Progessive politics in a deMOCKracy
Something is fundamentally different since this sham election. With the full recognition that the
In a true democracy, government power stems from the
citizens…and those citizens feel a clear responsibility for policies that have
gone awry. However, in a demockracy, the
citizens aren’t at all responsible for the actions of the government because
they have no control over it. The
With the full realization that this system is a sham, I
think a lot of us also feel strangely relieved. We did everything within the confines of the
rules to stop the catastrophic reality that surely is to come. But as truth-seekers, we now have to admit to ourselves that we
never stood a chance. The Ruling Elites
had different plans and they were never about to let us have a say.
For subjects of a demockracy, Progressive political beliefs have little value beyond the extent to which those beliefs are directly incorporated into our personal lives. We should focus our energies toward things we can actually influence. We should let go of a lot of the guilt we have felt because, indeed, much of that guilt has to do with matters over which we have no control.
It is time for Progressives to get real – not to give in, but make sure our beliefs actually fit the reality in which we actually exist.