Fear is hell. Hell is fear. Love is heaven. Heaven is love.
This is why we care (Hunger Games Producer talks about what thousands of others are saying)

Why I am not normal (January 27th, 2021 | Abscondo Podcast #97)


Abscondo Podcast (1)

People are very nasty toward anybody speaking freely these days. So why do we do it? Truth-tellers are probably the least popular people in the world (myself included). But the benefits far outweigh this one drawback.

The prizes for those willing to look beyond conventional wisdom and mainstream institutions are huge. Consider a few examples:

  • Health & Diet: if you eat the corporate food that is advertised (the normal, mainstream diet), you will be obese and sick. The diet tips in the magazines will make you only fatter. Their conventional wisdom is exactly wrong. Also, if you trust the healthcare system and take the prescription medications they peddle, your entire body will be a mess. Eat only real food and you will be perfectly healthy.

  • Work & Financial: conventional wisdom tells us to sacrifice in school, work hard, get a good job, and someday you will have plenty of money and be happy—that it will all be worth it. Not so. Start your own business. Work smarter, not harder. Tell your kids the same and their lives will be a true success. Also, those who are interested in conspiracy theories have a far better understanding of finance. We understand the problem with central banking, we bought cryptocurrency early on, we know when to buy investments and when to sell. Why? Because we have access to information that isn’t in the mainstream.

  • Relationships: normal relationships—between two people who have learned nothing about love and do not know themselves fundamentally—are a disaster. But when two people throw out conventional wisdom, when they speak and want only the truth, when they set each other totally free, then perfect and eternal love is inevitable.

  • Spirituality: open-minded truth-seekers do not accept a life filled with stress, fear, or any other negative emotion. If true spiritual awakening does not occur within a traditional religion, we are willing to consider teachings that go beyond it. The result is joy, inner peace, and salvation to anyone who decides for it.


Oh, and basically, our lives are more fun. We live our dreams, follow our passions, experience our fantasies, and enjoy abundance in every area of life without sacrifice.

Yet people love to attack someone like me. They say I need help. I’m insane. I’m an idiot. I can feel their anger, frustration, and hatred—which kind of proves the very point I am trying to make.

This is not about being right. I could give a damn about being right. This is not about growing an audience or making money (if so, I wouldn’t be standing behind unpopular truths while I give it all away for free).

The Abscondo project is my attempt to share the wonderful things I’ve learned about life. I am showing you that, if you put this into practice, life can be wonderful. But fair warning: you might not be as popular among miserable people. More on today's podcast:


Or you can listen to the mp3 version here:

Abscondo Podcast 97

