Thought alone, when it is no longer connected with the much vaster realm of consciousness, quickly becomes barren, insane, destructive. (Eckhart Tolle)
Follow your feelings and let nature point the way

The world teaches fear to distract you from your power

Your power is love and it is what you are. This power can be forgotten, but it cannot be lost. Love is the only force that the world cannot resist, cannot contain, and cannot successfully war against. When your thinking and doing is loving, you channel unstoppable power and strength.

The ego would convince you to sacrifice perfect love to gain the world. But like everything the ego sets out to do, this cannot be done. There is nothing of any real value that can be gained from the world. All truth, beauty and value is consciousness infusing the world of form. To love is to bring about the feeling, the energy, the doing of consciousness.

You cannot sell your soul, but you can forget it–choosing instead a state of suffering, failure, anxiety and fear. This is the feeling of a forgotten soul begging to be remembered.

Remember what you are each day and know that it is infinitely more powerful than anything of this world. Unconditional love is so powerful that no one can stop you from practicing it. All authority lies in your truth.

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