The world is about to be awakened.
How to deal with insanity and dysfunction.

There is a crack in the system.

While we live in a system that is designed to domesticate and enslave us through reward and punishment, the creators of this system have also given us the choice to be free. We need only understand what freedom is and it is ours.

Freedom of religion or belief started with the U.S. Constitution and has since become an international human right. The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads:


Religious freedom, including any form of spiritual belief system, is freedom. Freedom and consciousness is the same thing. A person cannot be free without spiritual awareness. That’s because a person who is not conscious is dominated by ego. A person who is dominated by the ego needs threats, punishments, laws, and centralized authority. In other words: social and economic systems were designed to protect us from the spiritually unaware.

In the 227 years since the First Amendment, we have failed to understand what freedom is and how to access it. Let me get very specific: if you are doing spiritual or religious work, then your organization is legally classified as a charitable or religious not-for-profit (in the United States, a 501(c)3). Under this classification, the organization is not subject to regular income / expense reporting, not subject to paying tax, and has the right to free speech and free assembly. You are essentially left alone by the government. 

In other words, the Consciousness Revolution has already been given full permission and legal status. We need only define faith and charity beyond the stale notion of passively sitting in a church once a week listening to a preacher.

I’ll get even more specific: now we declare a spirituality, religion (i.e. organization) that includes creative pursuit and service to others (karma yoga). The right to assemble includes the right to serve each other, even to transfer value between members of a group, to connect with and love each other without the threat of interference. Awareness of our true identity, our God-essence is the ultimate religion. We who are awakened are free to practice our faith.

A perfect example of this is the “I am” mobile app, which is currently under development. We have already been granted 501(c)3 status and our intention is to create the infrastructure for the consciousness revolution. The app removes the barriers between people, allowing us to connect freely and serve each other. It also includes a cryptocurrency to freely store / trade value, as well as daily spiritual teachings. This is full decentralization. The information revolution is about to give way to the consciousness revolution.

This is a shift away from religions of passive faith within a system of slavery. Now we escape the ego and claim the freedom that has been our legal right for hundreds of years.

Perhaps the ruling elite have long understood something that we are only just becoming aware of: a person who awakens has the right to be free. A fully-conscious person is not a threat to anyone and no longer need be bound by the institutions that others depend upon. We are perfect love, we are giving and creative, and freedom is our natural state. There is a crack in the system and the light is about to shine through. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.
