Insanity is the pandemic
The ego has a very interesting relationship with the body

Life changes when you stop agreeing to everything that is harming you

They told you it is good and right to pay attention to the news, and you agreed, and so you do. With any luck, at some point in life, you realize that nothing they report is actually true...and is only designed to cause fear and suffering in you. But you agreed to it, so you continue to watch it anyway.

They told you that you have to get a job and work at least 40 hours per week. You agreed, and so that's what you do. With any luck, at some point, you realize that the money isn't enough, jobs are temporary, and they cause you exhaustion and misery. But you agreed to it, so you set the alarm each day and do it anyway.

They told you that you have to commit to lifelong monogamy as soon as you love a person. That sounded right, so you agreed, and so that's what you do and force your partner to do. At some point, you realize that this is a great source of suffering and you fail at it. But you agreed to it, so you suppress your feelings, maybe even lie, deceive or cheat until the relationship finally falls apart.

They told you that you have to fight, attack others, punish children, distrust strangers, sacrifice, go into debt, obey, comply...and you do because you agreed to it.

Life changes when you stop agreeing to everything that is harming you. Do not fight to change the demands of those who would control or exploit you; rather, simply disagree and live in truth. You are the authority of you, and this is perfectly natural and right.

