The word “God” has become empty of meaning through thousands of years of misuse. (Eckhart Tolle, Power of Now)
The world teaches fear to distract you from your power

Thought alone, when it is no longer connected with the much vaster realm of consciousness, quickly becomes barren, insane, destructive. (Eckhart Tolle)

Complete identification with the mind (the belief that I am my thoughts) is the cause of failure, suffering and insanity.

Still today, most people make exhaustive efforts to blame other people and situations as the cause of suffering. The thinking goes, "If only this person would change, or if only I could find a way to accomplish this, then I could finally be happy.” This story appears to make sense when we are young, but as we pass through life something changes.

As we mature, we look back upon all the things that were supposed to make us happy. Much of what we wanted in our youth was eventually experienced or accomplished. But just as soon as we get what we want, we find the next problem. When we eventually recognize this pattern, most people surrender to despair and grumpiness. The other alternative is to find out how to simply observe thoughts, not take them too seriously, and mostly ignore the stories of the mind.

Through daily meditation and a spiritual practice, you can awaken to the fact that the voice in the head isn’t really you; rather, the conditioning of the world. This is the recognition of reality an the undoing of ego.

All that which is real is beyond the mind and can be best described as unconditional love. When we align with unconditional love, the mind functions optimally and the suffering ends. Awakened, you live in alignment with reality rather than in a state of resisting it. The scattered thoughts no longer cause emotional reactions. Now the sane, creative, productive mind has humbled itself to the vast realm of consciousness.

