Inward is sanity. Insanity is outside you. (A Course in Miracles)
No matter the unease, the noise, the chatter, the gossip, the fearful stories being shouted around you, inside your true self it is always perfectly sane, quiet and safe.
We are taught by the world that it is the other way around — that we are wrong, that we don’t fit, that we aren’t like everyone else. We are taught to doubt our feelings, our truths, our selves. Yet there can be no higher faith than faith in our divine selves.
This Christmas, we celebrate the divinity of Christ while connecting with the Christ-like divinity within each of us. We are one soul, governed by the unchangeable energy of perfect love. Today, we see not ego and connect only on the level of our shared divinity. Here lies all power, all truth, all joy, all peace. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.