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December 2020

The miracle is love, and it cures all sickness

Millions of people in the world identify as “spiritual”. But only a tiny percentage of us say that we are fully awakened, that we have died to the world, have transcended ego, or that we have experienced salvation. Many are spiritual seekers, but then claim it is impossible to be completely free from the ego’s grip.

There is a reason why people find me annoying—why very few people care at all about this post or the 679 preceding it. Rather than seeking approval, I say clearly and openly that I have completely destroyed my ego. My full faith is in God’s love as the answer to every challenge. My real life is such that I do not experience suffering, crisis, or arguments in my close relationships. It is also annoying to people when I share the good news that I used to be ill all the time, then I awakened 6 years ago and no longer get sick.

The ego retains control over people by convincing them that sickness is real, sacrifice is virtue, suffering is inevitable, that people cannot be trusted, that fear is natural, anger and attack is sometimes justified, jealousy and possessiveness is love, and so on. Remember, the ego’s mantra is “seek but do not find”. A person who has shattered the ego is largely left alone in a miserable world run by ego. We try to share the good news, but ego cannot listen because that would spell its death and your joy.

There are no degrees to salvation. You can’t be “a little more spiritual” or have “less of a problem with ego”. You are either in the egoic state of existence or you are spiritually conscious. You are either led by fear (and all the negative emotions that flow from it) or love. You cannot serve two masters and cannot find any degree of sanity within two thought systems—one sane and the other insane, one real and the other unreal. Retain any illusions and the eternal promises of spiritual awakening remain only theory for you (not your reality).

When I say that I am spiritually awake, I am not claiming to be perfect. When I err, which happens frequently, I can unemotionally observe the error and undo it. If the ego re-emerges—perhaps through an occasional attack thought here or there—then I (the real me, as consciousness) can observe it, disidentify from it, let it go, correct any damage that has been done, and re-align with the thought system and energy of love.

The world is sick, and all sickness is of the ego. The ego puts stress on the body, drains us of vital energy, and weakens our immune systems until we fall ill. How do I know this is true? By testing out egoless existence and experiencing perfect health, myself. Since I first heard of COVID-19, almost a year ago now, I remembered this quote from A Course in Miracles and knew that it was not real. I knew that a spiritually awakened individual cannot catch it and certainly cannot die from it. We are immune.

“It must be true the miracle can heal all forms of sickness, or it cannot heal. Its purpose cannot be to judge which forms are real, and which appearances are true.” -A Course in Miracles

Those who convince us of the reality of COVID, who force us into submission through mandatory masks, social distancing, and vaccines, who tell us a more dangerous strain is on the horizon—these are the dark forces of ego. The ego is the conditioned mind. The world domesticates and indoctrinates us, and it happens from birth. Spiritual awakening means completely transcending the ego in yourself and ignoring it in the world. The news media is an illusion, as is politics. The healthcare system causes illness far more than it cures. Every centralized institution is a giant ego that attacks us. All of this is untrue. False. Illusion. It only has meaning if we give it meaning.

This is salvation. There are many paths, many different teachings and faiths, and various words pointing to this same thing, but it really is this simple. Do not try to understand this with the mind. Open the mind and heart. Read / listen to the beautiful books of self-evident truth and wisdom. Suspend disbelief. Put it into practice. Find out for yourself what joy, happiness, love, perfect safety, and the absence of suffering feels like. Go all the way or don’t bother at all.


This is no time for despair!

The following text from A Course in Miracles caught my attention today:

T-30.V.9. “An ancient hate is passing from the world. And with it goes all hatred and all fear. Look back no longer, for what lies ahead is all you ever wanted in your heart. Give up the world! But not to sacrifice. You never wanted it. What happiness have you sought here that did not bring you pain? What moment of content has not been bought at fearful price in coins of suffering? Joy has no cost. It is your sacred right, and what you pay for is not happiness. Be speeded on your way by honesty…”

Exposed, the normal thought system of the world (ego) is indeed dying right now. The cause of its passing is our honesty. We are no longer fooled by the false promises of materialism and have decided against it. When we are being honest, we know that the thought system of ego pulls us away from joy and brings only pain, suffering, and crisis.

Millions of us have given up the world, which is no sacrifice at all. We have awakened to the spiritual dimension. By remembering the pure, infinite love in our hearts, we have effortlessly found all that we ever wanted. Joy has become our reality while fear and hatred have been left behind.

Millions of others, who have not yet awakened, have also lost faith in the empty promises of ego and materialism. Disillusioned, they have sunk into despair and cynicism. They are unable to express themselves, unable to create or provide anything of value, and they live in a sad state of paralysis.

The elite—those who control the government, schools, media, and other institutions—have lost control of the population. Their false promises no longer motivate us, which is why they have turned to fear. The Plandemic, the lockdowns, the terrifying mandatory vaccinations, the fraudulent elections, the Communist Great Reset—this is the final, desperate act to maintain control over a world that has recognized their illusions and is no longer playing along. This dark era cannot last because they will never offer us anything we want. The entire system—all the news and entertainment, the lessons, the conventional wisdom, this final global coupe attempt—the awakened know that it is a heap of lies upon lies.

We who have awakened can now look beyond the desperate illusion of the world, turning our attention to the disillusioned—those who have correctly shattered the old illusions but who are buying into the new ones. May we find a way to inspire and support them, for this is no time for despair!


Just because something is happening doesn’t mean it is real

I know that the battle is raging, yet I am not afraid. My eyes see the insanity, my mind understands it, yet I know that none of it is real. Reality is not today’s news, nor the opinions, nor the endless threats made against all that is good. Reality has to do with God’s permanent order, which is beyond threat.

These wars over resources, bodies and minds, and territories are the doomed conquests of those who have forgotten that all physical form changes. Those who battle in this dimension sacrifice everything for temporary illusions of grandeur at best. The outcome is always defeat, and it is always only a question of how long it takes the people to awaken.

The world’s purpose is to make us believe that the illusions made to control us are real. If we first believe that something has real power, we immediately become fearful. Only under the spell of fear are we conquered and enslaved. Our reality is entirely up to us.

We are divine spirit / consciousness—not physical bodies and minds to be conquered. When we withdraw attention from man-made illusions, when we recognize the entire realm of physical form as meaningless—then we remember joy as our natural state, love as everything, and safety as eternal.

That which is unreal has no power over me. Any fearful reaction offers me no protection; rather, is the only problem. My power and safety is in truth. To stand firm in joy and love, I forgive those who know not what they do. I rest safely in a position of strength while the enemy is destroyed by chasing their own illusions.


You are the keystone because only the free individual is capable of truth

The Greek word for “truth” is aletheia, which literally means to “un-hide” or “hiding nothing.” (source) “Truth” means telling it like it is, or openness, transparency, and honesty.

In this moment, the world is engaged in a war of information and ideas. All that we perceive as evil, scary, and wrong is that which is hidden. This is a war between not only two—but three powerful forces. As of now, only one side is fundamentally committed to the truth.

We know that there are the Globalists, the Cabal, the Chinese Communist Party, Antifa, the “Deep State” alliance of corruption who are willing to do anything to maintain their grip on power. This side is built entirely upon the shifting sand of countless, shameless lies. Their bold deceit is spun endlessly in the media that they own, told by the government officials they have corrupted, and echoed through all their institutions.

Their purpose is to exploit all resources for their own material benefit. This includes the Earth’s resources as well as the most valuable resource of all: human life. This group has dominated the world for thousands of years, but recently they have gone too far and have been meet with massive resistance.

The second force is the Patriot movement—MAGA, MEGA, Trump and their allies. They are practicing the Art of War to defeat the previously mentioned group. Their intention is to purify the world’s centralized institutions and bring about greater honestly, decency, and transparency. Their ultimate goal is to expose the darkest truths, reveal the sick corruption, and reform the world by re-establishing the rule of law through strength and force if necessary.

It is important to notice that even this group is not committed to truth. They are carrying out a master strategy to soundly defeat the enemy for the good of the people—restoring integrity, human rights, freedom, and opportunity. People like me are in full support of their efforts but are often frustrated by their lack of transparency. We don’t know what is really going on. We are being asked to trust and to decode their messages, but because of the lack of honesty and openness, the process weighs heavily on morale.

The third group is the awakened people. Our faith is in love, in God, in truth and goodness. We do not trust any centralized institution and are at least a little skeptical about whether the MAGA / MEGA / NESARA / GESARA plan can work. Even if they catch the bad guys, can a government, institution, even a religion be free from corruption when the very nature of centralization breeds secrecy and makes corruption inevitable? The goal they are seeking has probably never been attained yet in the history of the world.

We want the truth—the full truth—because we know that this is the only way to heal. By revealing the world’s lies and illusions, what remains is the truth of love. Love is the response to every challenge and contains the total, complete thought system of wisdom. Learn what perfect, unconditional love is and what it does—then put it into practice—and you will have walked the one and only path of salvation. Destroy ego. Trust only in your own, divine authority. Speak and want only the truth. Love unconditionally and accept reality.

We, the millions taking part in this Great Awakening, are the only authority and the only force of good. We are called upon to create and live the reality of truth—of decentralization and freedom now. Trump / MAGA is, at best, our ally (not our savior). We, as individuals and together, must walk in spiritual truth now and never back down. We must join in full and complete union, reveal every lie, speak every word of honesty, connect with our inner inspiration, and live it.

As you undergo this shift, you enable those with institutional power to become a force that might fight corruption and purify institutions. But in the end, you are the keystone because only the free individual is capable of truth.


No idol stands in your way; rather, it is the idea that the idol has power which is the block.

The mind chases idols—always seeking something external or material as a condition for happiness. If we could only have this, experience that, or if this would work out in the right way, then we can finally be happy. Most people spend their whole lives this way, never quite attaining any lasting happiness or joy.

Even when we do succeed in conquering an idol, or when something works out perfectly, a mind that chases idols is never happy. There are always more thoughts and stories of other, new problems or needs…and other external, seemingly impossible solutions.

The problem with chasing idols is the very idea that some specific, external thing will complete you. How can one thing satisfy you when your soul longs for everything? Is belief in idols not the giving away of your power—as a perfect being who is already whole and complete—to something that is beyond your control? Are you not diminishing yourself and becoming lost in littleness—a victim at the mercy of some external thing that is seen as more real than you?

I don’t need more money to celebrate life.
I don’t need the right political situation to be free.
I don’t need more luxury to feel comfortable.
I don’t need to impress anyone for my life to matter.
All love and joy is within, and all the happiness in the universe is mine each day I have at least one other person who joins with me fully.

A Course in Miracles says, “It is never the idol that you want. But what you think it offers you, you want indeed and have the right to ask for.”

Do you want to live fearlessly, to feel joy, to fall madly in love, to experience thrills, to feel inspired, to express yourself fully, to enjoy or create something beautiful? No idol stands in your way; rather, it is the idea that the idol has power which is the block.


Personal liberty is required for life to have meaning

What is our purpose? Are we nothing more than a cog in a system? Are we here to follow the rules of the system, to withhold honesty, to obey authority, and to be exploited so that others in positions of power can live in unimaginable luxury? No.

We are each a unique genetic mutation, born to express ourselves fully so that the universe can learn. While we are fundamentally all the same and connected as one through consciousness, it is also true that the experience of being human is very different for each of us. It is through that different experience, and our different reactions to that experience, that we bring value.

No moment that I have experienced is the same as your moments. No perspective is identical, because the way we perceive the present moment is at least partially influenced by the accumulation of everything we have experienced throughout life. We are also influenced by our different personality types, different cultures, tastes, and so much more. To the extent that we bring a different perspective to the body of knowledge, our lives are successful.

Personal liberty is everything—a fundamental requirement for life to have meaning. When we are guaranteed human rights such as freedom of speech and assembly—when the exercise of free will is permitted in society—only then can we fulfill our natural function.

To accept conformity and forced obedience is to accept death, itself. It is the denial of the very purpose and meaning of life. Oppression must never be accepted for any reason. Love is the miracle that unlocks life’s full potential. Love sets us free, nourishes us with energy, inspires us to express ourselves, to serve, and to create.

Enjoy the miracle unfolding in the present world. Will that the forces of darkness, corruption, and oppression be gone and do not doubt the renewed path of love and freedom before you.

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Abscondo Podcast #92: Coping with world events

We all want this dark time to end, but how can we stay strong in the process?

Now is the time to look within, just as you look plainly on the ugliest of external truths

Those of us following the real current events know that things are slowly starting to go kinetic. My role is not to make predictions or to report on current events. But as the war between the Great Reset forces and the Great Awakening forces intensifies (as shit gets real in the coming days and weeks), my intention is to provide emotional and spiritual support.

None of this is about past or future. Furthermore, there is nothing to be afraid of. If we place our full faith in love as the answer to any challenge and the response to any situation…if we want the truth and accept reality…we can remain calm and safe even during the storm.

For current updates on world events during this time, I recommend looking to sources like and other discussion forums where you can find Patriots. It is important to know what is happening out there, but we cannot become obsessed with external events as the source of our internal joy, safety, and calm. You are safe in eternity and, aligned with love, you will also experience safety and abundance in this life.

If the Internet will be working during the storm, I will be doing more posts, talks, and podcasts. The best place to find me is at I will also be regularly going live on any platform that is operational.

Now is the time to look within, just as you look plainly on the ugliest of external truths. Allow illusions to be shattered, darkness to be revealed, and light to heal the world. It is a process of undoing ego that is unfolding now and will continue into the foreseeable future. It is a beautiful time to be alive and I hope to join you on this journey.

The laws that held you prisoner to pain and death must be forgotten. (A Course in Miracles)

The thought system of the ego is held together with rules that can only result in misery. One of the fundamental errors of ego is belief in salvation through sacrifice. With the principle of sacrifice in place, what else but pain, misery and death can follow? What is sacrifice, after all, but the exchange of what you do want for that which you do not?

The only justification for such an insane belief is that somehow, magically, in the future, you will have sacrificed enough and will be somehow rewarded with your treasure. Yet the treasure you seek is forever within you and was never lost (only sacrificed). Here there is a clear problem with cause and effect. If you look logically at this, your ego cannot survive.

There is a voice in the head that drives us mad with a narrative of fear and guilt. This is the ego. The voice is silent, yet still loud enough to fill the mind and body with enough negative emotions and suffering that we are driven to madness. The purpose of the ego is always your enslavement.

What is astounding is that this insane thought system is not yours at all. The voice in the head sounds like yours, but the ego’s thought system was relentlessly taught to you through endless repetition by those who have attempted to enslave you. The ego is the conditioned mind, and the conditioning was never meant to work in your advantage.

The Great Awakening is the recognition of this enslavement, the full withdrawal of attention and authority from those who never deserved it, the end of sacrifice, and the beginning of joy. This undoing is a slow, frustrating, painful process. But the time has come that we break free from the chains.


Who is Trump and the Make America Great Again movement really fighting against?

Who is really pulling the strings and controlling world events? Who is corrupting the media and the government around the world? Is it really the Chinese Communist Party? Is that who is attempting to steal the US election? On some level, perhaps. But this cannot be the whole story.

Look honestly at what is happening. We can start by looking at COVID-19. Truth-seekers know that this is no pandemic. It is nothing other than the flu. There are no excess deaths in 2020 beyond any other year. The purpose of this article is not to debate the pandemic. I am writing to those who already know.

The question is, who perpetuated this massive catastrophe called Coronavirus? Well, the corporate media, the healthcare system, and cooperative politicians did. Who controls these organizations?

To understand who pulls the strings in the world, look at who attends the Davos World Economic Summit and who is a member of the Bilderberg Group. Who runs the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank? Who runs the largest banks, corporations, and Big Tech? Are these not the very people who run the world and are controlling events?

The Leftist Progressives used to understand that these people are not their friends. For decades, the elite had control over all political parties. Their dominance was untouchable. Then Trump came along and emerged as a threat. He had the dirt and showed them. He tried to conquer the elite. This happened in 2017.

But the people who run the world did not take it lying down. They fought back. Their response was to align with the Left. They made a rapid shift toward socialist economics, the green movement, and they aligned with minority rights—not because they care about any of this; rather, because it was their best plan to defeat Trump. The Left bought into it and their integrity was severely compromised as a result.

The CCP is also involved, as is the Catholic Church, as is the British Royal Family and so many other parties. This is no conspiracy. They are open about it in Davos each year. We know where the power is: Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Wall Street, Health Care, Big Pharma, Big Media and other massive economic forces. Are these not the very players that carried out the COVID-19 coupe on the world? Yes.

Outside of Trump, the governments of the world are at the mercy of these forces. Worse yet, many politicians were compromised, bribed, or otherwise corrupted through favors and access. We now know that they also used the Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software to rig elections in the US and around the world. All they needed were a few key players in government to play along. They almost got away with it again.

But this time Trump and the patriots were one step ahead. They knew that the people would not support a war directly against the corporate powers and the elite. The Radical Left and Right were ranting about the ruling elite for years, but up against the onslaught of corporate propaganda, the message didn't resonate with people and few were inspired to join with those movements. 

Trump knew that the only war the people would support is against a foreign country—particularly a Communist-led country compromising our elections. He would need to make the case that the Communists corrupted everyone, and that anyone who collaborated with them is also a Traitor. Now the military can get involved and perhaps even take out the ruling elite, who have always been above the law. Brilliant plan and it may work.

This is the story about how the people of the world were shown the truth in 2020. Progressive activists and Libertarians—those on the fringes—have known about and resisted this world order for decades. Now they have either become corrupted or have joined with the Trump movement. Millions more, who know nothing about any of this, are in the process of being shown—shown who runs the world, what their evil agenda is, what their unimaginable crimes against humanity are, and why everything must change.

This is not really about China. This is not about the Great Reset or Communism. It is much bigger than that. This is a direct attack on the Ruling Elite by the government and maybe even the military, with the support of the people, for the first time in generations.  
