You can always cope with the now, but you can never cope with the future. Nor do you have to. (Eckhart Tolle)
The mind is filled with “what if” scenarios – thoughts, which are nothing more than the egoic mind projecting itself out into an imaginary future. You might worry all day and night, taking yourself through endless scenarios about what could be, might be, or should be. Or you could just stay present and fully respond to what is.
Everything real is in the present. The eternal, ongoing present is the field where everything happens. Allow your mind to take you away from reality, into delusions of the future and stories of the past, and you divert vital energy away from responding to what is real. This is like going through life with the disadvantage of being severely intoxicated – constantly hung-over by sleepless nights filled with useless thoughts, always drained by endless boring stories repeated to yourself and others.
Be here now and set yourself free to access all your power. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.