When people speak of "the real world", they are talking about a world in which guilt is real, where attack is justified, and where love can be first given and then withdrawn. They are talking about a world in which politics are corrupt, governments exploit, the media lies, the church calls us sinners, and school makes us ill with its endless lessons of sacrifice and confusion.
We have learned the world's lessons so well that we believe suffering is good and enjoyment is for the foolish or weak. What a strange thought system we have adopted and what a cruel world we have made.
Certain species of animals are domesticated: dogs, cats, cows, chickens and humans. For the past several thousand years, humans have been domesticated by other humans. We were promised safety, stability and comfort and we submitted. Now, largely detached from nature, we no longer know how to survive independently.
Spiritual awakening, salvation, means remembering what is real about us; even before our domestication. Who we are is not of this artificial world we have been conditioned to see. All of society is what human minds did and what other human minds agreed to. It is what we have made and what we have accepted, but is not actually real.
God did not make this world of suffering; we did. God made the perfect nature within us and in the perfect balance of this world. Our confused minds, ignorant of reality, are the cancer here.
To heal is to look upon God's creations as real, not our own makings. By turning reality upside down in this way, our minds may once again serve truth and we shall once again do no harm.