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August 2020

Robert F. Kennedy - transcript of the historic speech in Berlin on August 28th, 2020

"Back at home, in the United States, the newspapers are saying that I came here today to speak to about 5,000 Nazis. Tomorrow, they are going to report that, yes, I was here, that I spoke to maybe 3,000 to 5,000 Nazis.

But I look at this crowd and I see the opposite of Nazism. I see people who love democracy—people who want open government, people who want leaders who are not going to lie to them, people who want leaders who will not make up arbitrary rules and regulations to orchestrate the obedience of the population.

We want health officials who don’t have financial entanglements with the pharmaceutical industry—who are working for us. We want officials who care about our children’s health, and not about pharmaceutical profits or government control.

I look in this crowd, I see all the flags of Europe. I see people of every color, I see people from every nation, every religion—all caring about human dignity, about children’s health, about love of freedom—this is the opposite of Nazism.

The governments love pandemics. They love pandemics for the same reason they love war. It gives them the ability to impose controls on the population that the population would otherwise never accept—creating institutions and mechanisms for orchestrating and imposing obedience.  

I will tell you something: it is a mystery to me, how all these big, important people like Bill Gates and Tony Fauci were planning and thinking about this pandemic for decades—planning it so that we would all be safe when the pandemic finally came. And yet, now that it is here, they don’t seem to know what they are talking about.

They cannot tell you what the case fatality rate for COVID is, that’s basic. They cannot give us a PCR test that actually works. They don’t have—they have to change the definition of COVID on the death certificates, constantly, to make it look more and more dangerous. The one thing they are good at is pumping up fear.

75 years ago, Hermann Göring testified at the Nuremberg Trials. He was asked, “How did you make the German people go along with all this?” And he said, “It’s not anything to do with Nazism. It has to do with human nature. You can do this in a Nazi regime. You can do it in a Socialist regime. You can do it in a Communist regime. You can do it in a monarchy or a democracy. The only thing the government needs to make people into slaves is fear.”

50 years ago, my uncle John Kennedy came to this city because Berlin was the frontline against global totalitarianism. And today again, Berlin is the frontline against global totalitarianism. He proudly said to the people of Germany, “Ich bin ein Berliner.” All of us who are here today can proudly say once again, “Ich bin ein Berliner.” We are the frontline against totalitarianism.

And to say one more thing: they have done a very good job of not protecting public health, but they have done a very good job using the quarantine to bring 5G in and are in the process to shifting us all to a digital currency—which is the beginning of slavery. Because if they control your bank account, they control your behavior. And we all see these advertisements on television, saying 5G is a great thing coming to you, it’s gonna change your lives and make all your lives better. It sounds very convincing, I have to say. As I look at those ads and I think, that’s great, I can hardly wait until it gets here. Because I will be able to download a video game in 6 seconds instead of 16 seconds. Is that why they are spending $5 trillion on 5G?

No, it’s not for you and me. It’s for Bill Gates, it’s for Zuckerberg. Bill Gates says that his satellite fleet will be able to look at every square inch of the planet 24 hours a day. That’s only the beginning. He hopes to be able to follow you through all of your smart devices, facial recognition, GPS. You think that Alexa is working for you? She isn’t working for you. She’s working for Bill Gates, spying on you.

And the pandemic is a crisis of convenience—for the elites who are dictating these policies. It gives them the ability to obliterate the middle class, to destroy the institutions of democracy, to shift all of our wealth, from all of us, to a handful of billionaires to make themselves rich by impoverishing the rest of us. And the only thing that’s between them and our children is this crowd who has come to Berlin.

We are going to show them! We are going to demand our democracy back! Thank you very much for fighting!"

Abscondo Podcast #89: How to end violence now

If you going to listen to or read just one thing I've written or said, make it this podcast episode. 

You can also listen to the Abscondo Podcast wherever you normally listen to podcasts.

When the Milwaukee Bucks decided to boycott the originally scheduled game 5 with the Magic...

When the Milwaukee Bucks (my favorite NBA team) decided to boycott the originally scheduled game 5 with the Magic, I was filled with conflicting thoughts and emotions. They took a stand: racism and police brutality will no longer be accepted. While this single act won’t solve the problem, I believe it can start a conversation that will.

The problem isn’t just one isolated incident of racism or police brutality. The problem is an entire system of violence—a culture of violence that is so rotten to the core that it is no longer acceptable. These elite athletes are willing to risk their season—perhaps their careers—because they, like so many of us, are completely fed up.

I, too, have had it with police violence in any and every form. I am also fed up with a military that arbitrarily kills people in foreign countries, with the government’s trampling on personal liberty, with the endless threats from the legal system and life-destroying prison sentences to back them up. I know how the entire system treats minorities, but nobody else’s life in this system is any picnic either and this has been going on for far too long.

Just as in the days of Fascism and Communism, government authority is terrorizing human beings and we are fed up.

But it doesn’t stop there. I’ve also had it with the violent attitudes of people—the sarcasm, open hatred, mocking, road rage, even shouting and threatening each other. Then there are the lost souls who would steal or murder, there’s the brutality against children and spouses, and the frustrated sexual aggression everywhere.  

Everywhere we look in this violent culture, we see threats and symbols to trigger fear and exalt violence. This is not just about the United States, there is a global pandemic of violence that is causing far too much fear and suffering. Beyond racism and police brutality, the violence is from top to bottom—including the angry individual behavior that causes the police to respond, including the violent attitudes and tones, and including the crime.

All of this is caused by only one thing: lack of love. Sin is where love is not, and nothing will ever get better until we decide to learn what love is.

No symbolic gesture like a sports boycott is going to make any difference. It, too, is only a failing strategy of the ego—more shaming and blaming, more pointing to an oppressor and a victim, more calls for punishment—this is all the stuff of ego, just more of the same.

The cure is the antidote to ego—the undoing of it—and it is unconditional love. If we are fed up, this is the only path forward. This is the complete and lasting undoing of violence and hatred. If George Hill, Eric Bledsoe, and rest of us want to solve the problem—then let’s talk about love, forgiveness, presence, awakening, the escape from ego.

Now is the time to go deeply within and then speak the real truth—as we all must if we want anything in this world to change.


If you get sick...


Fear is the cause of sickness. Without any fear, we cannot catch anything because the immune system is strong.

Ironically, fear is both the cause of this pandemic and the response to it; which creates a negative feedback loop so aweful that it is apparently killing some people.

The only cure for fear is perfect love. Only love casts out fear...there is simply no other way.

Until we learn this mandatory lesson, our suffering only increases. The purpose of our suffering is that we learn this lesson.

How perfect and beautiful is this design of reality.

It is impossible to place equal faith in opposite directions. (A Course in Miracles)

People pretend that they are rational; yet what guides everything we think, say, and do is our faith.

Some believe in a specific religion, some in consumerism or materialism as the source of happiness, some in romantic relationships as the primary source of salvation, some in a political party or ideology, some in higher education, riches, or social status.

Some believe in their racial identity, nationality, or country. Others believe in fear, in the reality of sickness, in a world that is a dangerous and depressing place, and that people cannot be trusted.

Nobody is unbiased and rational. We are all operating on faith. The reason nobody can agree is that we place our faith in thousands of different false idols which are unreal; then we try to make them real by convincing everyone else of their reality.

The world can only come together in peace when we place our faith in the only thought system which is true and beyond debate: love. With full faith in love, we can fully accept our differences, we can allow one another the right to be free and to experience our lives as we are meant to. We can have fun and help one another through any suffering. We can discuss all kinds of ideas, do all kinds of things, and use all kinds of words and language, always with an open heart and mind and without judgment.

Do you believe in love? If so, believe in it fully. If you place your faith in multiple directions, then your faith is not in love and you are confused. You don’t have to change anything about your affiliations, your relationships, or your profession or lifestyle. You need only humble yourself to the reality of love, learn and adopt its thought system, and I promise you all will be well for you, eternally.


Because it is so painful for the ego to be honest about itself, it cannot deal with the truth of any situation.

We have said that the ego is insane, and one example is its inability to look at true cause and effect. More often, the unobserved mind confuses the effect for the cause.

I will explain, but first I will be clear what is meant by the ego or the “unobserved mind”. A person trapped in ego trusts and believes that “my thoughts, words, and actions are me and I am diminished if any of this is not honored.” With this belief system, honesty about anything becomes impossible.

To ignore, laugh at, or question thoughts and ideas requires that you first recognize yourself not as the mind; rather, as consciousness or awareness—which is beyond the mind. Is there not a “you” who is watching your thoughts and observing everything? Have you ever said, “I’m driving myself crazy”? Who is the “I” and who is the “myself”? Are there two of you, or only one? In fact, the “I” in this sentence is only the egoic mind.

To live unaware of your identity is to lack full vision. This makes you unable to see true causes and effects. For example:

1) A wife believes that the husband’s affair is the cause of her suffering; yet she is unwilling to look at the thousands of things she has done and decisions she has made to co-create this tragic relationship.  

2) A person catches the flu and sees the illness as the cause of suffering; yet is unwilling to look at the hundreds of unhealthy decisions that have weakened the immune system—the stress allowed, the poor diet, the lack of sleep, etc.

3) A man loses his job and goes bankrupt; seeing the loss of employment as the cause of the problem; yet is unwilling to look at the years of poor career choices and the risky and irresponsible financial decisions that left his family vulnerable to the inevitable outcome.

These are just a few of the infinite examples of ego insanity, and if you mention the truth of any situation to a person in the grip of ego, you will be accused of blaming the victim. For there to be a victim, there must be a story about something external that "just happened" to you. The effect must be seen as the cause. Any discussion of the true causes and effects will be considered an insult.

When you recognize yourself as beyond the mind, you no longer take the mind so seriously. You can see your errors without experiencing a negative emotional reaction. You can laugh at your mind’s occasional insanity and, by recognizing it, effortlessly correct it. You can be honest with yourself without carrying any feelings of guilt or shame. You can see love as the only refuge where everything you want is found—and then recognize that it is everywhere and that you are living in paradise.

The mind does what it does and is a useful tool, but the voice in the head is not you. Because your thoughts are not you, you cannot be diminished by anything that is thought, said, or done. Now you have awakened. You are rooted. You have the vision to see reality—including the truths about causes and effects.


Erotic love is not love

In The Art of Loving, Erich Fromm writes “One can often find two people “in love” with each other who feel no love for anybody else. Their love is, in fact, an egotism a deux; they are two people who identify themselves with each other, and who solve the problem of separateness by enlarging the single individual into two. They have the experience of overcoming aloneness, yet, since they are separated from the rest of mankind, they remain separated from each other and alienated from themselves; their experience of union is an illusion.”

The word “love” is so badly misunderstood because this, what Erich Fromm calls “erotic love”, is the only meaning most people attach to the word. But, in the truest sense, erotic love isn’t love. It is like a drug, or a wild thrill that can be triggered by any intense feeling between two people who find each other physically attractive.

If this encompasses the full extent of one’s understanding of love, the experience of erotic love will be just as short and fleeting as it is intense. Eventually, the blissful feelings begin to fade, and there arises a desire to move on to the next relationship, as though it will be different the next time.

Erotic love is one of the greatest thrills of life, a celebration of being alive, and is almost surely the most fun an adult can have. But it is not the source of love, it is not salvation, and clearly not the path toward lasting happiness.

To achieve lasting joy and the end of suffering, we need what I call perfect, or unconditional love. Erich Fromm breaks this down into self-love, brotherly love, motherly and fatherly love, and the love of God—which are all forms of real love that are experienced from beyond the ego.

Only a person who first comes to know love can experience erotic love in a way that is entirely different—even opposite from—the way romantic relationships and marriages are typically experienced. To the awakened person (one who fully knows what love is), the erotic relationship is joyful play and just as fun as ever; but there is no pressure to make it more than it is. This is true love, or what A Course in Miracles calls the holy relationship.     



The life review and the near-death experience

In Mark Gober’s extensively researched book, An End to Upside Down Thinking, he examines thousands of personal accounts of near-death experiences (when a person’s body and brain is physically dead for a short time and then brought back to life). One of his fascinating findings is the regular reporting of what is called a “life review.”

As reported by one individual, “Every second from birth until death you will see and feel, and you will experience your emotions and others that you hurt, and feel their pain and emotions. What this is for is so you can see what kind of person you were and how you treated others from another vantage point.”

This is all experienced in an instant—a total picture of the truth of your life and that of everyone who you affected. Others even reported seeing truths that their spouses or loved ones kept hidden. Think about that.

Another individual who experienced this explains, “Not only did I perceive everything from my own viewpoint, but I also knew the thoughts of everyone involved in the event, as if I had their thoughts within me. This meant that I perceived not only what I had done or thought, but even in what way it had influenced others.”

Read this breakthrough book yourself and come to your own conclusions about the nature of consciousness, but ask yourself this: if, at the moment of death, everything true about our lives is revealed to us in an instant—if this is part of the process that determines what happens to us when we die—and if everyone we love will go through the same process when they die—do we want to lie to anyone we love? Do we want to harm anyone and be forced to confront the effects in our dying moment? Do we want anyone we love to have to deal with what we have kept hidden in their dying moment?

The near-death experience and the life review teach us to choose unconditional love now and always, while we are alive. We can always be honest and open about everything. We can always be accepting and forgiving so that others can do the same.


Reality ensures that nobody gets away with anything

Some people have been taught to believe that life is all about getting what you want. Theirs is a value system centered around one question: what benefits me?

So, they go through life trying to maximize what they get. In their work, they are less than honest and conceive of business models which are more about robbery than value creation. With enough dedication and sacrifice, they often achieve their hollow goals and amass a fortune.

The problem is, so much sacrifice on this path is needed that they lose themselves along the way. They play a false role all the time, which is exhausting and causes depression. Deep down, they also know that they are causing others to suffer—and for what purpose? After all, they are suffering too.

So, there is always this underlying, nagging feeling that they must atone, make things right, change everything. But they don’t; for this would be to lose everything they have sacrificed a lifetime for. The sad truth is that they have gained nothing at all and have sacrificed everything.

In relationships, they are so concerned with getting their way that they are willing to withhold honesty and truth, willing to manipulate others, willing to shame, blame, argue and attack. When their marriages fall apart, they continue to battle—doing whatever it takes to gain custody of the children and grab the money. The problem is, even when they get exactly what they want, they can never escape the nagging feeling that there are so many wrongs which must be made right.


You can claim the victory you thought you wanted, but if you do so in a way that is less than perfectly honest and perfectly fair, you then must live with the feeling that you need to apologize and make things right. That is an impossible burden to live with day after day, so life becomes hell.

Now it is clear why the thought system of “what benefits me” is fundamentally flawed. True success—the kind that can be fully enjoyed—can come only from a life rooted in perfect honesty and fairness. You give your best to others, which naturally inspires them to give their best back. In business and art, you create true value and beauty and get paid for it. In relationships, you give perfect freedom, understanding, acceptance and you are generous in every way. You are loved for it.

This is the trajectory of increasing abundance—true success that cannot be taken away from you and involves no suffering at any point. It also involves no sacrifice because this kind of life is so much fun. You can sleep perfectly at night and are free of stress because you have a conscious as pure as the white, driven snow.

This is only possible through the thought system of perfect love rather than “what benefits me.” Come here with a pure, open heart and a healed, open mind.

I wanted to share a deeply meaningful conversation I had with a reader of this blog

The parts in italics are the words of the reader.


I wanted to know, how can I remove my ego and pain body?

It sounds like you are a student of Eckhart Tolle? Are you finding that present moment awareness doesn't quite get you there? What usually triggers your pain body?

Its triggered when I'm exhausted and tired.
I've learned to control the other triggers more or less but just can't seem to do it when I'm tired.

I would recommend resting. :-) Everyone gets grumpy when they are tired.
I do a guided meditation whenever I feel that way. Even 15 minutes is better than a nap. Search for the Meditation Oasis podcast for free meditations.

Thank you so much.

Write anytime, my friend.

Seeing others suffer causes so much pain and anger. It upsets me that people can perpetrate abuse covertly and get away with it. Others are not willing to acknowledge it or change it.
Is this anger and frustration from ego? If I become egoless will I be indifferent to abuse?
And if I do address covert abuse, should I do it by writing an article to avoid confrontation?

I feel the same way, as I suppose any kind-hearted person does. The question is, how best to solve the problem? To fight something or someone only causes further clinging or identification with the destructive behavior.

The only way to change anything, to heal anything or anyone, is through perfect, unconditional love. Have I mastered this in a way to change people beyond my close relationships? No, not yet.

I do know it works perfectly in my family, with my customers and business contacts, etc. Beyond that, words and teachings may help some people...but you are a rare case; someone whose heart and mind is open enough to want to awaken (I presume). I am glad to write with you. What do you think?

Yes, please that would be great. Thank you very much.

I very much want you to share your wisdom as well, so that we can both grow.

I have been listening to Eckhart Tolle recently and reading Pearls of wisdom of Yos W Hadi, an Indonesian spiritual teacher.


I have learned a lot recently from my Mormon friends. I am very curious how Eckhart Tolle touches someone from an Islamic background.

Islam is a very spiritual religion.
Often misunderstood.
Peace and unconditional love to all creation because God loves everyone

I know a little about Sufism. Very little.

The basic aim is to remove ego.


Jesus Christ also spoke the truth, but of course Christianity is also mispracticed and misunderstood.

Ego is considered the barrier between man and God/universe.

Indeed. Ego is the devil. Religious people don't get this.

Yes, we love Jesus and Mary, Hannah, and Joseph very much. Peace be upon them all.


I only care about the truth to which the teachings point.
Ultimately, all teachings point towards unconditional love and peace, I believe.

And annihilation of the ego.


Which is God's love, yes. We agree as one.
It is that simple.

But reaching this stage of pure unconditional love and removing ego are very difficult, I think.

Look, I sometimes have tiny ego flare-ups in a moment. Or a little fear. But I observe it and it goes away. I reached this point mainly through A Course in Miracles. Eckhart came later.

But it is important for me to read / listen to a little each day, write something, and meditate. That is how I exist in this ongoing state.

I dedicate maybe one hour a day, total, in different chunks of is enough, even if I do business, spend hot long days with the kids, have some wine at night....I’ve stayed egoless and aligned with love—for about 5 years now.

Do you think it's possible to reach a permanent egoless state?

Yes, with a daily practice and a commitment to perfect honesty everywhere.
I want to do more, to reach more people and heal. It just hasn't worked on a large scale yet.

Yes, you should reach more people.
I'm sure you will help many people.
Many spiritual teachers instruct us to become egoless, but do not tell us how to do it.

And they are popular for it. Eckhart even stops short of going all the way, which is why he is popular...but not always able to take people all the way.

I have tried almost everything, but ego stops this message everywhere.
The ego's mantra is "seek, but do not find."

I want to go all the way.

I guess people around me think that I'm crazy.

The ego does not want its own destruction, so only an already awakened person wants this message. But that person doesn't need it!
And that person is also a teacher.
There is something which transcends everything all religions and differences.

How to convince the ego to let go of its grip? That is happening by itself as we look at the state of the world now. Ego is imploding under the weight of its own insanity. We need only speak the truth about it and teach the way to those ready to listen.
It is a very gradual process.

Many people do not know its ego...they are so deeply identified with it.

And that causes suffering.
They won't even consider the concept. Almost nobody.

Yes, and still they cling.

Life is like heaven if one is without ego.
Reality will continue to teach them the lesson.

But the society trains us to view ego as necessary for so called success.
That is heaven, yes.


Yes, but true success is in loving service and creation…even fame and riches can be found there. Ego never achieves anything significant, beautiful, or lasting.

It is an honor to meet another awakened soul, Muhammad. I will write later, my brother.

Likewise, brother.
My name is actually XXXX.

Nice to meet you.

Is fear of rejection due to ego?

Only the ego can reject. Spirit doesn't recognize rejection as anything other than an errored choice for separation. It isn't about "you".

Ego and spirit cannot communicate at all. So, rejection of you can only be ego in another.

Do you have a wife, girlfriend, or partner right now who gets you from beyond the ego?

My husband does I believe.

Ah, so you are a woman? Sorry about missing that!

No worries.
I've been reading your posts, where I found answers to many of my questions.

Thank you!

That is wonderful to hear. Do you talk with your husband about your beliefs / faith?

I do....but sometimes he cannot answer my endless questions.
Like how to get to an egoless state.
I feel like I've wasted my life being a slave of ego. Wish we were taught all this at school.


Exactly. I am glad you have a strong, loving marriage then.
My partner and I wish we could share what we have learned with more people. I am sure you feel the same.

Yes, but I'm still learning, myself, and I have a very long way to I know nothing.
You and your partner should definitely go for it.
You will help many people as you are helping me.
There are so many definitions of ego but no clear cut guidelines for removing it.
I guess it's not that simple

As Eckhart asks, how do you drop a hot potato? By dropping it. :-)
It is only a decision to go all the way. Destroy it. Leave it behind. You never needed it and it is unreal.

Choose unconditional love each moment and, when you go off course, apologize and go back. :-)

So always think unconditional loving thoughts?
Then there’s no ego?
Is that the formula? :-)

Yes. And observe when you fail. That's it.
And forgive yourself when you make an error.
Correct the error but make nothing about it real.

I feel unloved by my in-laws sometimes, so I feel a sense of rejection, which makes me angry and bitter.

Sin is where love is not...explains A Course in Miracles.

That is only about their inability to practice perfect love. It says nothing about you. Have you learned to love yourself fully?

Besides my books, I recommend Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz.

Can I purchase your books from your website?
Self-love is something I'm struggling with.

Mine are free eBooks. See the link from the main navigation menu.
by Mark Manney and The Switch by Abscondo.

Thank you so much for taking out precious time to help others
I will invite others to like your Facebook page
There are many spiritually minded people on my facebook.

“One of the greatest acts of worship at the end of time, and one which breaks through the veils that are between the slave and His Lord, is striving to fulfil people's needs.”
- Shaykh al-Habib Abdul Qadir as-Saggaf (Alayhi Rahma) ~


If we start to be unaffected by outward events, does it mean we will be indifferent towards injustice to ourselves or others?

For example, will an egoless person be indifferent to being abused or bullied by others, or indifferent to others being abused like animal cruelty?

Should we keep up relations with those who keep hurting us?

And is it ego if one does not wish to be taken for granted?

And does setting boundaries come from ego?

The only real thing we can do about the various forms of loveless hells created by the errors of others is to express our truth, then withdraw our attention from it. Be only love, teach only love, share only love.

To fight something or attack it is to make it seem as if error and illusion have power. Reality will naturally teach and correct anyone lost in error. All you need to do about it is express yourself fully, illuminate the error, and show the alternative. Then move on with things, withdraw your attention from error and illusion.

This either corrects the error or repels the ego away naturally. You never have to make any decision to cut someone off. Simply speak your loving truth and let them decide what to do with you.

If you react to anything in any other way than by telling your deepest truth lovingly, you end up teaching the wrong lesson and helping no one.

Only love has the power to correct error. I will give you an example. Last week, we went camping. There was this large family who seemed to think the entire campground was their private party. They drank, blasted loud music, and sang for three days straight. Everyone around was frustrated and annoyed with them.

Some people gave dirty looks, but it didn't help. On the first night, I even walked over and asked them to please be quieter twice. Nothing seemed to solve the problem.

On the third day, I asked myself to dig deeper. I asked, what is the loving response? I asked myself, if I could find the courage to say anything at all, is there anything that would help them see the error and care how they were spoiling everyone else's time?

Here's what I came up with: "Isn't it wonderful how all these people accept you as you are? Even though you are spoiling our time a little with all the noise, we all accept you."

I thought it might work, but I didn't see how I could just walk over to the group and randomly say this. My daughter urged me to be brave and do it, but I thought it was maybe inappropriate and of no use.

A while later, surprisingly, the man who owned the large speaker came right toward me to ask for a lighter. I went for it. I said just what I had thought earlier.

He looked utterly confused, as if he thought we all enjoyed their loud partying and wanted to know more about what I meant. I left it at that.

He went back to the dozen or so others in his group, we heard them quietly talking about what I had said…as if trying to grasp it.

Things finally quieted down, and we never heard another loud noise from them the rest of the time. The situation was resolved without any conflict. Maybe they became aware of the respect we all showed them, and became inspired to finally offer the same in return.

To answer your questions directly:

If we start to be unaffected by outward events, does it mean we will be indifferent towards injustice to ourselves or others?

No. What does your outrage about something do that is constructive? Love has nothing to do with feelings of guilt.

For example, will an egoless person be indifferent to being abused or bullied by others, or indifferent to others being abused like animal cruelty?

No. An egoless person will speak freely and openly about it; but will not carry any burden about it.

Should we keep up relations with those who keep hurting us?

We should tell them exactly how we feel, asking for nothing. They will either recognize and respond to our needs, or they will choose separation.

And is it ego if one does not wish to be taken for granted?

If you feel you are taken for granted, you should only communicate about how you feel in the purest, most loving way.

And does setting boundaries come from ego?

Yes, the ego is all about separation. It is all about closing and withdrawing from your brothers and sisters, from God. How can there be boundaries when, on the level of consciousness—our true identity—we are exactly the same, we are one?