Nothing is difficult that is wholly desired. To desire wholly is to create. (A Course in Miracles)
"The Switch" by Abscondo available now!

Ego and spirit are in fundamental disagreement about everything.

Disease is in fundamental disagreement with health. Separation is in fundamental disagreement with unity. Darkness is in fundamental disagreement with light. Sound is in fundamental disagreement with silence.

When something is in fundamental disagreement with something else, both cannot be true. When one is made real, the other instantly becomes unreal.

Just as darkness is lack of light, ego is lack of spirit. To live in spirit requires the complete undoing of ego. Ego is so fragile that it’s destruction requires only that we bring ego into the light.

Know only that you are not your thoughts; rather, the silent and still observer of your thoughts. Now you can observe your thoughts from the perspective of conscious presence. Observe the aliveness of the present moment and let go of the ideas of past and future. You are not the stories, illusions and dreams of the mind. We can let go of illusion to actually enjoy life right now and always.

