The psychopaths in our lives; what can be done?

There are people in your life who are never wrong. With the blame for everything being external, there is this total commitment to being right.

This common and powerful delusion is caused by a total service to ego identity. Lacking faith in anything other than their own ego, admitting any form of imperfection feels akin to self-destruction. 

Ego-centeredness (self-centerdness) destroys relationships by making everyone wrong and guilty. To defend against the perceived threat of ego-frailty, no insult or attack is too great. Everyone around must be made lesser for them to feel superior. The problem is also clear at work. These people are very difficult to employ because they take no accountability. It's everyone else's fault and to suggest anything else is perceived as a personal attack. 

Yet how they insult, attack, and cause drama yet none of it is this seen as a mistake. Apology and course-correction is impossible. Kindness is also impossible because there is always a negotiation in play to take and get more. To this type of person, there is only one goal: building up a grandiose ego identity. It doesn't matter if they know nothing about a particular topic, they are the expert. Doesn't matter if their relationships are a disaster, it's someone else's fault. The company is losing money, blame a colleague or even the customers. The rest of us only exist to validate their need to make their own egos more important than anything else in life.

When you think about it, this is psychopathic behavior. Common, but psychopathic nonetheless. As a wife or husband, their partners are made to live in guilt, fear, and trauma. As a parent, children are used to build up their own image of success. All of life becomes a game to look important, rich, attractive, smarter, more well-travelled, whatever it may be--and to this individual, those attributes where they see themselves as strong are all that matter. 

What can be done to change such a person? Nothing, really. So fixated on this one goal, they would sacrifice anyone, anything, or any situation at the altar of their own ego. If you confront the person, they will either cut you out of their life or claim to need more time to work on it. They will claim that they are doing better, working on it, making progress. Yet the same behaviors continue, and nothing really changes because the thought assumptions haven't changed. 

When we humble ourselves and realize that we are not special, life opens up, flows, and feels lighter. Love becomes our natural, uninterrupted state. When ego thoughts subside, we serve higher ideals. We value who and what we have. We serve. We take care of ourselves and look within, accepting that there will always be problems in the external world but none of it is actually real.

But the determined, inflexible psychopath will never choose to change. They are blind to life's beautiful dimensions that can only be found if and when they do.

Sacrifice of ego-identity is ultimately a personal choice and only tends to happen when there is a crisis. But even then, most people don't make the transition. The most difficult thing to understand is that there is no changing a psychopath. You can only stop playing their games, work on your own spiritual development, and accept the consequence that you are likely going to lose the person. As difficult as this is, the cost of sacrificing your life on the altar of someone else's ego is too great. 

Perfect love is possible, both within yourself and when shared with another similar person. Do not fear psychopaths, play by their rules, and sacrifice this eternal present moment for the benefits of any arrangement or situation. God and reality, itself, have something superior for you beyond the bounds of ego.

Learning to breathe

After my 50 years in this world, yesterday I finally learned how to breathe. 

For some time now, I have been struggling with low energy. My eyes were almost always tired, my vision blurry, and I constantly wanted to close my eyes. By the end of the day, I felt lousy and oftentimes drank too much just to feel good in the evening (which, of course, compounds the problem at the start of the next day).

I tried everything to improve this, but nothing seemed to work. Then yesterday, I watched a few videos by Dr. Ekberg, who offers a new perspective on health.

Another health issue I've had my entire life is high blood pressure. At least the doctors would tell me it's a problem, but I would never take their prescriptions because I simply don't believe pharma is the path to healing. Thankfully, Dr. Ekberg has found an approach that works. Learning to breathe properly. 

In this video, he explains proper breathing as the way to heal from high blood pressure and a improve overall health. I had been taking short, shallow breaths. I was not inhaling properly or exhaling properly. As a result, I was not getting enough oxygen (the inhale) and was not regulating blood pressure (the exhale).

He suggests, in the video, that you try this method for 5-10 minutes per day for 6 months. This is enough time to make proper breathing an unconscious habit. In my case, I started yesterday and have yet to go back to my old breathing pattern.

I feel like a new man. My eyes are great. I feel relaxed. I feel more energy, throughout the day, then I can remember feeling. Proper breathing is a cornerstone to good health. It blows my mind that I have never been taught how to breathe. Thank you, Dr. Ekberg, for everything you are teaching. All of it is true.  


Everything going on right now with Trump...Elon Musk, Vivek, Gaetz and what they are about to unleash...this is exactly what we MAGA voted for. Let's go!

President Donald Trump and beyond!

My support of Donald Trump, MAGA / MEGA, and the truther movement began a few weeks after the COVID scam started. Or maybe it began growing up in Ronald Reagan's America, where we were taught the values of freedom, decency, and what it means to be an American.

I left my beloved country nearly 20 years ago because I had recognized that the country I loved no longer lived up to its principles. I knew that it, along with the entire world, was controlled by a sinister elite / cabal and, at the time, I believed that there was nothing anyone could do to fight back. I knew that every institution had been compromised.

Our education was designed to enslave us. We had poisonous healthcare and a food supply to extract our money while slowly killing us. Entertainment, though far better back then than it is today, was propaganda and garbage. Our politicians on both sides of the isle were clearly corrupt, war-mongering criminals.

I researched it all, tried to tell people about the lies surrounding 9/11 and the Iraq war, I protested...this all went on for years until I eventually realized that there was really nothing that I could do about any of it other than to live a life of truth and to claim my own freedom.

So, I moved to Europe and enjoyed life without paying much attention to politics. Then the COVID scam began, and I recognized the seriousness of what was happening. To this day, I see it is as probably the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetuated. I lost faith in humanity because almost everyone went along with it. All the "cool" indie musicians I followed were no longer cool. Everyone stepped in line, though my wife and I knew the truth and did not comply with any of it.

It was actually my brother and my mom who started telling me about the sinister plan to kill off humanity with the death jab. I spent my time on Gab, on Telegram, and did my best to understand what was going on. The child trafficking, the adrenochrome, all of it. Yet, because of my unshakable spiritual faith, I did not give in to fear.

Then I came across Q and the connection to Trump. I grew to support Trump for the simple reason that, for the first time in decades, I became convinced that it was possible that the good guys might actually defeat the evil that has been running this world for hundreds or thousands of years. If nothing else, I saw it as the last best hope and was drawn in.

Though I watched the stollen 2020 election and the world fall more deeply into communism and darkness, I never really doubted that the Q movement was real and that they were going to save the world. I knew all along that Trump stood for freedom, truth, and good. I knew that he was part of a strong team, comprised of military generals and others like Elon Musk. I knew that Biden was an actor, that the military was really in control and the whole thing was a sting operation to catch the bad guys.

When COVID tyranny ended, I knew that the white hats were in charge. This couldn't have happened unless the good guys were winning. Then I watched the good guys win the election and regain power in Slovakia. It was clear that somebody was fighting the cabal and that the good guys were starting to win. 

Now when you consider Trump's landslide victory, know that this is no normal election. The majority of the people who voted for him support him for exactly the same reasons as me. We also know what is coming next. The hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments will be unsealed. Pizzagate will be exposed. Diddy, Epstein, and we will know how 99% of Washington and Hollywood are involved. They are all going down--but only those who are guilty of unspeakable crimes.

Trump supporters are not afraid of this movement because we are not guilty. Yes, we are all sinners. Nobody is perfect. But I never did anything that really harmed anyone. The MAGA movement is based on moral and spiritual principles. We love humanity enough to fight for a better world. We want our children to grow up in love, truth, freedom and prosperity. We want the lies to end, the wars, the sickness, murder and destruction. We want the technologies that have been hidden from us. We want income tax theft to end. We want the lies exposed and the truth brought to life, however difficult that may be to deal with.

Now this movement has just 2 more years before the next election and the goal is clear: to create a world where the sick, satanic cabal can never abuse us and control us again. This will require dramatic and drastic changes. We are not afraid. We are ready. 

I truly do not understand people who cannot see this. Open your mind. Open your heart. Know that everything is going to be okay unless your values are egoic and satanic. The time has come for humility and deeper understanding. Nothing is as it seems and nothing can stop what is coming. 

How to not care what people think of you

Some people say that they don't care what people think. I truly mean it.

To care what anyone else thinks is to give them control over your life. It also adds layers of confusion into your thinking. One person might react this way, another that way.

How can you be sure what to do or say? How can you even know what anyone is thinking or if they are even thinking of you at all?

Better to care what you think and believe about yourself.

  • Am I being loving?
  • Generous?
  • Forgiving?
  • Honest?
  • Am I willing to tell a necessary truth?
  • Am I fighting for a better future for my children and grandchildren?
  • Am I creating value at work and doing the job I am paid to do?
  • Am I fair to everyone, even my enemies?
  • Do I see myself as an equal to all brothers and sisters?
  • Do I generally want to make people feel good and set them free?
  • Do I feel good and am I happy?
  • Am I in a state of internal peace?

When I can answer those questions to my satisfaction, I don't care how anyone else reacts to me.

Your thoughts and reactions are about you, while I am free. I am good. I welcome anyone and everyone with open arms if there is respect going both ways.

But if you are the kind of person who cares what people's what I do think of you: if you seek these types of positive ideals, you have my admiration! To the extent that you fall short in terms of basic human values, I hope and pray for a change of heart. What are you doing with your life? You aren't shining your truth. You can do so much better, and your life could be wonderful. As it is, I don't think you are happy. You are suffering.

Now stop caring what I think and fix that. You are capable of healing yourself and fixing your world in love, truth, and freedom. The real truth about you is that you were born perfect and remain so. 

Check out this totally inspired 3D paper art: Paper Art Factory

So, there is this incredible woman who is always creating something beautiful. Her taste is impeccable, and inspiration is limitless. Okay, she's my wife, but it's true!!!

Her name is Zuzana Jurekova and check out some of her handmade paper art.




She's been paper quilling since high school, but her recent work is on a different level.




She has a bunch of pre-made framed pieces in stock and also creates custom pieces for weddings, business events, or for your children's room.




You can purchase beautiful handmade art like this from the website:


Here's the perfect bra for women with small breasts: Honest Underneath

I'm so proud of my wife, Zuzana, for running with an idea we had years ago and now launching the world's best bra for women with small or even tiny breasts. After countless designs and redesigns, after the arduous process of finding all the materials, finding a local manufacturer, the model shoots, the website...

Check out what she has created!!!


I don't know about other guys, but I've always been super attracted to women with small breasts. I can't believe anyone would even consider breast augmentation when what you were born with is so absolutely perfect.

Here's a pic of my stunning wife wearing the bra and panty she designed.



Other bras are designed for a B cup and then they just shrink the design down. The problem is that small breasts are a totally different shape than large ones. The curves are different. So flatter-chested women end up wearing bras with empty space...or maybe going with a sports bra. But why should the most attractive women of all have to settle for a bra that doesn't fit or feel as though there is no lacy, sexy option?




Of course, the other option is wearing no bra at all, which is fine. But then there is no nipple coverage. It's too revealing for work or other formal settings. 

The bras come in size A, AA, and AAA. There's a sizing chart on the website ( and it comes in three colors. If this is your figure, there's nothing on the market like it. Give it a try!