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April 2018

How to heal myself

Nothing can be created from beyond the mind. Illness, disease, and dysfunction arise from the mind and only appear to be of the body because this is the realm where physical observation is possible.

Only the mind can create, because spirit has already been created and the body is a learning device for the mind.

The body is merely a “learning device”, much as the world is also a field for learning. Creation cannot take place in the body, nor can it occur on the level of spirit. Spirit has already been created, whole and perfect. Nothing can threaten spirit and nothing can be added to it. Therefore:

Inducing the mind to give-up its mis-creations is the only application of creative ability that is truly meaningful.

Release the mind from fear to unleash the perfection of spirit. Fear—and any action arising from fear—is error. This is what must be corrected. The opposite of fear is love. Love—and any action arising from love—is the source of all miracles. Healing is therefore not a miracle; rather, it is the result of the miracle which has already occurred. The miracle is a mind absent of fear.

Whenever you are afraid, you are deceived.

Only when you are rid of fear are you are awakened. A mind without fear creates freedom, abundance, beauty and bliss. There are no sinners; only the fearful. Fear is merely an error and it is correctable. When the correction happens, the mind is a wonderful tool of creation. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.


How to deal with insanity and dysfunction.

In The Power of Now , Eckhart Tolle writes, “The study of madness isn’t enough to create sanity.” To the contrary, looking at madness moves one even more deeply into madness. By taking dysfunction seriously, you make it real.

He continues, “The mind, itself, is not dysfunctional. It is a wonderful tool. Dysfunction sets in when you seek yourself in it and mistake it for who you are.”

Who you are, of course, is the silent observer of your mind. You are the consciousness beyond the words, thoughts and form. Becoming aware of your real identity and learning to live from the perspective of consciousness is the path toward healing, health, happiness, meaning, truth, love, joy, peace, I can continue…but these are just words. What you want is to feel good, so look beyond the mind and you will find it. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.


Image by Petras Gagilas

There is a crack in the system.

While we live in a system that is designed to domesticate and enslave us through reward and punishment, the creators of this system have also given us the choice to be free. We need only understand what freedom is and it is ours.

Freedom of religion or belief started with the U.S. Constitution and has since become an international human right. The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads:


Religious freedom, including any form of spiritual belief system, is freedom. Freedom and consciousness is the same thing. A person cannot be free without spiritual awareness. That’s because a person who is not conscious is dominated by ego. A person who is dominated by the ego needs threats, punishments, laws, and centralized authority. In other words: social and economic systems were designed to protect us from the spiritually unaware.

In the 227 years since the First Amendment, we have failed to understand what freedom is and how to access it. Let me get very specific: if you are doing spiritual or religious work, then your organization is legally classified as a charitable or religious not-for-profit (in the United States, a 501(c)3). Under this classification, the organization is not subject to regular income / expense reporting, not subject to paying tax, and has the right to free speech and free assembly. You are essentially left alone by the government. 

In other words, the Consciousness Revolution has already been given full permission and legal status. We need only define faith and charity beyond the stale notion of passively sitting in a church once a week listening to a preacher.

I’ll get even more specific: now we declare a spirituality, religion (i.e. organization) that includes creative pursuit and service to others (karma yoga). The right to assemble includes the right to serve each other, even to transfer value between members of a group, to connect with and love each other without the threat of interference. Awareness of our true identity, our God-essence is the ultimate religion. We who are awakened are free to practice our faith.

A perfect example of this is the “I am” mobile app, which is currently under development. We have already been granted 501(c)3 status and our intention is to create the infrastructure for the consciousness revolution. The app removes the barriers between people, allowing us to connect freely and serve each other. It also includes a cryptocurrency to freely store / trade value, as well as daily spiritual teachings. This is full decentralization. The information revolution is about to give way to the consciousness revolution.

This is a shift away from religions of passive faith within a system of slavery. Now we escape the ego and claim the freedom that has been our legal right for hundreds of years.

Perhaps the ruling elite have long understood something that we are only just becoming aware of: a person who awakens has the right to be free. A fully-conscious person is not a threat to anyone and no longer need be bound by the institutions that others depend upon. We are perfect love, we are giving and creative, and freedom is our natural state. There is a crack in the system and the light is about to shine through. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.

The world is about to be awakened.

When we stop believing in the lies, unreality ends. We don’t need to fight nor defend against anything external. We each started as perfect and complete the moment we were born.

I am. You are. We are. All authority comes from within our already perfect and fully-complete selves.

Others falsely claim authority over you and you believe it. We live in a world that manipulates and controls us through punishments, rewards, and an ongoing stream of false promises and terrifying threats. We have learned well to distrust each other and to deny our authority over ourselves. Long ago, we have fallen. For the thousands of years since, humanity has been enslaved—but enslaved by nothing more than lies. Now we look within and we remember who we are.

More people than ever since the dawn of history are awakening. This is the consciousness revolution. Its truth and power comes from within. Truth requires no debate because it is self-evident. Now we have faith—which is nothing other than belief in self.

If something is true, it cannot be threatened or changed. Therefore, nothing can eliminate the truth that is inside your perfect, fully-complete self. Together we will find it and we will live there in faith.

The world is about to be awakened. When we stop believing in the lies, unreality ends. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.


How do I find myself?

As children, we wonder what we will be when we grow up. What will be our chosen profession? Will our dreams come true? Who will we fall in love with or marry? These are all fascinating questions, but the answers to these questions have nothing to do with who you are.

Eventually, you may even realize that there is no meaning in career or status. You might then become a “spiritual seeker”. You might travel to India to “find yourself”. While you may be embarking on a great adventure, and you may learn a great deal, it will not be possible to find yourself.


To look for yourself in the external world is to seek but never find. You cannot find yourself, you cannot “become complete” with the addition of anything. You already are yourself and you already are complete, right now. You’re already there and you’ve always been there. You are the consciousness, the observer of it all. No matter what happens in the external world of form, your true identity can never be threatened. You are.

We continue tomorrow and each day after that.

What is the Consciousness Revolution?

I searched Instagram for the following Tags and found 38,314,627 posts: #spiritual #spirituality #consciousness #awakening #meditation #enlightenment.

Something is happening here. More people than ever in human history are living in a state of spiritual awakening. This is a new phenomenon and the world is about to change in a profound way.

While consciousness is an inner state available to anyone who wants it in an instant, the Consciousness Revolution is a massive transformation of society. Today, we’re mostly just reading, talking, and starting to get to know each other—but the revolution happens when we form loving, harmonious relationships with the intention of doing things together. We will naturally create the tools, technologies, systems and infrastructure to facilitate and support this state of freedom and abundance we have discovered.

Humans, today, are not the final product. The Consciousness Revolution is the next stage of human evolution. Today, we obey a world ruled by the ego. While we have learned to live in an awakened state even in this world, our lives will be much more fulfilling and enjoyable after consciousness goes mainstream and social structures begin to reflect our awakened state. As of now, the world is still ruled by centralized systems and institutions. Humans continue to be conditioned, manipulated, and systematically exploited through the centralized power of the state and its legal system, corporations, schools, the media, churches. But a crack in this miserable world order has opened and the light is about to shine through.

The Consciousness Revolution involves the creation of decentralized systems connecting people—ending separation and setting us free to live in freedom and abundance on our own terms. These decentralized technologies are already being developed and used. The wide scale usage of blockchain technologies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies have shown that decentralization is possible. Many related startups, open source projects, and other collaborations are showing promise. One such example is the work of this author: a mobile app called “I am” by Infobeing ( which integrates all the infrastructure and tools needed to live in a decentralized state of freedom and abundance. The “I am” mobile app will be launched later this year. Who knows, it might even overtake Facebook.

Let’s enjoy this flowering of consciousness. Browsing these millions of inspired posts, connecting with beautiful people who are aligned in oneness—already perfect and complete. We know that it doesn’t really matter what happens in the world because the world isn’t real. Consciousness is what matters, not a revolution. We are not actually trying to change the world—or trying to do anything in particular. It’s just that, through us, heaven on Earth is about to emerge. We can just be ourselves, which is loving and creative. We are awake, we are fully-alive, and there is nothing to fear. We continue tomorrow and the day after that.

Paper Art by Zuzana Jurekova

Want to play the Ego Board Game?

A brilliant, yet obscure author called Kevin FitzMaurice recently published a book called Games Ego Plays. By describing the functioning of the ego as a board game, he has revealed a breakthrough new understanding the ego. The book, rather humorously, reads as an instruction manual for a board game. This Ego Board Game is played by individuals, governments, corporations, news services, movements, foundations, institutions, and groups of all types.

The game involves players switching among 6 different roles. You should read the book in its entirety, but for our immediate purposes I will summarize each of the roles that the ego plays (according to Kevin FitzMaurice). It is important to ask yourself whether you do any of these things. If so, you are projecting ego.

Everything that the ego is, and everything it does, is done from the same 6 positions or roles. The 6 positions of the Ego Game Board are as follows:

The egoBoardGame

1: Judge

The Judge decides who is in the Offender position and who belongs in the Victim position. The Judge decides whether to agree with the Defender or Prosecutor. If the Judge identifies a Victim, then he may turn the Victim over to the Jailer for punishment.

The ego reveals its Judge in statements like, “You shouldn’t have done that” or “You are guilty of hurting me”.

2: Jailer

The Jailer position of the Ego-Game Board enforces the consequences or punishments. The Jailer is given permission to jail the Offender whenever all parties agree with the Judge’s verdict. The ego reveals the Jailer in the form of a parent punishing a child for bad behavior, or in a spouse taking away the privacy of another spouse after an offense.

The Jailer’s role is to keep the Offender away from temptation, out of contact with Victims, and ideally provide a path to recovery. Most Jailers, however, aren’t great and can be overly cruel. They may even believe abuse is justified.

3: Prosecutor

Think of how an attorney tries to establish who the Offender is by proving who the Victim is. This is the Prosecutor, who uses language like, “How dare you…” or, “Do you think it is acceptable behavior to…”, or “You always lie to me, drink too much, flirt with people…”.

When a couple argues, it is typically an argument between the Prosecutor and the Defender who are frequently switching roles without ever agreeing on the Judge’s verdict. All form of argument and debate is meant to appeal to the Judge, who decides the winners and losers. But the Judge only has authority if both parties are willing to agree who the Judge is. If they do not agree on the Judge’s verdict, then the argument continues and can go on indefinitely.

It is also interesting to note that roles can be easily switched. The accused may either choose to play the role of Defender or he may switch to the Prosecutor role. Here is an example of a switch in roles,

Woman says: “How dare you get drunk again!”

Man responds: “I only drink because you are constantly yelling at me and shaming me.”

In this way, the man’s “move” on the game board is to try to assume the role of Victim and Prosecutor rather than that of Defender (which is where his wife wanted to put him). If the wife falls for it by defending herself as someone who doesn’t yell or shame, then she has assumed the role of Defender and the man’s move has been successful. If she ignores the accusation of “yelling at and shaming” him, then she maintains her role as Prosecutor and can carry-on being right.

Regardless of what either party does, neither will ever win any real victory. Sure, you can win the game. But it is just a game and has nothing to do with life. True victory can only be found when you stop playing the game and start living in Love.

4: Defender

To avoid ego games, don’t assume the role of Defender. FitzMaurice, in his work as a professional counselor, has routinely advised clients that, “In most circumstances it was not a good idea to defend, explain, or make excuses for their actions, because this would only initiate or continue a game.”

If you are attacked by a Prosecutor and refuse to play the Defender, then you are refusing to allow the Prosecutor the position being sought. Even when you are attacked, you can simply see that someone is trying to start an ego game with you. Respond to their pain, but do not start the game by attempting to defend yourself.

5: Offender

According to FitzMaurice, the Offender is the “mean, guilty person who has hurt some poor, helpless victim.” A great Offender attempts to turn the Victim into the Offender (see example of drunk man, above).

In the film American Beauty, Kevin Spacey’s character provides a great example of an Offender. In response to his wife assuming the roles of Jailer, Judge, Prosecutor, and Victim, he decides to stage a rebellion. He feels that his selfish, offending actions are justified because he sees himself as the Victim and is fed-up. The freedom he claims is not the freedom of Love; rather, the freedom to be an uncaring Offender.

Offensive behavior such as alcoholism, drug abuse, physical abuse, or cheating on a spouse is always the result of the Offender role. If you are living within the realm of the ego, you might believe that the offensive behavior is your path toward freedom. While you may achieve a certain degree of freedom, you will also cause a great deal of destruction.

As an Offender, you might believe that your actions are justified by the unfairness of your situation. The pleasure you get as an Offender is an intense form of ego-gratification—physical pleasure combined with the belief that your sin is justified.

6: Victim

The Victim is the person who uses a wrong as an excuse. The Victim acts helpless, weak, and hurt. A person stuck in the Victim role often chooses this identity for life. While a strong person may attempt to let go of the Victim role, a lazy or weak person seeks pleasure by attempting to get sympathy from friends and family and to generally be let off-the-hook. The problem is that, as with any of the roles, the pain and suffering will continue while you remain within the boundaries of the ego.

The ego game is a win-lose proposition. The winning positions are the Judge, Jailer and Prosecutor because they can assume “rightness”. The losing positions are Defender, Offender, and Victim because they are assumed to be either guilty or abused. In truth, the game does not produce a winner or loser because, for most people, the game never stops. It just draws you in further and eventually makes you crazy.

Interestingly, the ego game takes place between people but it also takes place as that voice inside our own monkey-minds. We have become so indoctrinated in the ways of the ego that the voice in our heads knows how to play all these roles. Most of us have become experts at turning this game against ourselves even when we don’t have anyone to play with.

This internal ego game is perhaps even more destructive than the ego games we play with others. The internal ego game is on-going, exhausting, and depressing. There can be no true happiness or fulfillment within the Ego-Game Board because there is no love. There is no heart, no soul, no empathy, no freedom, no justice, no giving, and no forgiveness. This ego game is often mistakenly referred to as “the real world” by miserable people. In truth, it is a game. There is nothing real about it.

For thousands of years, humans have been exploited and controlled in a grand ego game. From the youngest ages, we are conditioned to the ways of the ego by our schools, then in the workplace, also through our legal system, in church, in our appropriate-minded social interactions, and throughout every other part of society.

The ego game is so pervasive that it seems real—it seems like truth. I am here to tell you that it is all a lie. Love is truth and the ego is a lie. I have discovered the way to live outside of the ego. I have found that this is the only path toward happiness, fulfillment, success, bliss, and goodness. Love is the way. We continue tomorrow and each day after that.

“Ego is about the roller-coaster ride of pride and shame or superiority and inferiority. Ego keeps you in a relationship with others' images rather than in a relationship with other human beings.”

Games Ego Plays by Kevin FitzMaurice

How to overcome fear, anger, hatred, jealousy and pain

You've already experienced many moments of transformation. Imagine a moment you had that was filled with pure beauty and inspiration. The secret is that it is possible to live there.

Transformation is the letting go of emotions like fear, anger, hatred, jealousy and pain so that they can be replaced with emotions of love, passion, peace and inspiration.

As Deepak Chopra writes, “If it weren’t for the enormous effort we put into denial, repression and doubt, life would be a constant revelation.” Awakening is simply the letting go of those habits which prevent the truth of who you are to come to the surface. The requirements are simple and easy: 1) the belief that transformation is possible and desirable, and 2) a daily practice of meditation and reading that requires only minimal time and effort.

Read or listen to The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life by Deepak Chopra

More quotes from the book:

As proud children of science and reason, we have made ourselves the orphan of wisdom.

You are a book of secrets waiting to be opened.

Today, notice the beauty around you for just a moment. We continue tomorrow, and each day after that.


This works better than Adderall & Ritalin

Users of Adderall and Ritalin claim that the drug takes them to a focused, Zen-like state. High-performers are tempted to use the drug to get an edge over the competition. But there is something that works even better to take you to that Zen-like state. This is the pure stuff. It is called Zen.

This works better than adderall  Ritalin

Not only does Zen come without side-effects, it offers the following benefits over both drugs and placebo:

  • The perfect combination of never-ending calmness, focus, and energy.
  • Improved ability to love others—which may cause increased health, happiness, and abundance.
  • Your work is focused only on what matters and problems get solved without effort. You are effortlessly able to channel a higher intelligence than your own.
  • Improved relationships with other people. Zero conflict and an endless state of calm.
  • Plenty of free time because your focus is effortless shifted to what matters most.
  • No burn-out, no sleepless nights, no fear, no coming down.

If you think this is an exaggeration, try it for yourself. It works on adults and kids too. When you begin to meditate, you will find that you can get more done when in a calm state. By remaining at the center of the wheel, you can solve problems because you aren’t afraid of your problems. Basically, you stop doing those stupid, emotional things that undermine your relationships and cause problems in your life.

Zen is just another word for transformation, enlightenment, salvation, consciousness, or awakening. As is written in the Tao Te Ching, “There are names but not nature in words.” In other words, there are different names for the same thing.

It doesn’t matter what you call it, but true Zen can’t be found in a drug or in therapy. It requires meditation, not medication. It doesn’t matter what kind of meditation you do—it can even be guided meditation (those recordings of a calm voice guiding you through it). Give meditation a few weeks. At first, you won’t know if it is working and you may not notice any changes. But, in time, your whole state of being changes—especially when combined with a daily learning practice. We will continue tomorrow and in the days after that.

Be still while you work

And keep full control

Over all.

-Tao Te Ching, Lao Tsu

Image taken from the Netflix documentary that inspired this post called “Take Your Pills”