorities are not representatives of any government or institution. These so-called authorities are merely creators of challenges, perpetuators of misery, and obstacles to happiness and freedom. We must—upon our own authority—overcome these obstacles.

We are the authorities. We are divine beings connected through the one consciousness. Herein lies all truth, beauty and power. No matter the threats and limitations are thrusted upon us by systems of violence, nothing can take away our ability to think freely, to speak the truth, and to do as we choose so long as it is loving.

Love trumps false authority. Love sets us free. Perfect honesty trumps propaganda. Deep human connections are beyond external interference. Self-love is unstoppable. No authority lies in the external world. This is the dimension of problems and challenges; not power. All power is wholly alive within.

This message is literal, not theoretical. You want something to change in your life? Make it happen. Prosperity comes from serving and creating value for others. Safety comes from extending only love and never violence or attack. Happiness comes from disidentification from ego. Health comes from eliminating fear and stress. A true spiritual practice of purification and healing is required for any of this to become your reality.

No institution of external authority is going to do a damn thing to help you with anything. All authority to change anything lies within—but only by successfully transcending ego to identify as consciousness.

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